use of org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdAllocator.FLAG_DATA in project ignite by apache.
the class SnapshotPartitionsVerifyHandler method invoke.
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map<PartitionKeyV2, PartitionHashRecordV2> invoke(SnapshotHandlerContext opCtx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
SnapshotMetadata meta = opCtx.metadata();
Set<Integer> grps = F.isEmpty(opCtx.groups()) ? new HashSet<>(meta.partitions().keySet()) : opCtx.groups().stream().map(CU::cacheId).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<File> partFiles = new HashSet<>();
IgniteSnapshotManager snpMgr = cctx.snapshotMgr();
for (File dir : snpMgr.snapshotCacheDirectories(meta.snapshotName(), meta.folderName())) {
int grpId = CU.cacheId(cacheGroupName(dir));
if (!grps.remove(grpId))
Set<Integer> parts = meta.partitions().get(grpId) == null ? Collections.emptySet() : new HashSet<>(meta.partitions().get(grpId));
for (File part : cachePartitionFiles(dir)) {
int partId = partId(part.getName());
if (!parts.remove(partId))
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IgniteException("Snapshot data doesn't contain required cache group partition " + "[grpId=" + grpId + ", snpName=" + meta.snapshotName() + ", consId=" + meta.consistentId() + ", missed=" + parts + ", meta=" + meta + ']');
if (!grps.isEmpty()) {
throw new IgniteException("Snapshot data doesn't contain required cache groups " + "[grps=" + grps + ", snpName=" + meta.snapshotName() + ", consId=" + meta.consistentId() + ", meta=" + meta + ']');
Map<PartitionKeyV2, PartitionHashRecordV2> res = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer> buff = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(meta.pageSize()).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()));
GridKernalContext snpCtx = snpMgr.createStandaloneKernalContext(meta.snapshotName(), meta.folderName());
for (GridComponent comp : snpCtx) comp.start();
try {
U.doInParallel(snpMgr.snapshotExecutorService(), partFiles, part -> {
String grpName = cacheGroupName(part.getParentFile());
int grpId = CU.cacheId(grpName);
int partId = partId(part.getName());
FilePageStoreManager storeMgr = (FilePageStoreManager) cctx.pageStore();
try (FilePageStore pageStore = (FilePageStore) storeMgr.getPageStoreFactory(grpId, false).createPageStore(getTypeByPartId(partId), part::toPath, val -> {
})) {
if (partId == INDEX_PARTITION) {
checkPartitionsPageCrcSum(() -> pageStore, INDEX_PARTITION, FLAG_IDX);
return null;
if (grpId == MetaStorage.METASTORAGE_CACHE_ID) {
checkPartitionsPageCrcSum(() -> pageStore, partId, FLAG_DATA);
return null;
ByteBuffer pageBuff = buff.get();
pageBuff.clear();, pageBuff, true);
long pageAddr = GridUnsafe.bufferAddress(pageBuff);
PagePartitionMetaIO io = PageIO.getPageIO(pageBuff);
GridDhtPartitionState partState = fromOrdinal(io.getPartitionState(pageAddr));
if (partState != OWNING) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Snapshot partitions must be in the OWNING " + "state only: " + partState);
long updateCntr = io.getUpdateCounter(pageAddr);
long size = io.getSize(pageAddr);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Partition [grpId=" + grpId + ", id=" + partId + ", counter=" + updateCntr + ", size=" + size + "]");
// Snapshot partitions must always be in OWNING state.
// There is no `primary` partitions for snapshot.
PartitionKeyV2 key = new PartitionKeyV2(grpId, partId, grpName);
PartitionHashRecordV2 hash = calculatePartitionHash(key, updateCntr, meta.consistentId(), GridDhtPartitionState.OWNING, false, size, snpMgr.partitionRowIterator(snpCtx, grpName, partId, pageStore));
assert hash != null : "OWNING must have hash: " + key;
res.put(key, hash);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException(e);
return null;
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Error executing handler: ", t);
throw t;
} finally {
for (GridComponent comp : snpCtx) comp.stop(true);
return res;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdAllocator.FLAG_DATA in project ignite by apache.
the class PagesPossibleCorruptionDiagnosticTest method filePageStore.
* @param ignite Ignite instance.
* @param partId Partition id.
* @return File page store for given partition id.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private FilePageStore filePageStore(IgniteEx ignite, int partId) throws IgniteCheckedException {
final PdsFolderSettings folderSettings = ignite.context().pdsFolderResolver().resolveFolders();
File storeWorkDir = new File(folderSettings.persistentStoreRootPath(), folderSettings.folderName());
File cacheWorkDir = new File(storeWorkDir, CACHE_DIR_PREFIX + DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
File partFile = new File(cacheWorkDir, format(PART_FILE_TEMPLATE, partId));
return (FilePageStore) storeFactory.createPageStore(FLAG_DATA, partFile, a -> {