use of in project ignite by apache.
the class MLPTest method testDifferentiation.
* Test differentiation.
public void testDifferentiation() {
int inputSize = 2;
int firstLayerNeuronsCnt = 1;
double w10 = 0.1;
double w11 = 0.2;
MLPArchitecture conf = new MLPArchitecture(inputSize).withAddedLayer(firstLayerNeuronsCnt, false, Activators.SIGMOID);
MultilayerPerceptron mlp = new MultilayerPerceptron(conf);
mlp.setWeight(1, 0, 0, w10);
mlp.setWeight(1, 1, 0, w11);
double x0 = 1.0;
double x1 = 3.0;
Matrix inputs = new DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix(new double[][] { { x0, x1 } }).transpose();
double ytt = 1.0;
Matrix truth = new DenseLocalOnHeapMatrix(new double[][] { { ytt } }).transpose();
Vector grad = mlp.differentiateByParameters(LossFunctions.MSE, inputs, truth);
// Let yt be y ground truth value.
// d/dw1i [(yt - sigma(w10 * x0 + w11 * x1))^2] =
// 2 * (yt - sigma(w10 * x0 + w11 * x1)) * (-1) * (sigma(w10 * x0 + w11 * x1)) * (1 - sigma(w10 * x0 + w11 * x1)) * xi =
// let z = sigma(w10 * x0 + w11 * x1)
// - 2* (yt - z) * (z) * (1 - z) * xi.
IgniteTriFunction<Double, Vector, Vector, Vector> partialDer = (yt, w, x) -> {
Double z = Activators.SIGMOID.apply(;
return x.copy().map(xi -> -2 * (yt - z) * z * (1 - z) * xi);
Vector weightsVec = mlp.weights(1).getRow(0);
Vector trueGrad = partialDer.apply(ytt, weightsVec, inputs.getCol(0));
Assert.assertEquals(mlp.architecture().parametersCount(), grad.size());
Assert.assertEquals(trueGrad, grad);
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class ColumnDecisionTreeTrainerBenchmark method tstMNISTSparseDistributedMatrix.
* Run decision tree classifier on MNIST using sparse distributed matrix as a storage for dataset.
* To run this test rename this method so it starts from 'test'.
* @throws IOException In case of loading MNIST dataset errors.
public void tstMNISTSparseDistributedMatrix() throws IOException {
int ptsCnt = 30_000;
int featCnt = 28 * 28;
Properties props = loadMNISTProperties();
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> trainingMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(props.getProperty(PROP_TRAINING_IMAGES), props.getProperty(PROP_TRAINING_LABELS), new Random(123L), ptsCnt);
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> testMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(props.getProperty(PROP_TEST_IMAGES), props.getProperty(PROP_TEST_LABELS), new Random(123L), 10_000);
SparseDistributedMatrix m = new SparseDistributedMatrix(ptsCnt, featCnt + 1, StorageConstants.COLUMN_STORAGE_MODE, StorageConstants.RANDOM_ACCESS_MODE);
SparseDistributedMatrixStorage sto = (SparseDistributedMatrixStorage) m.getStorage();
loadVectorsIntoSparseDistributedMatrixCache(sto.cache().getName(), sto.getUUID(), trainingMnistStream.iterator(), featCnt + 1);
ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<GiniSplitCalculator.GiniData> trainer = new ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<>(10, ContinuousSplitCalculators.GINI.apply(ignite), RegionCalculators.GINI, RegionCalculators.MOST_COMMON, ignite);
X.println("Training started");
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
DecisionTreeModel mdl = trainer.train(new MatrixColumnDecisionTreeTrainerInput(m, new HashMap<>()));
X.println("Training finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before));
IgniteTriFunction<Model<Vector, Double>, Stream<IgniteBiTuple<Vector, Double>>, Function<Double, Double>, Double> mse = Estimators.errorsPercentage();
Double accuracy = mse.apply(mdl, -> new IgniteBiTuple<>(v.viewPart(0, featCnt), v.getX(featCnt))), Function.identity());
X.println("Errors percentage: " + accuracy);
Assert.assertEquals(0, SplitCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, FeaturesCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ContextCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ProjectionsCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class ColumnDecisionTreeTrainerBenchmark method tstMNISTBiIndexedCache.
* Run decision tree classifier on MNIST using bi-indexed cache as a storage for dataset.
* To run this test rename this method so it starts from 'test'.
* @throws IOException In case of loading MNIST dataset errors.
public void tstMNISTBiIndexedCache() throws IOException {
int ptsCnt = 40_000;
int featCnt = 28 * 28;
Properties props = loadMNISTProperties();
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> trainingMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(props.getProperty(PROP_TRAINING_IMAGES), props.getProperty(PROP_TRAINING_LABELS), new Random(123L), ptsCnt);
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> testMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(props.getProperty(PROP_TEST_IMAGES), props.getProperty(PROP_TEST_LABELS), new Random(123L), 10_000);
IgniteCache<BiIndex, Double> cache = createBiIndexedCache();
loadVectorsIntoBiIndexedCache(cache.getName(), trainingMnistStream.iterator(), featCnt + 1);
ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<GiniSplitCalculator.GiniData> trainer = new ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<>(10, ContinuousSplitCalculators.GINI.apply(ignite), RegionCalculators.GINI, RegionCalculators.MOST_COMMON, ignite);
X.println("Training started.");
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
DecisionTreeModel mdl = trainer.train(new BiIndexedCacheColumnDecisionTreeTrainerInput(cache, new HashMap<>(), ptsCnt, featCnt));
X.println("Training finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before));
IgniteTriFunction<Model<Vector, Double>, Stream<IgniteBiTuple<Vector, Double>>, Function<Double, Double>, Double> mse = Estimators.errorsPercentage();
Double accuracy = mse.apply(mdl, -> new IgniteBiTuple<>(v.viewPart(0, featCnt), v.getX(featCnt))), Function.identity());
X.println("Errors percentage: " + accuracy);
Assert.assertEquals(0, SplitCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, FeaturesCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ContextCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ProjectionsCache.getOrCreate(ignite).size());
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class DecisionTreesExample method main.
* Launches example.
* @param args Program arguments.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println(">>> Decision trees example started.");
String igniteCfgPath;
CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
String trainingImagesPath;
String trainingLabelsPath;
String testImagesPath;
String testLabelsPath;
Map<String, String> mnistPaths = new HashMap<>();
mnistPaths.put(MNIST_TRAIN_IMAGES, "train-images-idx3-ubyte");
mnistPaths.put(MNIST_TRAIN_LABELS, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte");
mnistPaths.put(MNIST_TEST_IMAGES, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte");
mnistPaths.put(MNIST_TEST_LABELS, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte");
try {
// Parse the command line arguments.
CommandLine line = parser.parse(buildOptions(), args);
if (line.hasOption(MLExamplesCommonArgs.UNATTENDED)) {
System.out.println(">>> Skipped example execution because 'unattended' mode is used.");
System.out.println(">>> Decision trees example finished.");
igniteCfgPath = line.getOptionValue(CONFIG, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (!getMNIST(mnistPaths.values())) {
System.out.println(">>> You should have MNIST dataset in " + MNIST_DIR + " to run this example.");
trainingImagesPath = Objects.requireNonNull(IgniteUtils.resolveIgnitePath(MNIST_DIR + "/" + mnistPaths.get(MNIST_TRAIN_IMAGES))).getPath();
trainingLabelsPath = Objects.requireNonNull(IgniteUtils.resolveIgnitePath(MNIST_DIR + "/" + mnistPaths.get(MNIST_TRAIN_LABELS))).getPath();
testImagesPath = Objects.requireNonNull(IgniteUtils.resolveIgnitePath(MNIST_DIR + "/" + mnistPaths.get(MNIST_TEST_IMAGES))).getPath();
testLabelsPath = Objects.requireNonNull(IgniteUtils.resolveIgnitePath(MNIST_DIR + "/" + mnistPaths.get(MNIST_TEST_LABELS))).getPath();
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(igniteCfgPath)) {
int ptsCnt = 60000;
int featCnt = 28 * 28;
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> trainingMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(trainingImagesPath, trainingLabelsPath, new Random(123L), ptsCnt);
Stream<DenseLocalOnHeapVector> testMnistStream = MnistUtils.mnist(testImagesPath, testLabelsPath, new Random(123L), 10_000);
IgniteCache<BiIndex, Double> cache = createBiIndexedCache(ignite);
loadVectorsIntoBiIndexedCache(cache.getName(), trainingMnistStream.iterator(), featCnt + 1, ignite);
ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<GiniSplitCalculator.GiniData> trainer = new ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<>(10, ContinuousSplitCalculators.GINI.apply(ignite), RegionCalculators.GINI, RegionCalculators.MOST_COMMON, ignite);
System.out.println(">>> Training started");
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
DecisionTreeModel mdl = trainer.train(new BiIndexedCacheColumnDecisionTreeTrainerInput(cache, new HashMap<>(), ptsCnt, featCnt));
System.out.println(">>> Training finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before));
IgniteTriFunction<Model<Vector, Double>, Stream<IgniteBiTuple<Vector, Double>>, Function<Double, Double>, Double> mse = Estimators.errorsPercentage();
Double accuracy = mse.apply(mdl, -> new IgniteBiTuple<>(v.viewPart(0, featCnt), v.getX(featCnt))), Function.identity());
System.out.println(">>> Errs percentage: " + accuracy);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(">>> Decision trees example finished.");
use of in project ignite by apache.
the class ColumnDecisionTreeTrainerBenchmark method tstF1.
* Test decision tree regression.
* To run this test rename this method so it starts from 'test'.
public void tstF1() {
int ptsCnt = 10000;
Map<Integer, double[]> ranges = new HashMap<>();
ranges.put(0, new double[] { -100.0, 100.0 });
ranges.put(1, new double[] { -100.0, 100.0 });
ranges.put(2, new double[] { -100.0, 100.0 });
int featCnt = 100;
double[] defRng = { -1.0, 1.0 };
Vector[] trainVectors = vecsFromRanges(ranges, featCnt, defRng, new Random(123L), ptsCnt, f1);
SparseDistributedMatrix m = new SparseDistributedMatrix(ptsCnt, featCnt + 1, StorageConstants.COLUMN_STORAGE_MODE, StorageConstants.RANDOM_ACCESS_MODE);
SparseDistributedMatrixStorage sto = (SparseDistributedMatrixStorage) m.getStorage();
loadVectorsIntoSparseDistributedMatrixCache(sto.cache().getName(), sto.getUUID(),, featCnt + 1);
IgniteFunction<DoubleStream, Double> regCalc = s -> s.average().orElse(0.0);
ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<VarianceSplitCalculator.VarianceData> trainer = new ColumnDecisionTreeTrainer<>(10, ContinuousSplitCalculators.VARIANCE, RegionCalculators.VARIANCE, regCalc, ignite);
X.println("Training started.");
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
DecisionTreeModel mdl = trainer.train(new MatrixColumnDecisionTreeTrainerInput(m, new HashMap<>()));
X.println("Training finished in: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) + " ms.");
Vector[] testVectors = vecsFromRanges(ranges, featCnt, defRng, new Random(123L), 20, f1);
IgniteTriFunction<Model<Vector, Double>, Stream<IgniteBiTuple<Vector, Double>>, Function<Double, Double>, Double> mse = Estimators.MSE();
Double accuracy = mse.apply(mdl, -> new IgniteBiTuple<>(v.viewPart(0, featCnt), v.getX(featCnt))), Function.identity());
X.println("MSE: " + accuracy);