use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class GridSubqueryJoinOptimizer method buildConditionBush.
* Creates tree from provided elements which will be connected with an AND operator.
* @param ops Ops.
* @return Root of the resulting tree.
private static GridSqlElement buildConditionBush(List<GridSqlElement> ops) {
assert !F.isEmpty(ops);
if (ops.size() == 1)
return ops.get(0);
int m = (ops.size() + 1) / 2;
GridSqlElement left = buildConditionBush(ops.subList(0, m));
GridSqlElement right = buildConditionBush(ops.subList(m, ops.size()));
return new GridSqlOperation(AND, left, right);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class GridSubqueryJoinOptimizer method isSimpleSelect.
* Whether Select query is simple or not.
* <p>
* We call query simple if it is select query (not union) and it has neither having nor grouping,
* has no distinct clause, has no aggregations, has no limits, no sorting, no offset clause.
* Also it is not SELECT FOR UPDATE.
* @param subQry Sub query.
* @return {@code true} if it is simple query.
private static boolean isSimpleSelect(GridSqlQuery subQry) {
if (subQry instanceof GridSqlUnion)
return false;
GridSqlSelect select = (GridSqlSelect) subQry;
boolean simple = F.isEmpty(select.sort()) && select.offset() == null && select.limit() == null && !select.isForUpdate() && !select.distinct() && select.havingColumn() < 0 && F.isEmpty(select.groupColumns());
if (!simple)
return false;
for (GridSqlAst col : select.columns(true)) {
if (!(col instanceof GridSqlElement))
// we have to traverse the tree because there may be such expressions
// like ((MAX(col) - MIN(col)) / COUNT(col)
ASTNodeFinder aggFinder = new ASTNodeFinder(col, (p, c) -> p instanceof GridSqlAggregateFunction);
if (aggFinder.findNext() != null)
return false;
// In case of query like "SELECT * FROM (SELECT i||j FROM t) u;", where subquery contains pure operation
// without an alias, we cannot determine which generated alias in the parent query the original expression
// belongs to. So the best we can do is skip the case.
ASTNodeFinder operationFinder = new ASTNodeFinder(col, (p, c) -> p instanceof GridSqlOperation, ast -> false);
if (operationFinder.findNext() != null)
return false;
return true;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method gridTableForElement.
* @param target Expression to extract the table from.
* @return Back end table for this element.
public static GridSqlTable gridTableForElement(GridSqlElement target) {
Set<GridSqlTable> tbls = new HashSet<>();
collectAllGridTablesInTarget(target, tbls);
if (tbls.size() != 1)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Failed to determine target table", IgniteQueryErrorCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND);
return tbls.iterator().next();
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method findKeyValueEqualityCondition.
* @param where Element to test.
* @return Whether given element corresponds to {@code WHERE _key = ?}, and key is a literal expressed
* in query or a query param.
private static IgnitePair<GridSqlElement> findKeyValueEqualityCondition(GridSqlElement where) {
if (!(where instanceof GridSqlOperation))
return null;
GridSqlOperation whereOp = (GridSqlOperation) where;
// Does this WHERE limit only by _key?
if (isKeyEqualityCondition(whereOp))
return new IgnitePair<>((GridSqlElement) whereOp.child(1), null);
// Or maybe it limits both by _key and _val?
if (whereOp.operationType() != GridSqlOperationType.AND)
return null;
GridSqlElement left = whereOp.child(0);
GridSqlElement right = whereOp.child(1);
if (!(left instanceof GridSqlOperation && right instanceof GridSqlOperation))
return null;
GridSqlOperation leftOp = (GridSqlOperation) left;
GridSqlOperation rightOp = (GridSqlOperation) right;
if (isKeyEqualityCondition(leftOp)) {
// _key = ? and _val = ?
if (!isValueEqualityCondition(rightOp))
return null;
return new IgnitePair<>((GridSqlElement) leftOp.child(1), (GridSqlElement) rightOp.child(1));
} else if (isKeyEqualityCondition(rightOp)) {
// _val = ? and _key = ?
if (!isValueEqualityCondition(leftOp))
return null;
return new IgnitePair<>((GridSqlElement) rightOp.child(1), (GridSqlElement) leftOp.child(1));
} else
// Neither
return null;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement in project ignite by apache.
the class DmlAstUtils method findParams.
* @param qry Select.
* @param params Parameters.
* @param target Extracted parameters.
* @param paramIdxs Parameter indexes.
* @return Extracted parameters list.
private static List<Object> findParams(GridSqlQuery qry, Object[] params, ArrayList<Object> target, IntArray paramIdxs) {
if (qry instanceof GridSqlSelect)
return findParams((GridSqlSelect) qry, params, target, paramIdxs);
GridSqlUnion union = (GridSqlUnion) qry;
findParams(union.left(), params, target, paramIdxs);
findParams(union.right(), params, target, paramIdxs);
findParams((GridSqlElement) qry.limit(), params, target, paramIdxs);
findParams((GridSqlElement) qry.offset(), params, target, paramIdxs);
return target;