use of org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper in project ignite by apache.
the class ServerImpl method pingNode.
* Pings the node by its address to see if it's alive.
* @param addr Address of the node.
* @param nodeId Node ID to ping. In case when client node ID is not null this node ID is an ID of the router node.
* @param clientNodeId Client node ID.
* @return ID of the remote node and "client exists" flag if node alive or {@code null} if the remote node has
* left a topology during the ping process.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If an error occurs.
private IgniteBiTuple<UUID, Boolean> pingNode(InetSocketAddress addr, @Nullable UUID nodeId, @Nullable UUID clientNodeId) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert addr != null;
UUID locNodeId = getLocalNodeId();
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper(spi, clientNodeId == null);
if (F.contains(spi.locNodeAddrs, addr)) {
if (clientNodeId == null)
return F.t(getLocalNodeId(), false);
ClientMessageWorker clientWorker = clientMsgWorkers.get(clientNodeId);
if (clientWorker == null)
return F.t(getLocalNodeId(), false);
boolean clientPingRes;
try {
clientPingRes =;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IgniteInterruptedCheckedException(e);
return F.t(getLocalNodeId(), clientPingRes);
GridPingFutureAdapter<IgniteBiTuple<UUID, Boolean>> fut = new GridPingFutureAdapter<>();
GridPingFutureAdapter<IgniteBiTuple<UUID, Boolean>> oldFut = pingMap.putIfAbsent(addr, fut);
if (oldFut != null)
return oldFut.get();
else {
Collection<Throwable> errs = null;
try {
Socket sock = null;
int reconCnt = 0;
boolean openedSock = false;
while (true) {
try {
if (addr.isUnresolved())
addr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(addr.getHostName()), addr.getPort());
long tstamp = U.currentTimeMillis();
sock = spi.createSocket();
fut.sock = sock;
sock = spi.openSocket(sock, addr, timeoutHelper);
openedSock = true;
spi.writeToSocket(sock, new TcpDiscoveryPingRequest(locNodeId, clientNodeId), timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(spi.getSocketTimeout()));
TcpDiscoveryPingResponse res = spi.readMessage(sock, null, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(spi.getAckTimeout()));
if (locNodeId.equals(res.creatorNodeId())) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Ping response from local node: " + res);
spi.stats.onClientSocketInitialized(U.currentTimeMillis() - tstamp);
IgniteBiTuple<UUID, Boolean> t = F.t(res.creatorNodeId(), res.clientExists());
return t;
} catch (IOException | IgniteCheckedException e) {
if (nodeId != null && !nodeAlive(nodeId)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Failed to ping the node (has left or leaving topology): [nodeId=" + nodeId + ']');
fut.onDone((IgniteBiTuple<UUID, Boolean>) null);
return null;
if (errs == null)
errs = new ArrayList<>();
if (!openedSock && reconCnt == 2)
if (timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e))
else if (!spi.failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled() && reconCnt == spi.getReconnectCount())
} finally {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof Error)
throw t;
throw U.cast(t);
} finally {
if (!fut.isDone())
fut.onDone(U.exceptionWithSuppressed("Failed to ping node by address: " + addr, errs));
boolean b = pingMap.remove(addr, fut);
assert b;
return fut.get();
use of org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper in project ignite by apache.
the class TcpCommunicationSpi method createShmemClient.
* @param node Node.
* @param port Port.
* @param connIdx Connection index.
* @return Client.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private GridCommunicationClient createShmemClient(ClusterNode node, int connIdx, Integer port) throws IgniteCheckedException {
int attempt = 1;
int connectAttempts = 1;
long connTimeout0 = connTimeout;
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper(this, !node.isClient());
while (true) {
GridCommunicationClient client;
try {
client = new GridShmemCommunicationClient(connIdx, metricsLsnr, port, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(connTimeout), log, getSpiContext().messageFormatter());
} catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
if (timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e))
throw e;
// Reconnect for the second time, if connection is not established.
if (connectAttempts < 2 && X.hasCause(e, ConnectException.class)) {
throw e;
try {
safeHandshake(client, null,, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(connTimeout0), null, null);
} catch (HandshakeTimeoutException | IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutException e) {
if (failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled() && (e instanceof HandshakeTimeoutException || timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e))) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Handshake timed out (failure threshold reached) [failureDetectionTimeout=" + failureDetectionTimeout() + ", err=" + e.getMessage() + ", client=" + client + ']');
throw e;
assert !failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Handshake timed out (will retry with increased timeout) [timeout=" + connTimeout0 + ", err=" + e.getMessage() + ", client=" + client + ']');
if (attempt == reconCnt || connTimeout0 > maxConnTimeout) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Handshake timedout (will stop attempts to perform the handshake) " + "[timeout=" + connTimeout0 + ", maxConnTimeout=" + maxConnTimeout + ", attempt=" + attempt + ", reconCnt=" + reconCnt + ", err=" + e.getMessage() + ", client=" + client + ']');
throw e;
} else {
connTimeout0 *= 2;
} catch (IgniteCheckedException | RuntimeException | Error e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Caught exception (will close client) [err=" + e.getMessage() + ", client=" + client + ']');
throw e;
return client;
use of org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper in project ignite by apache.
the class TcpCommunicationSpi method createTcpClient.
* Establish TCP connection to remote node and returns client.
* @param node Remote node.
* @param connIdx Connection index.
* @return Client.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
protected GridCommunicationClient createTcpClient(ClusterNode node, int connIdx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
Collection<String> rmtAddrs0 = node.attribute(createSpiAttributeName(ATTR_ADDRS));
Collection<String> rmtHostNames0 = node.attribute(createSpiAttributeName(ATTR_HOST_NAMES));
Integer boundPort = node.attribute(createSpiAttributeName(ATTR_PORT));
Collection<InetSocketAddress> extAddrs = node.attribute(createSpiAttributeName(ATTR_EXT_ADDRS));
boolean isRmtAddrsExist = (!F.isEmpty(rmtAddrs0) && boundPort != null);
boolean isExtAddrsExist = !F.isEmpty(extAddrs);
if (!isRmtAddrsExist && !isExtAddrsExist)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to send message to the destination node. Node doesn't have any " + "TCP communication addresses or mapped external addresses. Check configuration and make sure " + "that you use the same communication SPI on all nodes. Remote node id: " +;
LinkedHashSet<InetSocketAddress> addrs;
// Try to connect first on bound addresses.
if (isRmtAddrsExist) {
List<InetSocketAddress> addrs0 = new ArrayList<>(U.toSocketAddresses(rmtAddrs0, rmtHostNames0, boundPort));
boolean sameHost = U.sameMacs(getSpiContext().localNode(), node);
Collections.sort(addrs0, U.inetAddressesComparator(sameHost));
addrs = new LinkedHashSet<>(addrs0);
} else
addrs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// Then on mapped external addresses.
if (isExtAddrsExist)
Set<InetAddress> allInetAddrs = U.newHashSet(addrs.size());
for (InetSocketAddress addr : addrs) {
// Skip unresolved as addr.getAddress() can return null.
if (!addr.isUnresolved())
List<InetAddress> reachableInetAddrs = U.filterReachable(allInetAddrs);
if (reachableInetAddrs.size() < allInetAddrs.size()) {
LinkedHashSet<InetSocketAddress> addrs0 = U.newLinkedHashSet(addrs.size());
List<InetSocketAddress> unreachableInetAddr = new ArrayList<>(allInetAddrs.size() - reachableInetAddrs.size());
for (InetSocketAddress addr : addrs) {
if (reachableInetAddrs.contains(addr.getAddress()))
addrs = addrs0;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Addresses to connect for node [rmtNode=" + + ", addrs=" + addrs.toString() + ']');
boolean conn = false;
GridCommunicationClient client = null;
IgniteCheckedException errs = null;
int connectAttempts = 1;
for (InetSocketAddress addr : addrs) {
long connTimeout0 = connTimeout;
int attempt = 1;
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper(this, !node.isClient());
while (!conn) {
// Reconnection on handshake timeout.
try {
SocketChannel ch =;
if (sockRcvBuf > 0)
if (sockSndBuf > 0)
if (getSpiContext().node( == null) {
throw new ClusterTopologyCheckedException("Failed to send message " + "(node left topology): " + node);
ConnectionKey connKey = new ConnectionKey(, connIdx, -1);
GridNioRecoveryDescriptor recoveryDesc = outRecoveryDescriptor(node, connKey);
if (!recoveryDesc.reserve()) {
return null;
long rcvCnt = -1;
Map<Integer, Object> meta = new HashMap<>();
GridSslMeta sslMeta = null;
try {
ch.socket().connect(addr, (int) timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(connTimeout));
if (isSslEnabled()) {
meta.put(SSL_META.ordinal(), sslMeta = new GridSslMeta());
SSLEngine sslEngine = ignite.configuration().getSslContextFactory().create().createSSLEngine();
Integer handshakeConnIdx = connIdx;
rcvCnt = safeHandshake(ch, recoveryDesc,, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(connTimeout0), sslMeta, handshakeConnIdx);
if (rcvCnt == -1)
return null;
} finally {
if (recoveryDesc != null && rcvCnt == -1)
try {
meta.put(CONN_IDX_META, connKey);
if (recoveryDesc != null) {
meta.put(-1, recoveryDesc);
GridNioSession ses = nioSrvr.createSession(ch, meta).get();
client = new GridTcpNioCommunicationClient(connIdx, ses, log);
conn = true;
} finally {
if (!conn) {
if (recoveryDesc != null)
} catch (HandshakeTimeoutException | IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutException e) {
if (client != null) {
client = null;
if (failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled() && (e instanceof HandshakeTimeoutException || timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e))) {
String msg = "Handshake timed out (failure detection timeout is reached) " + "[failureDetectionTimeout=" + failureDetectionTimeout() + ", addr=" + addr + ']';
onException(msg, e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
if (errs == null)
errs = new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to node (is node still alive?). " + "Make sure that each ComputeTask and cache Transaction has a timeout set " + "in order to prevent parties from waiting forever in case of network issues " + "[nodeId=" + + ", addrs=" + addrs + ']');
errs.addSuppressed(new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to address: " + addr, e));
assert !failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled();
onException("Handshake timed out (will retry with increased timeout) [timeout=" + connTimeout0 + ", addr=" + addr + ']', e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Handshake timed out (will retry with increased timeout) [timeout=" + connTimeout0 + ", addr=" + addr + ", err=" + e + ']');
if (attempt == reconCnt || connTimeout0 > maxConnTimeout) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Handshake timedout (will stop attempts to perform the handshake) " + "[timeout=" + connTimeout0 + ", maxConnTimeout=" + maxConnTimeout + ", attempt=" + attempt + ", reconCnt=" + reconCnt + ", err=" + e.getMessage() + ", addr=" + addr + ']');
if (errs == null)
errs = new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to node (is node still alive?). " + "Make sure that each ComputeTask and cache Transaction has a timeout set " + "in order to prevent parties from waiting forever in case of network issues " + "[nodeId=" + + ", addrs=" + addrs + ']');
errs.addSuppressed(new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to address: " + addr, e));
} else {
connTimeout0 *= 2;
// Continue loop.
} catch (Exception e) {
if (client != null) {
client = null;
onException("Client creation failed [addr=" + addr + ", err=" + e + ']', e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Client creation failed [addr=" + addr + ", err=" + e + ']');
boolean failureDetThrReached = timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e);
if (failureDetThrReached)
LT.warn(log, "Connect timed out (consider increasing 'failureDetectionTimeout' " + "configuration property) [addr=" + addr + ", failureDetectionTimeout=" + failureDetectionTimeout() + ']');
else if (X.hasCause(e, SocketTimeoutException.class))
LT.warn(log, "Connect timed out (consider increasing 'connTimeout' " + "configuration property) [addr=" + addr + ", connTimeout=" + connTimeout + ']');
if (errs == null)
errs = new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to node (is node still alive?). " + "Make sure that each ComputeTask and cache Transaction has a timeout set " + "in order to prevent parties from waiting forever in case of network issues " + "[nodeId=" + + ", addrs=" + addrs + ']');
errs.addSuppressed(new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to connect to address: " + addr, e));
// Reconnect for the second time, if connection is not established.
if (!failureDetThrReached && connectAttempts < 2 && (e instanceof ConnectException || X.hasCause(e, ConnectException.class))) {
if (conn)
if (client == null) {
assert errs != null;
if (X.hasCause(errs, ConnectException.class))
LT.warn(log, "Failed to connect to a remote node " + "(make sure that destination node is alive and " + "operating system firewall is disabled on local and remote hosts) " + "[addrs=" + addrs + ']');
if (getSpiContext().node( != null && (CU.clientNode(node) || !CU.clientNode(getLocalNode())) && X.hasCause(errs, ConnectException.class, SocketTimeoutException.class, HandshakeTimeoutException.class, IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutException.class)) {
LT.warn(log, "TcpCommunicationSpi failed to establish connection to node, node will be dropped from " + "cluster [" + "rmtNode=" + node + ", err=" + errs + ", connectErrs=" + Arrays.toString(errs.getSuppressed()) + ']');
getSpiContext().failNode(, "TcpCommunicationSpi failed to establish connection to node [" + "rmtNode=" + node + ", errs=" + errs + ", connectErrs=" + Arrays.toString(errs.getSuppressed()) + ']');
throw errs;
return client;
use of org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper in project ignite by apache.
the class ClientImpl method sendJoinRequest.
* @param recon {@code True} if reconnects.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Socket, connect response and client acknowledge support flag.
private T3<SocketStream, Integer, Boolean> sendJoinRequest(boolean recon, InetSocketAddress addr) {
assert addr != null;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Send join request [addr=" + addr + ", reconnect=" + recon + ", locNodeId=" + getLocalNodeId() + ']');
Collection<Throwable> errs = null;
long ackTimeout0 = spi.getAckTimeout();
int reconCnt = 0;
int connectAttempts = 1;
int sslConnectAttempts = 3;
UUID locNodeId = getLocalNodeId();
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper(spi, true);
while (true) {
boolean openSock = false;
Socket sock = null;
try {
long tstamp = U.currentTimeMillis();
sock = spi.openSocket(addr, timeoutHelper);
openSock = true;
TcpDiscoveryHandshakeRequest req = new TcpDiscoveryHandshakeRequest(locNodeId);
spi.writeToSocket(sock, req, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(spi.getSocketTimeout()));
TcpDiscoveryHandshakeResponse res = spi.readMessage(sock, null, ackTimeout0);
UUID rmtNodeId = res.creatorNodeId();
assert rmtNodeId != null;
assert !getLocalNodeId().equals(rmtNodeId);
spi.stats.onClientSocketInitialized(U.currentTimeMillis() - tstamp);
tstamp = U.currentTimeMillis();
TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage msg;
if (!recon) {
TcpDiscoveryNode node = locNode;
if (locNode.order() > 0) {
node = locNode.clientReconnectNode(spi.spiCtx.nodeAttributes());
msg = new TcpDiscoveryJoinRequestMessage(node, spi.collectExchangeData(new DiscoveryDataPacket(getLocalNodeId())));
} else
msg = new TcpDiscoveryClientReconnectMessage(getLocalNodeId(), rmtNodeId, lastMsgId);
spi.writeToSocket(sock, msg, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(spi.getSocketTimeout()));
spi.stats.onMessageSent(msg, U.currentTimeMillis() - tstamp);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Message has been sent to address [msg=" + msg + ", addr=" + addr + ", rmtNodeId=" + rmtNodeId + ']');
return new T3<>(new SocketStream(sock), spi.readReceipt(sock, timeoutHelper.nextTimeoutChunk(ackTimeout0)), res.clientAck());
} catch (IOException | IgniteCheckedException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.error("Exception on joining: " + e.getMessage(), e);
onException("Exception on joining: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (errs == null)
errs = new ArrayList<>();
if (X.hasCause(e, SSLException.class)) {
if (--sslConnectAttempts == 0)
throw new IgniteSpiException("Unable to establish secure connection. " + "Was remote cluster configured with SSL? [rmtAddr=" + addr + ", errMsg=\"" + e.getMessage() + "\"]", e);
if (X.hasCause(e, StreamCorruptedException.class)) {
if (--sslConnectAttempts == 0)
throw new IgniteSpiException("Unable to establish plain connection. " + "Was remote cluster configured with SSL? [rmtAddr=" + addr + ", errMsg=\"" + e.getMessage() + "\"]", e);
if (timeoutHelper.checkFailureTimeoutReached(e))
if (!spi.failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled() && ++reconCnt == spi.getReconnectCount())
if (!openSock) {
// Reconnect for the second time, if connection is not established.
if (connectAttempts < 2) {
// Don't retry if we can not establish connection.
if (!spi.failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled() && (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException || X.hasCause(e, SocketTimeoutException.class))) {
ackTimeout0 *= 2;
if (!checkAckTimeout(ackTimeout0))
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Failed to join to address [addr=" + addr + ", recon=" + recon + ", errs=" + errs + ']');
return null;
use of org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper in project ignite by apache.
the class ServerImpl method sendJoinRequestMessage.
* Tries to send join request message to a random node presenting in topology.
* Address is provided by {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.TcpDiscoveryIpFinder} and message is
* sent to first node connection succeeded to.
* @return {@code true} if send succeeded.
* @throws IgniteSpiException If any error occurs.
@SuppressWarnings({ "BusyWait" })
private boolean sendJoinRequestMessage() throws IgniteSpiException {
TcpDiscoveryAbstractMessage joinReq = new TcpDiscoveryJoinRequestMessage(locNode, spi.collectExchangeData(new DiscoveryDataPacket(getLocalNodeId())));
// Time when it has been detected, that addresses from IP finder do not respond.
long noResStart = 0;
while (true) {
Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs = spi.resolvedAddresses();
if (F.isEmpty(addrs))
return false;
boolean retry = false;
Collection<Exception> errs = new ArrayList<>();
for (InetSocketAddress addr : addrs) {
try {
IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new IgniteSpiOperationTimeoutHelper(spi, true);
Integer res;
try {
res = sendMessageDirectly(joinReq, addr, timeoutHelper);
} finally {
assert res != null;
// Address is responsive, reset period start.
noResStart = 0;
switch(res) {
case RES_WAIT:
// Concurrent startup, try sending join request again or wait if no success.
retry = true;
case RES_OK:
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Join request message has been sent to address [addr=" + addr + ", req=" + joinReq + ']');
// Join request sending succeeded, wait for response from topology.
return true;
// Concurrent startup, try next node.
if (res == RES_CONTINUE_JOIN) {
if (!fromAddrs.contains(addr))
retry = true;
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Unexpected response to join request: " + res);
retry = true;
} catch (IgniteSpiException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
IOException ioe = X.cause(e, IOException.class);
log.debug("Failed to send join request message [addr=" + addr + ", msg=" + (ioe != null ? ioe.getMessage() : e.getMessage()) + ']');
onException("Failed to send join request message [addr=" + addr + ", msg=" + (ioe != null ? ioe.getMessage() : e.getMessage()) + ']', ioe);
if (retry) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Concurrent discovery SPI start has been detected (local node should wait).");
try {
} catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException e) {
throw new IgniteSpiException("Thread has been interrupted.", e);
} else if (!spi.ipFinder.isShared() && !ipFinderHasLocAddr) {
IgniteCheckedException e = null;
if (!errs.isEmpty()) {
e = new IgniteCheckedException("Multiple connection attempts failed.");
for (Exception err : errs) e.addSuppressed(err);
if (e != null && X.hasCause(e, ConnectException.class)) {
LT.warn(log, "Failed to connect to any address from IP finder " + "(make sure IP finder addresses are correct and firewalls are disabled on all host machines): " + toOrderedList(addrs), true);
if (spi.joinTimeout > 0) {
if (noResStart == 0)
noResStart = U.currentTimeMillis();
else if (U.currentTimeMillis() - noResStart > spi.joinTimeout)
throw new IgniteSpiException("Failed to connect to any address from IP finder within join timeout " + "(make sure IP finder addresses are correct, and operating system firewalls are disabled " + "on all host machines, or consider increasing 'joinTimeout' configuration property): " + addrs, e);
try {
} catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException ex) {
throw new IgniteSpiException("Thread has been interrupted.", ex);
} else
return false;