use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.dml.UpdateMode in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.
* Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
* @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
* @param errKeysPos index to inject param for re-run keys at. Null if it's not a re-run plan.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(GridSqlStatement stmt, @Nullable Integer errKeysPos) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlElement target;
FastUpdateArguments fastUpdate;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
// Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
target =;
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
target = del.from();
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
} else
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
GridSqlTable tbl = gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table gridTbl = tbl.dataTable();
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = gridTbl.rowDescriptor();
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + gridTbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
if (fastUpdate != null)
return UpdatePlan.forFastUpdate(mode, gridTbl, fastUpdate);
else {
GridSqlSelect sel;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
int valColIdx = -1;
String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
Column column = updatedCols.get(i).column();
if (desc.isValueColumn(column.getColumnId()))
valColIdx = i;
boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
// Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
// or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
// Index of new _val in results of SELECT
if (hasNewVal)
valColIdx += 2;
int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
KeyValueSupplier newValSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt, errKeysPos);
return UpdatePlan.forUpdate(gridTbl, colNames, colTypes, newValSupplier, valColIdx, sel.getSQL());
} else {
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt, errKeysPos);
return UpdatePlan.forDelete(gridTbl, sel.getSQL());
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.dml.UpdateMode in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForInsert.
* Prepare update plan for INSERT or MERGE.
* @param stmt INSERT or MERGE statement.
* @param loc Local query flag.
* @param idx Indexing.
* @param conn Connection.
* @param fieldsQuery Original query.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForInsert(GridSqlStatement stmt, boolean loc, IgniteH2Indexing idx, @Nullable Connection conn, @Nullable SqlFieldsQuery fieldsQuery) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlQuery sel;
GridSqlElement target;
GridSqlColumn[] cols;
boolean isTwoStepSubqry;
int rowsNum;
GridSqlTable tbl;
GridH2RowDescriptor desc;
List<GridSqlElement[]> elRows = null;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlInsert) {
GridSqlInsert ins = (GridSqlInsert) stmt;
target = ins.into();
tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
desc = tbl.dataTable().rowDescriptor();
cols = ins.columns();
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForInsertOrMerge(cols, ins.rows(), ins.query());
if (sel == null)
elRows = ins.rows();
isTwoStepSubqry = (ins.query() != null);
rowsNum = isTwoStepSubqry ? 0 : ins.rows().size();
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlMerge) {
GridSqlMerge merge = (GridSqlMerge) stmt;
target = merge.into();
tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
desc = tbl.dataTable().rowDescriptor();
cols = merge.columns();
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForInsertOrMerge(cols, merge.rows(), merge.query());
if (sel == null)
elRows = merge.rows();
isTwoStepSubqry = (merge.query() != null);
rowsNum = isTwoStepSubqry ? 0 : merge.rows().size();
} else {
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
// Let's set the flag only for subqueries that have their FROM specified.
isTwoStepSubqry &= (sel != null && (sel instanceof GridSqlUnion || (sel instanceof GridSqlSelect && ((GridSqlSelect) sel).from() != null)));
int keyColIdx = -1;
int valColIdx = -1;
boolean hasKeyProps = false;
boolean hasValProps = false;
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + tbl.dataTable().getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = desc.context();
String[] colNames = new String[cols.length];
int[] colTypes = new int[cols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
GridSqlColumn col = cols[i];
String colName = col.columnName();
colNames[i] = colName;
colTypes[i] = col.resultType().type();
int colId = col.column().getColumnId();
if (desc.isKeyColumn(colId)) {
keyColIdx = i;
if (desc.isValueColumn(colId)) {
valColIdx = i;
GridQueryProperty prop = desc.type().property(colName);
assert prop != null : "Property '" + colName + "' not found.";
if (prop.key())
hasKeyProps = true;
hasValProps = true;
KeyValueSupplier keySupplier = createSupplier(cctx, desc.type(), keyColIdx, hasKeyProps, true, false);
KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(cctx, desc.type(), valColIdx, hasValProps, false, false);
String selectSql = sel != null ? sel.getSQL() : null;
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = (rowsNum == 0 && !F.isEmpty(selectSql)) ? checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName()) : null;
UpdateMode mode = stmt instanceof GridSqlMerge ? UpdateMode.MERGE : UpdateMode.INSERT;
List<List<DmlArgument>> rows = null;
if (elRows != null) {
assert sel == null;
rows = new ArrayList<>(elRows.size());
for (GridSqlElement[] elRow : elRows) {
List<DmlArgument> row = new ArrayList<>(cols.length);
for (GridSqlElement el : elRow) {
DmlArgument arg = DmlArguments.create(el);
return new UpdatePlan(mode, tbl.dataTable(), colNames, colTypes, keySupplier, valSupplier, keyColIdx, valColIdx, selectSql, !isTwoStepSubqry, rows, rowsNum, null, distributed);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.dml.UpdateMode in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.
* Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
* @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
* @param loc Local query flag.
* @param idx Indexing.
* @param conn Connection.
* @param fieldsQuery Original query.
* @param errKeysPos index to inject param for re-run keys at. Null if it's not a re-run plan.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(GridSqlStatement stmt, boolean loc, IgniteH2Indexing idx, @Nullable Connection conn, @Nullable SqlFieldsQuery fieldsQuery, @Nullable Integer errKeysPos) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlElement target;
FastUpdate fastUpdate;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
// Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
target =;
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
target = del.from();
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
} else
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
GridSqlTable tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table h2Tbl = tbl.dataTable();
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = h2Tbl.rowDescriptor();
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + h2Tbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
if (fastUpdate != null) {
return new UpdatePlan(mode, h2Tbl, null, fastUpdate, null);
} else {
GridSqlSelect sel;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
int valColIdx = -1;
String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
Column col = updatedCols.get(i).column();
if (desc.isValueColumn(col.getColumnId()))
valColIdx = i;
boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
// Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
// or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
// Index of new _val in results of SELECT
if (hasNewVal)
valColIdx += 2;
int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt, errKeysPos);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.UPDATE, h2Tbl, colNames, colTypes, null, valSupplier, -1, valColIdx, selectSql, false, null, 0, null, distributed);
} else {
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt, errKeysPos);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.DELETE, h2Tbl, selectSql, null, distributed);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.dml.UpdateMode in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.
* Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
* @param planKey Plan key.
* @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
* @param idx Indexing.
* @param mvccEnabled MVCC flag.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(QueryDescriptor planKey, GridSqlStatement stmt, IgniteH2Indexing idx, boolean mvccEnabled, IgniteLogger log) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlElement target;
FastUpdate fastUpdate;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
// Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
target =;
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
target = del.from();
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
} else
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
GridSqlTable tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table h2Tbl = tbl.dataTable();
assert h2Tbl != null;
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = h2Tbl.rowDescriptor();
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + h2Tbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
if (fastUpdate != null) {
return new UpdatePlan(mode, h2Tbl, null, fastUpdate, null);
} else {
GridSqlSelect sel;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
int valColIdx = -1;
String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
Column col = updatedCols.get(i).column();
if (desc.isValueColumn(col.getColumnId()))
valColIdx = i;
boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
// Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
// or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
// Index of new _val in results of SELECT
if (hasNewVal)
valColIdx += 2;
int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = null;
if (!F.isEmpty(selectSql)) {
distributed = checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, mvccEnabled, planKey, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName(), log);
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.UPDATE, h2Tbl, colNames, colTypes, null, valSupplier, -1, valColIdx, selectSql, false, null, 0, null, distributed, sel.canBeLazy(), false);
} else {
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = null;
if (!F.isEmpty(selectSql)) {
distributed = checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, mvccEnabled, planKey, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName(), log);
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.DELETE, h2Tbl, selectSql, null, distributed);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.dml.UpdateMode in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForInsert.
* Prepare update plan for INSERT or MERGE.
* @param planKey Plan key.
* @param stmt INSERT or MERGE statement.
* @param idx Indexing.
* @param mvccEnabled Mvcc flag.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForInsert(QueryDescriptor planKey, GridSqlStatement stmt, IgniteH2Indexing idx, boolean mvccEnabled, IgniteLogger log, boolean forceFillAbsentPKsWithDefaults) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlQuery sel = null;
GridSqlElement target;
GridSqlColumn[] cols;
boolean isTwoStepSubqry;
int rowsNum;
GridSqlTable tbl;
GridH2RowDescriptor desc;
List<GridSqlElement[]> elRows = null;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlInsert) {
mode = UpdateMode.INSERT;
GridSqlInsert ins = (GridSqlInsert) stmt;
target = ins.into();
tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table h2Tbl = tbl.dataTable();
assert h2Tbl != null;
desc = h2Tbl.rowDescriptor();
cols = ins.columns();
if (noQuery(ins.rows()))
elRows = ins.rows();
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForInsertOrMerge(cols, ins.rows(), ins.query());
isTwoStepSubqry = (ins.query() != null);
rowsNum = isTwoStepSubqry ? 0 : ins.rows().size();
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlMerge) {
mode = UpdateMode.MERGE;
GridSqlMerge merge = (GridSqlMerge) stmt;
target = merge.into();
tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
desc = tbl.dataTable().rowDescriptor();
cols = merge.columns();
if (noQuery(merge.rows()))
elRows = merge.rows();
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForInsertOrMerge(cols, merge.rows(), merge.query());
isTwoStepSubqry = (merge.query() != null);
rowsNum = isTwoStepSubqry ? 0 : merge.rows().size();
} else {
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
// Let's set the flag only for subqueries that have their FROM specified.
isTwoStepSubqry &= (sel != null && (sel instanceof GridSqlUnion || (sel instanceof GridSqlSelect && ((GridSqlSelect) sel).from() != null)));
int keyColIdx = -1;
int valColIdx = -1;
boolean hasKeyProps = false;
boolean hasValProps = false;
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + tbl.dataTable().getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = desc.context();
String[] colNames = new String[cols.length];
int[] colTypes = new int[cols.length];
GridQueryTypeDescriptor type = desc.type();
Set<String> rowKeys = desc.getRowKeyColumnNames();
boolean onlyVisibleColumns = true;
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
GridSqlColumn col = cols[i];
if (!col.column().getVisible())
onlyVisibleColumns = false;
String colName = col.columnName();
colNames[i] = colName;
colTypes[i] = col.resultType().type();
int colId = col.column().getColumnId();
if (desc.isKeyColumn(colId)) {
keyColIdx = i;
if (desc.isValueColumn(colId)) {
valColIdx = i;
GridQueryProperty prop = desc.type().property(colName);
assert prop != null : "Property '" + colName + "' not found.";
if (prop.key())
hasKeyProps = true;
hasValProps = true;
rowKeys.removeIf(rowKey -> desc.type().property(rowKey).defaultValue() != null);
boolean fillAbsentPKsWithNullsOrDefaults = type.fillAbsentPKsWithDefaults() || forceFillAbsentPKsWithDefaults;
if (fillAbsentPKsWithNullsOrDefaults && onlyVisibleColumns && !rowKeys.isEmpty()) {
String[] extendedColNames = new String[rowKeys.size() + colNames.length];
int[] extendedColTypes = new int[rowKeys.size() + colTypes.length];
System.arraycopy(colNames, 0, extendedColNames, 0, colNames.length);
System.arraycopy(colTypes, 0, extendedColTypes, 0, colTypes.length);
int currId = colNames.length;
for (String key : rowKeys) {
Column col = tbl.dataTable().getColumn(key);
extendedColNames[currId] = col.getName();
extendedColTypes[currId] = col.getType();
colNames = extendedColNames;
colTypes = extendedColTypes;
verifyDmlColumns(tbl.dataTable(), F.viewReadOnly(Arrays.asList(cols), TO_H2_COL));
KeyValueSupplier keySupplier = createSupplier(cctx, desc.type(), keyColIdx, hasKeyProps, true, false);
KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(cctx, desc.type(), valColIdx, hasValProps, false, false);
String selectSql = sel != null ? sel.getSQL() : null;
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = null;
if (rowsNum == 0 && !F.isEmpty(selectSql)) {
distributed = checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, mvccEnabled, planKey, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName(), log);
List<List<DmlArgument>> rows = null;
if (elRows != null) {
assert sel == null;
rows = new ArrayList<>(elRows.size());
for (GridSqlElement[] elRow : elRows) {
List<DmlArgument> row = new ArrayList<>(cols.length);
for (GridSqlElement el : elRow) {
DmlArgument arg = DmlArguments.create(el);
return new UpdatePlan(mode, tbl.dataTable(), colNames, colTypes, keySupplier, valSupplier, keyColIdx, valColIdx, selectSql, !isTwoStepSubqry, rows, rowsNum, null, distributed, false, fillAbsentPKsWithNullsOrDefaults);