use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.igfs.meta.IgfsMetaDirectoryListingReplaceProcessor in project ignite by apache.
the class IgfsMetaManager method create.
* Create a file.
* @param path Path.
* @param dirProps Directory properties.
* @param overwrite Overwrite flag.
* @param blockSize Block size.
* @param affKey Affinity key.
* @param evictExclude Evict exclude flag.
* @param fileProps File properties.
* @param secondaryCtx Secondary file system create context.
* @return @return Operation result.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
IgfsCreateResult create(final IgfsPath path, Map<String, String> dirProps, final boolean overwrite, final int blockSize, @Nullable final IgniteUuid affKey, final boolean evictExclude, @Nullable Map<String, String> fileProps, @Nullable IgfsSecondaryFileSystemCreateContext secondaryCtx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
while (true) {
if (busyLock.enterBusy()) {
OutputStream secondaryOut = null;
try {
// Prepare path IDs.
IgfsPathIds pathIds = pathIds(path);
// Prepare lock IDs.
Set<IgniteUuid> lockIds = new TreeSet<>(PATH_ID_SORTING_COMPARATOR);
pathIds.addExistingIds(lockIds, relaxed);
// In overwrite mode we also lock ID of potential replacement as well as trash ID.
IgniteUuid overwriteId = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
IgniteUuid trashId = IgfsUtils.randomTrashId();
if (overwrite) {
// Trash ID is only added if we suspect conflict.
if (pathIds.allExists())
// Start TX.
try (GridNearTxLocal tx = startTx()) {
Map<IgniteUuid, IgfsEntryInfo> lockInfos = lockIds(lockIds);
if (secondaryCtx != null && isRetryForSecondary(pathIds, lockInfos))
if (!pathIds.verifyIntegrity(lockInfos, relaxed))
// Directory structure changed concurrently. So we simply re-try.
if (pathIds.allExists()) {
// All participants found.
IgfsEntryInfo oldInfo = lockInfos.get(pathIds.lastId());
// Check: is it a file?
if (!oldInfo.isFile())
throw new IgfsPathIsDirectoryException("Failed to create a file: " + path);
// Check: can we overwrite it?
if (!overwrite)
throw new IgfsPathAlreadyExistsException("Failed to create a file: " + path);
// Check if file already opened for write.
if (oldInfo.lockId() != null)
throw new IgfsException("File is already opened for write: " + path);
// At this point file can be re-created safely.
// Add existing to trash listing.
IgniteUuid oldId = pathIds.lastId();
id2InfoPrj.invoke(trashId, new IgfsMetaDirectoryListingAddProcessor(IgfsUtils.composeNameForTrash(path, oldId), new IgfsListingEntry(oldInfo)));
// Replace ID in parent directory.
String name = pathIds.lastPart();
IgniteUuid parentId = pathIds.lastParentId();
id2InfoPrj.invoke(parentId, new IgfsMetaDirectoryListingReplaceProcessor(name, overwriteId));
// Create the file.
IgniteUuid newLockId = createFileLockId(false);
long newAccessTime;
long newModificationTime;
Map<String, String> newProps;
long newLen;
int newBlockSize;
if (secondaryCtx != null) {
secondaryOut = secondaryCtx.create();
newAccessTime = 0L;
newModificationTime = 0L;
newProps = null;
} else {
newAccessTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
newModificationTime = newAccessTime;
newProps = fileProps;
newLen = 0L;
newBlockSize = blockSize;
IgfsEntryInfo newInfo = invokeAndGet(overwriteId, new IgfsMetaFileCreateProcessor(newAccessTime, newModificationTime, newProps, newBlockSize, affKey, newLockId, evictExclude, newLen));
// Prepare result and commit.
IgfsUtils.sendEvents(igfsCtx.kernalContext(), path, EventType.EVT_IGFS_FILE_OPENED_WRITE);
return new IgfsCreateResult(newInfo, secondaryOut);
} else {
// Create file and parent folders.
T1<OutputStream> secondaryOutHolder = null;
if (secondaryCtx != null)
secondaryOutHolder = new T1<>();
IgfsPathsCreateResult res;
try {
res = createFile(pathIds, lockInfos, dirProps, fileProps, blockSize, affKey, evictExclude, secondaryCtx, secondaryOutHolder);
} finally {
if (secondaryOutHolder != null)
secondaryOut = secondaryOutHolder.get();
if (res == null)
// Commit.
// Generate events.
generateCreateEvents(res.createdPaths(), true);
return new IgfsCreateResult(, secondaryOut);
} catch (IgniteException | IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Create failed due to unexpected exception: " + path, e);
} finally {
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to mkdir because Grid is stopping. [path=" + path + ']');