use of org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.schema.SchemaOperationManager in project ignite by apache.
the class GridQueryProcessor method startSchemaChange.
* Initiate actual schema change operation.
* @param schemaOp Schema operation.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown" })
private void startSchemaChange(SchemaOperation schemaOp) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(stateMux);
assert !schemaOp.started();
// Get current cache state.
SchemaProposeDiscoveryMessage msg = schemaOp.proposeMessage();
String cacheName = msg.operation().cacheName();
DynamicCacheDescriptor cacheDesc = ctx.cache().cacheDescriptor(cacheName);
boolean cacheExists = cacheDesc != null && F.eq(msg.deploymentId(), cacheDesc.deploymentId());
boolean cacheRegistered = cacheExists && cacheNames.contains(cacheName);
// Validate schema state and decide whether we should proceed or not.
SchemaAbstractOperation op = msg.operation();
QueryTypeDescriptorImpl type = null;
SchemaOperationException err;
boolean nop = false;
if (cacheExists) {
if (cacheRegistered) {
// If cache is started, we perform validation against real schema.
T3<QueryTypeDescriptorImpl, Boolean, SchemaOperationException> res = prepareChangeOnStartedCache(op);
assert res.get2() != null;
type = res.get1();
nop = res.get2();
err = res.get3();
} else {
// If cache is not started yet, there is no schema. Take schema from cache descriptor and validate.
QuerySchema schema = cacheDesc.schema();
T2<Boolean, SchemaOperationException> res = prepareChangeOnNotStartedCache(op, schema);
assert res.get1() != null;
type = null;
nop = res.get1();
err = res.get2();
} else
err = new SchemaOperationException(SchemaOperationException.CODE_CACHE_NOT_FOUND, cacheName);
// Start operation.
SchemaOperationWorker worker = new SchemaOperationWorker(ctx, this, msg.deploymentId(), op, nop, err, cacheRegistered, type);
SchemaOperationManager mgr = new SchemaOperationManager(ctx, this, worker, ctx.clientNode() ? null : coordinator());
// Unwind pending IO messages.
if (!ctx.clientNode() && coordinator().isLocal())
unwindPendingMessages(, mgr);
// Schedule operation finish handling if needed.
if (schemaOp.hasFinishMessage())