Search in sources :

Example 1 with GridDhtCacheEntry

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry in project ignite by apache.

the class GridDhtAtomicCache method updatePartialBatch.

 * @param hasNear {@code True} if originating node has near cache.
 * @param firstEntryIdx Index of the first entry in the request keys collection.
 * @param entries Entries to update.
 * @param ver Version to set.
 * @param nearNode Originating node.
 * @param writeVals Write values.
 * @param putMap Values to put.
 * @param rmvKeys Keys to remove.
 * @param entryProcessorMap Entry processors.
 * @param dhtFut DHT update future if has backups.
 * @param req Request.
 * @param res Response.
 * @param replicate Whether replication is enabled.
 * @param batchRes Batch update result.
 * @param taskName Task name.
 * @param expiry Expiry policy.
 * @param sndPrevVal If {@code true} sends previous value to backups.
 * @return Deleted entries.
private GridDhtAtomicAbstractUpdateFuture updatePartialBatch(final boolean hasNear, final int firstEntryIdx, final List<GridDhtCacheEntry> entries, final GridCacheVersion ver, final ClusterNode nearNode, @Nullable final List<CacheObject> writeVals, @Nullable final Map<KeyCacheObject, CacheObject> putMap, @Nullable final Collection<KeyCacheObject> rmvKeys, @Nullable final Map<KeyCacheObject, EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Object>> entryProcessorMap, @Nullable GridDhtAtomicAbstractUpdateFuture dhtFut, final GridNearAtomicAbstractUpdateRequest req, final GridNearAtomicUpdateResponse res, final boolean replicate, final DhtAtomicUpdateResult batchRes, final String taskName, @Nullable final IgniteCacheExpiryPolicy expiry, final boolean sndPrevVal) {
    assert putMap == null ^ rmvKeys == null;
    assert req.conflictVersions() == null : "Cannot be called when there are conflict entries in the batch.";
    AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = req.topologyVersion();
    CacheStorePartialUpdateException storeErr = null;
    try {
        GridCacheOperation op;
        if (putMap != null) {
            try {
                Map<? extends KeyCacheObject, IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion>> view = F.viewReadOnly(putMap, new C1<CacheObject, IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion>>() {

                    public IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion> apply(CacheObject val) {
                        return F.t(val, ver);
      , view);
            } catch (CacheStorePartialUpdateException e) {
                storeErr = e;
            op = UPDATE;
        } else {
            try {
      , rmvKeys);
            } catch (CacheStorePartialUpdateException e) {
                storeErr = e;
            op = DELETE;
        boolean intercept = ctx.config().getInterceptor() != null;
        AffinityAssignment affAssignment = ctx.affinity().assignment(topVer);
        // Avoid iterator creation.
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
            GridDhtCacheEntry entry = entries.get(i);
            assert entry.lockedByCurrentThread();
            if (entry.obsolete()) {
                assert req.operation() == DELETE : "Entry can become obsolete only after remove: " + entry;
            if (storeErr != null && storeErr.failedKeys().contains(entry.key().value(ctx.cacheObjectContext(), false)))
            try {
                // We are holding java-level locks on entries at this point.
                CacheObject writeVal = op == UPDATE ? writeVals.get(i) : null;
                assert writeVal != null || op == DELETE : "null write value found.";
                // Get readers before innerUpdate (reader cleared after remove).
                GridDhtCacheEntry.ReaderId[] readers = entry.readersLocked();
                GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult updRes = entry.innerUpdate(ver,, locNodeId, op, writeVal, null, /*write-through*/
                false, /*read-through*/
                false, /*retval*/
                sndPrevVal, req.keepBinary(), expiry, /*event*/
                true, /*metrics*/
                true, /*primary*/
                true, /*verCheck*/
                false, topVer, null, replicate ? DR_PRIMARY : DR_NONE, CU.TTL_NOT_CHANGED, CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE, null, /*conflict resolve*/
                false, /*intercept*/
                false, req.subjectId(), taskName, null, null, dhtFut);
                assert !updRes.success() || updRes.newTtl() == CU.TTL_NOT_CHANGED || expiry != null : "success=" + updRes.success() + ", newTtl=" + updRes.newTtl() + ", expiry=" + expiry;
                if (intercept) {
                    if (op == UPDATE) {
                        ctx.config().getInterceptor().onAfterPut(new CacheLazyEntry(ctx, entry.key(), updRes.newValue(), req.keepBinary()));
                    } else {
                        assert op == DELETE : op;
                        // Old value should be already loaded for 'CacheInterceptor.onBeforeRemove'.
                        ctx.config().getInterceptor().onAfterRemove(new CacheLazyEntry(ctx, entry.key(), updRes.oldValue(), req.keepBinary()));
                batchRes.addDeleted(entry, updRes, entries);
                if (dhtFut != null) {
                    EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Object> entryProcessor = entryProcessorMap == null ? null : entryProcessorMap.get(entry.key());
                    dhtFut.addWriteEntry(affAssignment, entry, writeVal, entryProcessor, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE, null, sndPrevVal, updRes.oldValue(), updRes.updateCounter());
                    if (readers != null)
                        dhtFut.addNearWriteEntries(nearNode, readers, entry, writeVal, entryProcessor, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                if (hasNear) {
                    if (!ctx.affinity().partitionBelongs(nearNode, entry.partition(), topVer)) {
                        int idx = firstEntryIdx + i;
                        if (req.operation() == TRANSFORM) {
                            res.addNearValue(idx, writeVal, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                        } else
                            res.addNearTtl(idx, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                        if (writeVal != null || entry.hasValue()) {
                            IgniteInternalFuture<Boolean> f = entry.addReader(, req.messageId(), topVer);
                            assert f == null : f;
                    } else if (GridDhtCacheEntry.ReaderId.contains(readers, {
                        // Reader became primary or backup.
                        entry.removeReader(, req.messageId());
                    } else
                        res.addSkippedIndex(firstEntryIdx + i);
            } catch (GridCacheEntryRemovedException e) {
                assert false : "Entry cannot become obsolete while holding lock.";
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
        res.addFailedKeys(putMap != null ? putMap.keySet() : rmvKeys, e);
    if (storeErr != null) {
        ArrayList<KeyCacheObject> failed = new ArrayList<>(storeErr.failedKeys().size());
        for (Object failedKey : storeErr.failedKeys()) failed.add(ctx.toCacheKeyObject(failedKey));
        res.addFailedKeys(failed, storeErr.getCause());
    return dhtFut;
Also used : CacheLazyEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheLazyEntry) AffinityAssignment(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityAssignment) IgniteBiTuple(org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IgniteCheckedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException) GridCacheEntryRemovedException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheEntryRemovedException) CacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) AffinityTopologyVersion(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion) GridDhtCacheEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry) CacheStorePartialUpdateException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheStorePartialUpdateException) CacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) GridTimeoutObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.timeout.GridTimeoutObject) GridCacheOperation(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheOperation) GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 2 with GridDhtCacheEntry

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry in project ignite by apache.

the class GridDhtLocalPartition method clearAll.

 * Removes all entries and rows from this partition.
 * @return Number of rows cleared from page memory.
 * @throws NodeStoppingException If node stopping.
protected long clearAll(EvictionContext evictionCtx) throws NodeStoppingException {
    long order = clearVer;
    GridCacheVersion clearVer = ctx.versions().startVersion();
    GridCacheObsoleteEntryExtras extras = new GridCacheObsoleteEntryExtras(clearVer);
    boolean rec = grp.eventRecordable(EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_OBJECT_UNLOADED);
    long cleared = 0;
    int stopCntr = 0;
    CacheMapHolder hld = grp.sharedGroup() ? null : singleCacheEntryMap;
    boolean recoveryMode = ctx.kernalContext().recoveryMode();
    try {
        // because atomic and transactional caches use different partition counters implementation.
        if (state() == MOVING && !recoveryMode && grp.walEnabled() && grp.config().getAtomicityMode() == ATOMIC)
            ctx.wal().log(new PartitionClearingStartRecord(id, grp.groupId(), order));
        GridIterator<CacheDataRow> it0 = grp.offheap().partitionIterator(id);
        while (it0.hasNext()) {
            if ((stopCntr = (stopCntr + 1) & 1023) == 0 && evictionCtx.shouldStop())
                return cleared;
            try {
                CacheDataRow row =;
                // Do not clear fresh rows in case of partition reloading.
                // This is required because normal updates are possible to moving partition which is currently cleared.
                // We can clean OWNING partition if a partition has been reset from lost state.
                // In this case new updates must be preserved.
                // Partition state can be switched from RENTING to MOVING and vice versa during clearing.
                long order0 = row.version().order();
                if ((state() == MOVING || recoveryMode) && (order0 == 0 || /**
                 * Inserted by isolated updater.
                order0 > order))
                if (grp.sharedGroup() && (hld == null || hld.cctx.cacheId() != row.cacheId()))
                    hld = cacheMapHolder(ctx.cacheContext(row.cacheId()));
                assert hld != null;
                GridCacheMapEntry cached = putEntryIfObsoleteOrAbsent(hld, hld.cctx, grp.affinity().lastVersion(), row.key(), true, true);
                assert cached != null : "Expecting the reservation " + this;
                if (cached.deleted())
                if (cached instanceof GridDhtCacheEntry && ((GridDhtCacheEntry) cached).clearInternal(clearVer, extras)) {
                    if (rec && !hld.cctx.config().isEventsDisabled()) {
              , cached.key(), ctx.localNodeId(), null, null, null, EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_OBJECT_UNLOADED, null, false, cached.rawGet(), cached.hasValue(), null, null, false);
            } catch (GridDhtInvalidPartitionException e) {
                assert isEmpty() && state() == EVICTED : "Invalid error [e=" + e + ", part=" + this + ']';
                // Partition is already concurrently cleared and evicted.
            } finally {
        if (forceTestCheckpointOnEviction) {
            if (partWhereTestCheckpointEnforced == null && cleared >= fullSize()) {
                log.warning("Forced checkpoint by test reasons for partition: " + this);
                partWhereTestCheckpointEnforced = id;
        // Attempt to destroy.
        if (!recoveryMode)
            ((GridDhtPreloader) grp.preloader()).tryFinishEviction(this);
    } catch (NodeStoppingException e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Failed to get iterator for evicted partition: " + id);
        throw e;
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
        U.error(log, "Failed to get iterator for evicted partition: " + id, e);
    return cleared;
Also used : CacheDataRow(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CacheDataRow) NodeStoppingException(org.apache.ignite.internal.NodeStoppingException) GridCacheVersion(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.version.GridCacheVersion) PartitionClearingStartRecord(org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.record.PartitionClearingStartRecord) GridDhtCacheEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry) IgniteCheckedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException) GridCacheObsoleteEntryExtras(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.extras.GridCacheObsoleteEntryExtras) GridCacheMapEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheMapEntry)

Example 3 with GridDhtCacheEntry

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry in project ignite by apache.

the class GridCacheContext method map.

 * @param entry Entry.
 * @param nodes Nodes.
 * @param map Map.
private void map(GridDhtCacheEntry entry, Iterable<ClusterNode> nodes, Map<ClusterNode, List<GridDhtCacheEntry>> map) {
    if (nodes != null) {
        for (ClusterNode n : nodes) {
            List<GridDhtCacheEntry> entries = map.get(n);
            if (entries == null)
                map.put(n, entries = new LinkedList<>());
Also used : ClusterNode(org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode) GridDhtCacheEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry)

Example 4 with GridDhtCacheEntry

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry in project ignite by apache.

the class GridDhtAtomicCache method updatePartialBatch.

 * @param hasNear {@code True} if originating node has near cache.
 * @param firstEntryIdx Index of the first entry in the request keys collection.
 * @param entries Entries to update.
 * @param ver Version to set.
 * @param nearNode Originating node.
 * @param writeVals Write values.
 * @param putMap Values to put.
 * @param rmvKeys Keys to remove.
 * @param entryProcessorMap Entry processors.
 * @param req Request.
 * @param res Response.
 * @param replicate Whether replication is enabled.
 * @param dhtUpdRes Batch update result.
 * @param taskName Task name.
 * @param expiry Expiry policy.
 * @param sndPrevVal If {@code true} sends previous value to backups.
private void updatePartialBatch(final boolean hasNear, final int firstEntryIdx, final List<GridDhtCacheEntry> entries, final GridCacheVersion ver, final ClusterNode nearNode, @Nullable final List<CacheObject> writeVals, @Nullable final Map<KeyCacheObject, CacheObject> putMap, @Nullable final Collection<KeyCacheObject> rmvKeys, @Nullable final Map<KeyCacheObject, EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Object>> entryProcessorMap, final GridNearAtomicAbstractUpdateRequest req, final GridNearAtomicUpdateResponse res, final boolean replicate, final DhtAtomicUpdateResult dhtUpdRes, final String taskName, @Nullable final IgniteCacheExpiryPolicy expiry, final boolean sndPrevVal) {
    assert putMap == null ^ rmvKeys == null;
    assert req.conflictVersions() == null : "Cannot be called when there are conflict entries in the batch.";
    AffinityTopologyVersion topVer = req.topologyVersion();
    CacheStorePartialUpdateException storeErr = null;
    try {
        GridCacheOperation op;
        if (putMap != null) {
            try {
                Map<? extends KeyCacheObject, IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion>> view = F.viewReadOnly(putMap, new C1<CacheObject, IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion>>() {

                    public IgniteBiTuple<? extends CacheObject, GridCacheVersion> apply(CacheObject val) {
                        return F.t(val, ver);
      , view);
            } catch (CacheStorePartialUpdateException e) {
                storeErr = e;
            op = UPDATE;
        } else {
            try {
      , rmvKeys);
            } catch (CacheStorePartialUpdateException e) {
                storeErr = e;
            op = DELETE;
        boolean intercept = ctx.config().getInterceptor() != null;
        AffinityAssignment affAssignment = ctx.affinity().assignment(topVer);
        final GridDhtAtomicAbstractUpdateFuture dhtFut = dhtUpdRes.dhtFuture();
        Collection<Object> failedToUnwrapKeys = null;
        // Avoid iterator creation.
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
            GridDhtCacheEntry entry = entries.get(i);
            assert entry.lockedByCurrentThread();
            if (entry.obsolete()) {
                assert req.operation() == DELETE : "Entry can become obsolete only after remove: " + entry;
            if (storeErr != null) {
                Object key = entry.key();
                try {
                    key = entry.key().value(ctx.cacheObjectContext(), false);
                } catch (BinaryInvalidTypeException e) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        if (failedToUnwrapKeys == null)
                            failedToUnwrapKeys = new ArrayList<>();
                        // To limit keys count in log message.
                        if (failedToUnwrapKeys.size() < 5)
                if (storeErr.failedKeys().contains(key))
            try {
                // We are holding java-level locks on entries at this point.
                CacheObject writeVal = op == UPDATE ? writeVals.get(i) : null;
                assert writeVal != null || op == DELETE : "null write value found.";
                // Get readers before innerUpdate (reader cleared after remove).
                GridDhtCacheEntry.ReaderId[] readers = entry.readersLocked();
                EntryProcessor<Object, Object, Object> entryProcessor = entryProcessorMap == null ? null : entryProcessorMap.get(entry.key());
                GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult updRes = entry.innerUpdate(ver,, locNodeId, op, writeVal, null, /*write-through*/
                false, /*read-through*/
                false, /*retval*/
                sndPrevVal, req.keepBinary(), expiry, /*event*/
                true, /*metrics*/
                true, /*primary*/
                true, /*verCheck*/
                false, topVer, null, replicate ? DR_PRIMARY : DR_NONE, CU.TTL_NOT_CHANGED, CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE, null, /*conflict resolve*/
                false, /*intercept*/
                false, taskName, null, null, dhtFut, entryProcessor != null);
                assert !updRes.success() || updRes.newTtl() == CU.TTL_NOT_CHANGED || expiry != null : "success=" + updRes.success() + ", newTtl=" + updRes.newTtl() + ", expiry=" + expiry;
                if (intercept) {
                    if (op == UPDATE) {
                        ctx.config().getInterceptor().onAfterPut(new CacheLazyEntry(ctx, entry.key(), updRes.newValue(), req.keepBinary()));
                    } else {
                        assert op == DELETE : op;
                        // Old value should be already loaded for 'CacheInterceptor.onBeforeRemove'.
                        ctx.config().getInterceptor().onAfterRemove(new CacheLazyEntry(ctx, entry.key(), updRes.oldValue(), req.keepBinary()));
                dhtUpdRes.addDeleted(entry, updRes, entries);
                if (dhtFut != null) {
                    dhtFut.addWriteEntry(affAssignment, entry, writeVal, entryProcessor, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE, null, sndPrevVal, updRes.oldValue(), updRes.updateCounter(), op);
                    if (readers != null)
                        dhtFut.addNearWriteEntries(nearNode, readers, entry, writeVal, entryProcessor, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                if (hasNear) {
                    if (!ctx.affinity().partitionBelongs(nearNode, entry.partition(), topVer)) {
                        int idx = firstEntryIdx + i;
                        if (req.operation() == TRANSFORM) {
                            res.addNearValue(idx, writeVal, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                        } else
                            res.addNearTtl(idx, updRes.newTtl(), CU.EXPIRE_TIME_CALCULATE);
                        if (writeVal != null || entry.hasValue()) {
                            IgniteInternalFuture<Boolean> f = entry.addReader(, req.messageId(), topVer);
                            assert f == null : f;
                    } else if (GridDhtCacheEntry.ReaderId.contains(readers, {
                        // Reader became primary or backup.
                        entry.removeReader(, req.messageId());
                    } else
                        res.addSkippedIndex(firstEntryIdx + i);
            } catch (GridCacheEntryRemovedException e) {
                assert false : "Entry cannot become obsolete while holding lock.";
            dhtUpdRes.processedEntriesCount(firstEntryIdx + i + 1);
        if (failedToUnwrapKeys != null) {
            log.warning("Failed to get values of keys: " + failedToUnwrapKeys + " (the binary objects will be used instead).");
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
        res.addFailedKeys(putMap != null ? putMap.keySet() : rmvKeys, e);
    if (storeErr != null) {
        ArrayList<KeyCacheObject> failed = new ArrayList<>(storeErr.failedKeys().size());
        for (Object failedKey : storeErr.failedKeys()) failed.add(ctx.toCacheKeyObject(failedKey));
        res.addFailedKeys(failed, storeErr.getCause());
Also used : CacheLazyEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheLazyEntry) AffinityAssignment(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityAssignment) IgniteBiTuple(org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IgniteCheckedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException) GridCacheEntryRemovedException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheEntryRemovedException) CacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) AffinityTopologyVersion(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion) GridDhtCacheEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry) BinaryInvalidTypeException(org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryInvalidTypeException) CacheStorePartialUpdateException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheStorePartialUpdateException) CacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject) GridTimeoutObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.timeout.GridTimeoutObject) GridCacheOperation(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheOperation) GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 5 with GridDhtCacheEntry

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry in project ignite by apache.

the class GridDhtAtomicCache method unlockEntries.

 * Releases java-level locks on cache entries.
 * @param locked Locked entries.
 * @param topVer Topology version.
private void unlockEntries(List<GridDhtCacheEntry> locked, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer) {
    // Process deleted entries before locks release.
    assert ctx.deferredDelete() : this;
    // Entries to skip eviction manager notification for.
    // Enqueue entries while holding locks.
    Collection<KeyCacheObject> skip = null;
    int size = locked.size();
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            GridCacheMapEntry entry = locked.get(i);
            if (entry != null && entry.deleted()) {
                if (skip == null)
                    skip = U.newHashSet(locked.size());
    } finally {
        // That's why releasing locks in the finally block..
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            GridCacheMapEntry entry = locked.get(i);
            if (entry != null)
    // Try evict partitions.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        GridDhtCacheEntry entry = locked.get(i);
        if (entry != null)
    if (skip != null && skip.size() == size)
        // Optimization.
    // Eviction manager will remove empty entries.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        GridCacheMapEntry entry = locked.get(i);
        if (entry != null && (skip == null || !skip.contains(entry.key())))
Also used : GridDhtCacheEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry) GridCacheMapEntry(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheMapEntry) KeyCacheObject(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject)


GridDhtCacheEntry (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtCacheEntry)27 GridCacheEntryRemovedException (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheEntryRemovedException)16 KeyCacheObject (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject)15 IgniteCheckedException (org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException)13 CacheObject (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 ClusterNode (org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode)9 AffinityTopologyVersion (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion)9 GridCacheVersion (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.version.GridCacheVersion)9 GridTimeoutObject (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.timeout.GridTimeoutObject)9 IgniteBiTuple (org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple)9 GridCacheOperation (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheOperation)8 CacheStorePartialUpdateException (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheStorePartialUpdateException)7 NodeStoppingException (org.apache.ignite.internal.NodeStoppingException)6 GridCacheReturn (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheReturn)6 GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult)6 GridDhtInvalidPartitionException (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtInvalidPartitionException)6 IgniteException (org.apache.ignite.IgniteException)5 ClusterTopologyCheckedException (org.apache.ignite.internal.cluster.ClusterTopologyCheckedException)5 IgniteOutOfMemoryException (org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException)5