use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.ssl.GridSslContextFactory in project ignite by apache.
the class GridTcpRestProtocol method start.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void start(final GridRestProtocolHandler hnd) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert hnd != null;
ConnectorConfiguration cfg = ctx.config().getConnectorConfiguration();
assert cfg != null;
lsnr = new GridTcpRestNioListener(log, this, hnd, ctx);
GridNioParser parser = new GridTcpRestParser(false, ctx.marshallerContext().jdkMarshaller());
try {
host = resolveRestTcpHost(ctx.config());
SSLContext sslCtx = null;
if (cfg.isSslEnabled()) {
Factory<SSLContext> igniteFactory = ctx.config().getSslContextFactory();
Factory<SSLContext> factory = cfg.getSslFactory();
// This factory deprecated and will be removed.
GridSslContextFactory depFactory = cfg.getSslContextFactory();
if (factory == null && depFactory == null && igniteFactory == null)
// Thrown SSL exception instead of IgniteCheckedException for writing correct warning message into log.
throw new SSLException("SSL is enabled, but SSL context factory is not specified.");
if (factory != null)
sslCtx = factory.create();
else if (depFactory != null)
sslCtx = depFactory.createSslContext();
sslCtx = igniteFactory.create();
int startPort = cfg.getPort();
int portRange = cfg.getPortRange();
int lastPort = portRange == 0 ? startPort : startPort + portRange - 1;
for (int port0 = startPort; port0 <= lastPort; port0++) {
if (startTcpServer(host, port0, lsnr, parser, sslCtx, cfg)) {
port = port0;
if (log.isInfoEnabled());
U.warn(log, "Failed to start TCP binary REST server (possibly all ports in range are in use) " + "[firstPort=" + cfg.getPort() + ", lastPort=" + lastPort + ", host=" + host + ']');
} catch (SSLException e) {
U.warn(log, "Failed to start " + name() + " protocol on port " + port + ". Check if SSL context factory " + "is properly configured: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
U.warn(log, "Failed to start " + name() + " protocol on port " + port + ". " + "Check restTcpHost configuration property: " + e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.ssl.GridSslContextFactory in project ignite by apache.
the class GridTcpRouterImpl method start.
* Starts router.
* @throws IgniteException If failed.
public void start() throws IgniteException {
try {
client = createClient(cfg);
} catch (GridClientException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to initialise embedded client.", e);
GridNioServerListener<GridClientMessage> lsnr = new GridTcpRouterNioListenerOsImpl(log, client);
parser = new GridTcpRouterNioParser();
final InetAddress hostAddr;
try {
hostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(cfg.getHost());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to resolve grid address for configured host: " + cfg.getHost(), e);
SSLContext sslCtx;
try {
GridSslContextFactory sslCtxFactory = cfg.getSslContextFactory();
sslCtx = sslCtxFactory == null ? null : sslCtxFactory.createSslContext();
} catch (SSLException e) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to create SSL context.", e);
for (int port = cfg.getPort(), last = port + cfg.getPortRange(); port <= last; port++) {
if (startTcpServer(hostAddr, port, lsnr, parser, cfg.isNoDelay(), sslCtx, cfg.isSslClientAuth(), cfg.isSslClientAuth())) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"TCP router successfully started for endpoint: " + hostAddr.getHostAddress() + ":" + port);
bindPort = port;
bindHost = hostAddr.getHostName();
} else
U.warn(log, "TCP REST router failed to start on endpoint: " + hostAddr.getHostAddress() + ":" + port + ". Will try next port within allowed port range.");
if (bindPort == 0)
throw new IgniteException("Failed to bind TCP router server (possibly all ports in range " + "are in use) [firstPort=" + cfg.getPort() + ", lastPort=" + (cfg.getPort() + cfg.getPortRange()) + ", addr=" + hostAddr + ']');
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.ssl.GridSslContextFactory in project ignite by apache.
the class ClientAbstractMultiNodeSelfTest method getConfiguration.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected IgniteConfiguration getConfiguration(String igniteInstanceName) throws Exception {
IgniteConfiguration c = super.getConfiguration(igniteInstanceName);
assert c.getConnectorConfiguration() == null;
if (restEnabled) {
ConnectorConfiguration clientCfg = new ConnectorConfiguration();
GridSslContextFactory sslCtxFactory = sslContextFactory();
if (sslCtxFactory != null) {
TestCommunicationSpi spi = new TestCommunicationSpi();
c.setCacheConfiguration(cacheConfiguration(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME), cacheConfiguration(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME), cacheConfiguration(REPLICATED_CACHE_NAME), cacheConfiguration(REPLICATED_ASYNC_CACHE_NAME));
return c;