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Example 1 with GridDhtPartitionsReservation

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtPartitionsReservation in project ignite by apache.

the class GridMapQueryExecutor method reservePartitions.

     * @param cacheIds Cache IDs.
     * @param topVer Topology version.
     * @param explicitParts Explicit partitions list.
     * @param reserved Reserved list.
     * @return {@code true} If all the needed partitions successfully reserved.
     * @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private boolean reservePartitions(@Nullable List<Integer> cacheIds, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, final int[] explicitParts, List<GridReservable> reserved) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    assert topVer != null;
    if (F.isEmpty(cacheIds))
        return true;
    Collection<Integer> partIds = wrap(explicitParts);
    for (int i = 0; i < cacheIds.size(); i++) {
        GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = ctx.cache().context().cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i));
        if (// Cache was not found, probably was not deployed yet.
        cctx == null)
            return false;
        if (cctx.isLocal() || !cctx.rebalanceEnabled())
        // For replicated cache topology version does not make sense.
        final T2<String, AffinityTopologyVersion> grpKey = new T2<>(, cctx.isReplicated() ? null : topVer);
        GridReservable r = reservations.get(grpKey);
        if (explicitParts == null && r != null) {
            // Try to reserve group partition if any and no explicits.
            if (r != ReplicatedReservation.INSTANCE) {
                if (!r.reserve())
                    // We need explicit partitions here -> retry.
                    return false;
        } else {
            // Try to reserve partitions one by one.
            int partsCnt = cctx.affinity().partitions();
            if (cctx.isReplicated()) {
                // Check all the partitions are in owning state for replicated cache.
                if (r == null) {
                    // Check only once.
                    for (int p = 0; p < partsCnt; p++) {
                        GridDhtLocalPartition part = partition(cctx, p);
                        // We don't need to reserve partitions because they will not be evicted in replicated caches.
                        if (part == null || part.state() != OWNING)
                            return false;
                    // Mark that we checked this replicated cache.
                    reservations.putIfAbsent(grpKey, ReplicatedReservation.INSTANCE);
            } else {
                // Reserve primary partitions for partitioned cache (if no explicit given).
                if (explicitParts == null)
                    partIds = cctx.affinity().primaryPartitions(ctx.localNodeId(), topVer);
                for (int partId : partIds) {
                    GridDhtLocalPartition part = partition(cctx, partId);
                    if (part == null || part.state() != OWNING || !part.reserve())
                        return false;
                    // Double check that we are still in owning state and partition contents are not cleared.
                    if (part.state() != OWNING)
                        return false;
                if (explicitParts == null) {
                    // We reserved all the primary partitions for cache, attempt to add group reservation.
                    GridDhtPartitionsReservation grp = new GridDhtPartitionsReservation(topVer, cctx, "SQL");
                    if (grp.register(reserved.subList(reserved.size() - partIds.size(), reserved.size()))) {
                        if (reservations.putIfAbsent(grpKey, grp) != null)
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Reservation already exists.");
                        grp.onPublish(new CI1<GridDhtPartitionsReservation>() {

                            public void apply(GridDhtPartitionsReservation r) {
                                reservations.remove(grpKey, r);
    return true;
Also used : GridDhtPartitionsReservation(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtPartitionsReservation) AffinityTopologyVersion(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion) GridReservable(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridReservable) GridDhtLocalPartition(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtLocalPartition) T2(org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2)


AffinityTopologyVersion (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion)1 GridDhtLocalPartition (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtLocalPartition)1 GridDhtPartitionsReservation (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtPartitionsReservation)1 GridReservable (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridReservable)1 T2 (org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2)1