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Example 1 with DataPagePayload

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class CacheDataTree method compareKeys.

 * @param key Key.
 * @param link Link.
 * @return Compare result.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private int compareKeys(KeyCacheObject key, final long link) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    byte[] bytes = key.valueBytes(grp.cacheObjectContext());
    final long pageId = pageId(link);
    final long page = acquirePage(pageId);
    try {
        // Non-empty data page must not be recycled.
        long pageAddr = readLock(pageId, page);
        assert pageAddr != 0L : link;
        try {
            DataPageIO io = DataPageIO.VERSIONS.forPage(pageAddr);
            DataPagePayload data = io.readPayload(pageAddr, itemId(link), pageSize());
            if (data.nextLink() == 0) {
                long addr = pageAddr + data.offset();
                if (grp.storeCacheIdInDataPage())
                    // Skip cache id.
                    addr += 4;
                final int len = PageUtils.getInt(addr, 0);
                int lenCmp =, bytes.length);
                if (lenCmp != 0)
                    return lenCmp;
                // Skip length and type byte.
                addr += 5;
                final int words = len / 8;
                for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
                    int off = i * 8;
                    long b1 = PageUtils.getLong(addr, off);
                    long b2 = GridUnsafe.getLong(bytes, GridUnsafe.BYTE_ARR_OFF + off);
                    int cmp =, b2);
                    if (cmp != 0)
                        return cmp;
                for (int i = words * 8; i < len; i++) {
                    byte b1 = PageUtils.getByte(addr, i);
                    byte b2 = bytes[i];
                    if (b1 != b2)
                        return b1 > b2 ? 1 : -1;
                return 0;
        } finally {
            readUnlock(pageId, page, pageAddr);
    } finally {
        releasePage(pageId, page);
    // TODO GG-11768.
    CacheDataRowAdapter other = new CacheDataRowAdapter(link);
    other.initFromLink(grp, CacheDataRowAdapter.RowData.KEY_ONLY);
    byte[] bytes1 = other.key().valueBytes(grp.cacheObjectContext());
    byte[] bytes2 = key.valueBytes(grp.cacheObjectContext());
    int lenCmp =, bytes2.length);
    if (lenCmp != 0)
        return lenCmp;
    final int len = bytes1.length;
    final int words = len / 8;
    for (int i = 0; i < words; i++) {
        int off = GridUnsafe.BYTE_ARR_INT_OFF + i * 8;
        long b1 = GridUnsafe.getLong(bytes1, off);
        long b2 = GridUnsafe.getLong(bytes2, off);
        int cmp =, b2);
        if (cmp != 0)
            return cmp;
    for (int i = words * 8; i < len; i++) {
        byte b1 = bytes1[i];
        byte b2 = bytes2[i];
        if (b1 != b2)
            return b1 > b2 ? 1 : -1;
    return 0;
Also used : DataPageIO( DataPagePayload( CacheDataRowAdapter(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CacheDataRowAdapter)

Example 2 with DataPagePayload

use of in project ignite by apache.

the class CacheDataRowAdapter method initFromLink.

 * Read row from data pages.
 * Can be called with cctx == null, if cache instance is unknown, but its ID is stored in the data row.
 * @param grp Cache group.
 * @param sharedCtx Shared context.
 * @param pageMem Page memory.
 * @param rowData Row data.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public final void initFromLink(@Nullable CacheGroupContext grp, GridCacheSharedContext<?, ?> sharedCtx, PageMemory pageMem, RowData rowData) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    assert link != 0 : "link";
    assert key == null : "key";
    CacheObjectContext coctx = grp != null ? grp.cacheObjectContext() : null;
    boolean readCacheId = grp == null || grp.storeCacheIdInDataPage();
    long nextLink = link;
    IncompleteObject<?> incomplete = null;
    boolean first = true;
    do {
        final long pageId = pageId(nextLink);
        // Group is null if try evict page, with persistence evictions should be disabled.
        assert grp != null || pageMem instanceof PageMemoryNoStoreImpl;
        int grpId = grp != null ? grp.groupId() : 0;
        final long page = pageMem.acquirePage(grpId, pageId);
        try {
            // Non-empty data page must not be recycled.
            long pageAddr = pageMem.readLock(grpId, pageId, page);
            assert pageAddr != 0L : nextLink;
            try {
                DataPageIO io = DataPageIO.VERSIONS.forPage(pageAddr);
                DataPagePayload data = io.readPayload(pageAddr, itemId(nextLink), pageMem.pageSize());
                nextLink = data.nextLink();
                if (first) {
                    if (nextLink == 0) {
                        // Fast path for a single page row.
                        readFullRow(sharedCtx, coctx, pageAddr + data.offset(), rowData, readCacheId);
                    first = false;
                ByteBuffer buf = pageMem.pageBuffer(pageAddr);
                buf.limit(data.offset() + data.payloadSize());
                boolean keyOnly = rowData == RowData.KEY_ONLY;
                incomplete = readFragment(sharedCtx, coctx, buf, keyOnly, readCacheId, incomplete);
                if (keyOnly && key != null)
            } finally {
                pageMem.readUnlock(grpId, pageId, page);
        } finally {
            pageMem.releasePage(grpId, pageId, page);
    } while (nextLink != 0);
    assert isReady() : "ready";
Also used : DataPageIO( PageMemoryNoStoreImpl(org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.impl.PageMemoryNoStoreImpl) DataPagePayload( CacheObjectContext(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectContext) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)


DataPageIO ( DataPagePayload ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 PageMemoryNoStoreImpl (org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.impl.PageMemoryNoStoreImpl)1 CacheObjectContext (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectContext)1 CacheDataRowAdapter (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CacheDataRowAdapter)1