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Example 1 with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder

use of org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder in project ignite by apache.

the class ClientImpl method joinTopology.

 * @param prevAddr If reconnect is in progress, then previous address of the router the client was connected to
 *      and {@code null} otherwise.
 * @param timeout Timeout.
 * @return Opened socket or {@code null} if timeout.
 * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted.
 * @throws IgniteSpiException If failed.
 * @see TcpDiscoverySpi#joinTimeout
private T2<SocketStream, Boolean> joinTopology(InetSocketAddress prevAddr, long timeout) throws IgniteSpiException, InterruptedException {
    List<InetSocketAddress> addrs = null;
    long startTime = U.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
            throw new InterruptedException();
        while (addrs == null || addrs.isEmpty()) {
            addrs = new ArrayList<>(spi.resolvedAddresses());
            if (!F.isEmpty(addrs)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Resolved addresses from IP finder: " + addrs);
            } else {
                if (timeout > 0 && (U.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > timeout)
                    return null;
                LT.warn(log, "IP finder returned empty addresses list. " + "Please check IP finder configuration" + (spi.ipFinder instanceof TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder ? " and make sure multicast works on your network. " : ". ") + "Will retry every " + spi.getReconnectDelay() + " ms. " + "Change 'reconnectDelay' to configure the frequency of retries.", true);
        // Process failed node last.
        if (prevAddr != null) {
            int idx = addrs.indexOf(prevAddr);
            if (idx != -1)
                Collections.swap(addrs, idx, 0);
        Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs0 = new ArrayList<>(addrs);
        boolean wait = false;
        for (int i = addrs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new InterruptedException();
            InetSocketAddress addr = addrs.get(i);
            boolean recon = prevAddr != null;
            T3<SocketStream, Integer, Boolean> sockAndRes = sendJoinRequest(recon, addr);
            if (sockAndRes == null) {
            assert sockAndRes.get1() != null && sockAndRes.get2() != null : sockAndRes;
            Socket sock = sockAndRes.get1().socket();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Received response to join request [addr=" + addr + ", res=" + sockAndRes.get2() + ']');
            switch(sockAndRes.get2()) {
                case RES_OK:
                    return new T2<>(sockAndRes.get1(), sockAndRes.get3());
                case RES_CONTINUE_JOIN:
                case RES_WAIT:
                    wait = true;
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Received unexpected response to join request: " + sockAndRes.get2());
        if (timeout > 0 && (U.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > timeout)
            return null;
        if (wait) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Will wait before retry join.");
        } else if (addrs.isEmpty()) {
            LT.warn(log, "Failed to connect to any address from IP finder (will retry to join topology " + "every " + spi.getReconnectDelay() + " ms; change 'reconnectDelay' to configure the frequency " + "of retries): " + toOrderedList(addrs0), true);
Also used : InetSocketAddress( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) Socket( T2(org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 2 with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder

use of org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder in project ignite by apache.

the class PlatformConfigurationUtils method readDiscoveryConfiguration.

 * Reads discovery configuration from a stream and updates provided IgniteConfiguration.
 * @param cfg IgniteConfiguration to update.
 * @param in Reader.
private static void readDiscoveryConfiguration(BinaryRawReader in, IgniteConfiguration cfg) {
    boolean hasCfg = in.readBoolean();
    if (!hasCfg)
    TcpDiscoverySpi disco = new TcpDiscoverySpi();
    boolean hasIpFinder = in.readBoolean();
    if (hasIpFinder) {
        byte ipFinderType = in.readByte();
        int addrCnt = in.readInt();
        ArrayList<String> addrs = null;
        if (addrCnt > 0) {
            addrs = new ArrayList<>(addrCnt);
            for (int i = 0; i < addrCnt; i++) addrs.add(in.readString());
        TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder finder = null;
        if (ipFinderType == 1)
            finder = new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder();
        else if (ipFinderType == 2) {
            TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder finder0 = new TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder();
            boolean hasTtl = in.readBoolean();
            if (hasTtl)
            finder = finder0;
        } else
            assert false;
Also used : TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder) TcpDiscoverySpi(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi)

Example 3 with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder

use of org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder in project ignite by apache.

the class TcpDiscoverySpi method initializeImpl.

private void initializeImpl() {
    if (impl != null)
    sslEnable = ignite().configuration().getSslContextFactory() != null;
    if (!forceSrvMode && (Boolean.TRUE.equals(ignite.configuration().isClientMode()))) {
        if (ackTimeout == 0)
            ackTimeout = DFLT_ACK_TIMEOUT_CLIENT;
        if (sockTimeout == 0)
            sockTimeout = DFLT_SOCK_TIMEOUT_CLIENT;
        impl = new ClientImpl(this);
    } else {
        if (ackTimeout == 0)
            ackTimeout = DFLT_ACK_TIMEOUT;
        if (sockTimeout == 0)
            sockTimeout = DFLT_SOCK_TIMEOUT;
        impl = new ServerImpl(this);
    metricsUpdateFreq = ignite.configuration().getMetricsUpdateFrequency();
    if (!failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled()) {
        assertParameter(sockTimeout > 0, "sockTimeout > 0");
        assertParameter(ackTimeout > 0, "ackTimeout > 0");
        assertParameter(maxAckTimeout > ackTimeout, "maxAckTimeout > ackTimeout");
        assertParameter(reconCnt > 0, "reconnectCnt > 0");
    assertParameter(netTimeout > 0, "networkTimeout > 0");
    assertParameter(ipFinder != null, "ipFinder != null");
    assertParameter(metricsUpdateFreq > 0, "metricsUpdateFreq > 0" + " (inited from igniteConfiguration.metricsUpdateFrequency)");
    assertParameter(ipFinderCleanFreq > 0, "ipFinderCleanFreq > 0");
    assertParameter(locPort > 1023, "localPort > 1023");
    assertParameter(locPortRange >= 0, "localPortRange >= 0");
    assertParameter(locPort + locPortRange <= 0xffff, "locPort + locPortRange <= 0xffff");
    assertParameter(threadPri > 0, "threadPri > 0");
    assertParameter(statsPrintFreq >= 0, "statsPrintFreq >= 0");
    if (isSslEnabled()) {
        try {
            SSLContext sslCtx = ignite().configuration().getSslContextFactory().create();
            sslSockFactory = sslCtx.getSocketFactory();
            sslSrvSockFactory = sslCtx.getServerSocketFactory();
        } catch (IgniteException e) {
            throw new IgniteSpiException("Failed to create SSL context. SSL factory: " + ignite.configuration().getSslContextFactory(), e);
    try {
        locHost = U.resolveLocalHost(locAddr);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IgniteSpiException("Unknown local address: " + locAddr, e);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug(configInfo("localHost", locHost.getHostAddress()));
        log.debug(configInfo("localPort", locPort));
        log.debug(configInfo("localPortRange", locPortRange));
        log.debug(configInfo("threadPri", threadPri));
        if (!failureDetectionTimeoutEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Failure detection timeout is ignored because at least one of the parameters from this list" + " has been set explicitly: 'sockTimeout', 'ackTimeout', 'maxAckTimeout', 'reconnectCount'.");
            log.debug(configInfo("networkTimeout", netTimeout));
            log.debug(configInfo("sockTimeout", sockTimeout));
            log.debug(configInfo("ackTimeout", ackTimeout));
            log.debug(configInfo("maxAckTimeout", maxAckTimeout));
            log.debug(configInfo("reconnectCount", reconCnt));
        } else
            log.debug(configInfo("failureDetectionTimeout", failureDetectionTimeout()));
        log.debug(configInfo("ipFinder", ipFinder));
        log.debug(configInfo("ipFinderCleanFreq", ipFinderCleanFreq));
        log.debug(configInfo("metricsUpdateFreq", metricsUpdateFreq));
        log.debug(configInfo("statsPrintFreq", statsPrintFreq));
    // Warn on odd network timeout.
    if (netTimeout < 3000)
        U.warn(log, "Network timeout is too low (at least 3000 ms recommended): " + netTimeout);
    if (ipFinder instanceof TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) {
        TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder mcastIpFinder = ((TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) ipFinder);
        if (mcastIpFinder.getLocalAddress() == null)
    cfgNodeId = ignite.configuration().getNodeId();
Also used : TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) IgniteException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteException) SSLContext( IgniteSpiException(org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteSpiException) IOException(

Example 4 with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder

use of org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder in project ignite by apache.

the class ClientImpl method joinTopology.

 * @param prevAddr If reconnect is in progress, then previous address of the router the client was connected to
 *      and {@code null} otherwise.
 * @param timeout Timeout.
 * @param beforeEachSleep code to be run before each sleep span.
 * @param afterEachSleep code to be run before each sleep span.
 * @return Opened socket or {@code null} if timeout.
 * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted.
 * @throws IgniteSpiException If failed.
 * @see TcpDiscoverySpi#joinTimeout
private T2<SocketStream, Boolean> joinTopology(InetSocketAddress prevAddr, long timeout, @Nullable Runnable beforeEachSleep, @Nullable Runnable afterEachSleep) throws IgniteSpiException, InterruptedException {
    List<InetSocketAddress> addrs = null;
    long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
    while (true) {
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
            throw new InterruptedException();
        while (addrs == null || addrs.isEmpty()) {
            addrs = new ArrayList<>(spi.resolvedAddresses());
            if (!F.isEmpty(addrs)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Resolved addresses from IP finder: " + addrs);
            } else {
                if (timeout > 0 && U.millisSinceNanos(startNanos) > timeout)
                    return null;
                LT.warn(log, "IP finder returned empty addresses list. " + "Please check IP finder configuration" + (spi.ipFinder instanceof TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder ? " and make sure multicast works on your network. " : ". ") + "Will retry every " + spi.getReconnectDelay() + " ms. " + "Change 'reconnectDelay' to configure the frequency of retries.", true);
                sleepEx(spi.getReconnectDelay(), beforeEachSleep, afterEachSleep);
        // Process failed node last.
        if (prevAddr != null) {
            int idx = addrs.indexOf(prevAddr);
            if (idx != -1)
                Collections.swap(addrs, idx, 0);
        Collection<InetSocketAddress> addrs0 = new ArrayList<>(addrs);
        boolean wait = false;
        for (int i = addrs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new InterruptedException();
            InetSocketAddress addr = addrs.get(i);
            boolean recon = prevAddr != null;
            T3<SocketStream, Integer, Boolean> sockAndRes = sendJoinRequest(recon, addr);
            if (sockAndRes == null) {
            assert sockAndRes.get1() != null && sockAndRes.get2() != null : sockAndRes;
            Socket sock = sockAndRes.get1().socket();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Received response to join request [addr=" + addr + ", res=" + sockAndRes.get2() + ']');
            switch(sockAndRes.get2()) {
                case RES_OK:
                    return new T2<>(sockAndRes.get1(), sockAndRes.get3());
                case RES_CONTINUE_JOIN:
                case RES_WAIT:
                    wait = true;
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Received unexpected response to join request: " + sockAndRes.get2());
        if (timeout > 0 && U.millisSinceNanos(startNanos) > timeout)
            return null;
        if (wait) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Will wait before retry join.");
            sleepEx(spi.getReconnectDelay(), beforeEachSleep, afterEachSleep);
        } else if (addrs.isEmpty()) {
            LT.warn(log, "Failed to connect to any address from IP finder (will retry to join topology " + "every " + spi.getReconnectDelay() + " ms; change 'reconnectDelay' to configure the frequency " + "of retries): " + toOrderedList(addrs0), true);
            sleepEx(spi.getReconnectDelay(), beforeEachSleep, afterEachSleep);
Also used : InetSocketAddress( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IgniteInterruptedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteInterruptedException) TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) Socket( T2(org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)

Example 5 with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder

use of org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder in project ignite by apache.

the class TcpDiscoverySelfTest method testMulticastIpFinder.

 * @throws Exception If any error occurs.
public void testMulticastIpFinder() throws Exception {
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            Ignite g = startGrid("MulticastIpFinder-" + i);
            assertEquals(i + 1, g.cluster().nodes().size());
            TcpDiscoverySpi spi = (TcpDiscoverySpi) g.configuration().getDiscoverySpi();
            TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder ipFinder = (TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) spi.getIpFinder();
            boolean found = false;
            for (GridPortRecord rec : ((IgniteKernal) g).context().ports().records()) {
                if ((rec.protocol() == UDP) && rec.port() == ipFinder.getMulticastPort()) {
                    found = true;
            assertTrue("TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder should register port.", found);
    } finally {
Also used : IgniteKernal(org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal) TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder(org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder) Ignite(org.apache.ignite.Ignite) GridPortRecord(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.port.GridPortRecord) GridCommonAbstractTest(org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.common.GridCommonAbstractTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder)13 IgniteConfiguration (org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration)5 TcpDiscoverySpi (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi)5 InetSocketAddress ( Socket ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Ignite (org.apache.ignite.Ignite)3 T2 (org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2)3 TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder)3 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)3 TcpCommunicationSpi (org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi)2 TcpDiscoveryIpFinder (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.TcpDiscoveryIpFinder)2 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)2 IOException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 SSLContext ( IgniteException (org.apache.ignite.IgniteException)1 IgniteInterruptedException (org.apache.ignite.IgniteInterruptedException)1 IgniteKernal (org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal)1 GridPortRecord (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.port.GridPortRecord)1