Search in sources :

Example 1 with RowLinkIO

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO in project ignite by apache.

the class MvccUpdateDataRow method visit.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public int visit(BPlusTree<CacheSearchRow, CacheDataRow> tree, BPlusIO<CacheSearchRow> io, long pageAddr, int idx, IgniteWriteAheadLogManager wal) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    RowLinkIO rowIo = (RowLinkIO) io;
    // Check if entry is locked on primary node.
    if (isFlagsSet(PRIMARY | FIRST)) {
        long lockCrd = rowIo.getMvccLockCoordinatorVersion(pageAddr, idx);
        long lockCntr = rowIo.getMvccLockCounter(pageAddr, idx);
        // We cannot continue while entry is locked by another transaction.
        if ((lockCrd != mvccCoordinatorVersion() || lockCntr != mvccCounter()) && isActive(cctx, lockCrd, lockCntr, mvccSnapshot)) {
            resCrd = lockCrd;
            resCntr = lockCntr;
            res = ResultType.LOCKED;
            return setFlags(STOP);
    MvccDataRow row = (MvccDataRow) tree.getRow(io, pageAddr, idx, RowData.LINK_WITH_HEADER);
    // In this case the row is already locked by current transaction and visible to it.
    if (isFlagsSet(FIRST)) {
        boolean removed = row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion() != MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA;
        long rowCrd, rowCntr;
        int rowOpCntr;
        if (removed) {
            rowCrd = row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion();
            rowCntr = row.newMvccCounter();
            rowOpCntr = row.newMvccOperationCounter();
        } else {
            rowCrd = row.mvccCoordinatorVersion();
            rowCntr = row.mvccCounter();
            rowOpCntr = row.mvccOperationCounter();
        if (compare(mvccSnapshot, rowCrd, rowCntr) == 0) {
            res = mvccOperationCounter() == rowOpCntr ? ResultType.VERSION_FOUND : removed ? ResultType.PREV_NULL : ResultType.PREV_NOT_NULL;
            if (removed)
            else {
                // operation context is not available here and full row required if filter is set.
                if (res == ResultType.PREV_NOT_NULL && (isFlagsSet(NEED_PREV_VALUE) || filter != null)) {
                    oldRow = tree.getRow(io, pageAddr, idx, RowData.NO_KEY);
                } else
                    oldRow = row;
            // See {@link org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheOperationFilter}.
            if (filter != null && !applyFilter(res == ResultType.PREV_NOT_NULL ? oldRow.value() : null))
                res = FILTERED;
            // Copy new key flag from the previous row version if it was created by the current tx.
            if (isFlagsSet(PRIMARY))
    long rowLink =;
    long rowCrd = row.mvccCoordinatorVersion();
    long rowCntr = row.mvccCounter();
    // with hint bits
    int rowOpCntr = row.mvccOperationCounter() | (row.mvccTxState() << MVCC_HINTS_BIT_OFF);
    long rowNewCrd = row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion();
    long rowNewCntr = row.newMvccCounter();
    // with hint bits
    int rowNewOpCntr = row.newMvccOperationCounter() | (row.newMvccTxState() << MVCC_HINTS_BIT_OFF);
    // Search for youngest committed by another transaction row.
    if (!isFlagsSet(LAST_COMMITTED_FOUND)) {
        if (!(resCrd == rowCrd && resCntr == rowCntr)) {
            // It's possible it is a chain of aborted changes
            byte txState = MvccUtils.state(cctx, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr);
            if (txState == TxState.COMMITTED) {
                if (rowNewCrd != MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA) {
                    if (rowNewCrd == rowCrd && rowNewCntr == rowCntr)
                        // Row was deleted by the same Tx it was created
                        txState = TxState.COMMITTED;
                    else if (rowNewCrd == resCrd && rowNewCntr == resCntr)
                        // The row is linked to the previously checked aborted version;
                        txState = TxState.ABORTED;
                        // Check with TxLog if removed version is committed;
                        txState = MvccUtils.state(cctx, rowNewCrd, rowNewCntr, rowNewOpCntr);
                    if (!(txState == TxState.COMMITTED || txState == TxState.ABORTED))
                        throw unexpectedStateException(cctx, txState, rowNewCrd, rowNewCntr, rowNewOpCntr, mvccSnapshot);
                    if (txState == TxState.COMMITTED)
                if (isFlagsSet(DELETED))
                    res = ResultType.PREV_NULL;
                else {
                    res = ResultType.PREV_NOT_NULL;
                    // operation context is not available here and full row required if filter is set.
                    if ((isFlagsSet(NEED_PREV_VALUE) || isFlagsSet(NEED_OLD_VALUE) || filter != null)) {
                        oldRow = tree.getRow(io, pageAddr, idx, RowData.NO_KEY);
                    } else
                        oldRow = row;
                if (isFlagsSet(CHECK_VERSION)) {
                    long crdVer, cntr;
                    int opCntr;
                    if (isFlagsSet(DELETED)) {
                        crdVer = rowNewCrd;
                        cntr = rowNewCntr;
                        opCntr = rowNewOpCntr;
                    } else {
                        crdVer = rowCrd;
                        cntr = rowCntr;
                        opCntr = rowOpCntr;
                    // If last committed row is not visible it is possible write conflict.
                    if (!isVisible(cctx, mvccSnapshot, crdVer, cntr, opCntr, false)) {
                        // or there is no visible version then there is no conflict.
                        if (isFlagsSet(FAST_UPDATE) && !(isFlagsSet(DELETED) && isVisible(cctx, mvccSnapshot, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr, false))) {
                            res = ResultType.PREV_NULL;
                        } else {
                            resCrd = crdVer;
                            resCntr = cntr;
                            // Write conflict.
                            res = ResultType.VERSION_MISMATCH;
                            return setFlags(STOP);
                // See {@link org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheOperationFilter}.
                if (filter != null && !applyFilter(res == ResultType.PREV_NOT_NULL ? oldRow.value() : null))
                    res = FILTERED;
                // If invisible row is found for FAST_UPDATE case we should not lock row.
                if (!isFlagsSet(DELETED) && isFlagsSet(PRIMARY | REMOVE_OR_LOCK) && !isFlagsSet(FAST_MISMATCH)) {
                    rowIo.setMvccLockCoordinatorVersion(pageAddr, idx, mvccCoordinatorVersion());
                    rowIo.setMvccLockCounter(pageAddr, idx, mvccCounter());
                    // Actually, there is no need to log lock delta record into WAL.
                // No need to acquire write locks anymore
            } else if (txState == TxState.ABORTED) {
                // save aborted version to fast check new version of next row
                resCrd = rowCrd;
                resCntr = rowCntr;
            } else
                throw unexpectedStateException(cctx, txState, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr, mvccSnapshot);
    } else // If we have not found any visible version then we does not see this row.
    if (isFlagsSet(FAST_MISMATCH)) {
        assert !isFlagsSet(CAN_CLEANUP);
        assert mvccVersionIsValid(rowNewCrd, rowNewCntr, rowNewOpCntr);
        // If we found visible removal version then we does not see this row.
        if (isVisible(cctx, mvccSnapshot, rowNewCrd, rowNewCntr, rowNewOpCntr, false))
        else // If the youngest visible for current transaction version is not removal version then it is write conflict.
        if (isVisible(cctx, mvccSnapshot, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr, false)) {
            resCrd = rowCrd;
            resCntr = rowCntr;
            res = ResultType.VERSION_MISMATCH;
            return setFlags(STOP);
    long cleanupVer = mvccSnapshot.cleanupVersion();
    if (// Do not clean if cleanup version is not assigned.
    cleanupVer > MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA && !isFlagsSet(CAN_CLEANUP) && isFlagsSet(LAST_COMMITTED_FOUND | DELETED)) {
        assert mvccVersionIsValid(rowNewCrd, rowNewCntr, rowNewOpCntr);
        // transaction and delete version is less or equal to cleanup one
        if (rowNewCrd < mvccCoordinatorVersion() || cleanupVer >= rowNewCntr)
    if (isFlagsSet(CAN_CLEANUP) || !isFlagsSet(LAST_COMMITTED_FOUND)) {
        // can cleanup aborted versions
        if (cleanupRows == null)
            cleanupRows = new ArrayList<>();
        cleanupRows.add(new MvccLinkAwareSearchRow(cacheId, key, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK, rowLink));
    } else {
        // Row obsoleted by current operation, all rows created or updated with current tx.
        if (isFlagsSet(NEED_HISTORY) && (row == oldRow || (rowCrd == mvccCoordinatorVersion() && rowCntr == mvccCounter()) || (rowNewCrd == mvccCoordinatorVersion() && rowNewCntr == mvccCounter()))) {
            if (histRows == null)
                histRows = new ArrayList<>();
            histRows.add(new MvccLinkAwareSearchRow(cacheId, key, rowCrd, rowCntr, rowOpCntr & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK, rowLink));
        if (// Do not clean if cleanup version is not assigned.
        cleanupVer > MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA && !isFlagsSet(CAN_CLEANUP) && isFlagsSet(LAST_COMMITTED_FOUND) && (rowCrd < mvccCoordinatorVersion() ||, rowCntr) >= 0))
            // all further versions are guaranteed to be less than cleanup version
    return unsetFlags(FIRST);
Also used : RowLinkIO(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MvccLinkAwareSearchRow(

Example 2 with RowLinkIO

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO in project ignite by apache.

the class MvccFirstRowTreeClosure method apply.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean apply(BPlusTree<CacheSearchRow, CacheDataRow> tree, BPlusIO<CacheSearchRow> io, long pageAddr, int idx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    RowLinkIO rowIo = (RowLinkIO) io;
    MvccVersion newVersion = getNewVersion(cctx, rowIo.getLink(pageAddr, idx));
    if (newVersion == null)
        res = tree.getRow(io, pageAddr, idx, CacheDataRowAdapter.RowData.NO_KEY);
    // Stop search.
    return false;
Also used : MvccVersion(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.mvcc.MvccVersion) RowLinkIO(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO)

Example 3 with RowLinkIO

use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO in project ignite by apache.

the class MvccSnapshotSearchRow method apply.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean apply(BPlusTree<CacheSearchRow, CacheDataRow> tree, BPlusIO<CacheSearchRow> io, long pageAddr, int idx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    RowLinkIO rowIo = (RowLinkIO) io;
    long rowCrdVer = rowIo.getMvccCoordinatorVersion(pageAddr, idx);
    long rowCntr = rowIo.getMvccCounter(pageAddr, idx);
    int rowOpCntr = rowIo.getMvccOperationCounter(pageAddr, idx);
    assert MvccUtils.mvccVersionIsValid(rowCrdVer, rowCntr, rowOpCntr);
    if (MvccUtils.isVisible(cctx, snapshot, rowCrdVer, rowCntr, rowOpCntr, false)) {
        int state = MvccUtils.getVisibleState(cctx, rowIo.getLink(pageAddr, idx), snapshot);
        if (state == MVCC_INVISIBLE)
            return true;
        if (state == MVCC_VISIBLE_REMOVED)
            res = null;
        else {
            assert state == MVCC_VISIBLE;
            res = tree.getRow(io, pageAddr, idx, CacheDataRowAdapter.RowData.NO_KEY);
        // Stop search.
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : RowLinkIO(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO)


RowLinkIO (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.tree.RowLinkIO)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 MvccVersion (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.mvcc.MvccVersion)1 MvccLinkAwareSearchRow (