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Example 1 with EvictionData

use of org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData in project ant-ivy by apache.

the class XmlReportWriter method outputEvictionInformation.

private void outputEvictionInformation(ConfigurationResolveReport report, PrintWriter out, IvyNode dep) {
    if (dep.isEvicted(report.getConfiguration())) {
        EvictionData ed = dep.getEvictedData(report.getConfiguration());
        Collection<IvyNode> selected = ed.getSelected();
        if (selected != null) {
            for (IvyNode sel : selected) {
                out.println("\t\t\t\t<evicted-by rev=\"" + XMLHelper.escape(sel.getResolvedId().getRevision()) + "\"/>");
Also used : EvictionData(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData) IvyNode(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNode)

Example 2 with EvictionData

use of org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData in project ant-ivy by apache.

the class IvyDependencyTree method printDependencies.

private void printDependencies(final ModuleRevisionId mrid, final List<IvyNode> dependencyList, final int indent, final Set<ModuleRevisionId> ancestors) {
    for (IvyNode dependency : dependencyList) {
        final Set<ModuleRevisionId> ancestorsForCurrentDep = new HashSet<>(ancestors);
        // previous ancestors plus the module to whom these dependencies belong to
        final boolean evicted = dependency.isEvicted(getConf());
        if (evicted && !showEvicted) {
        final boolean isLastDependency = dependencyList.indexOf(dependency) == dependencyList.size() - 1;
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        final ModuleRevisionId dependencyMrid = dependency.getId();
        final boolean circular = ancestorsForCurrentDep.contains(dependencyMrid);
        if (indent > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
                if (i == indent - 1 && isLastDependency && !hasDependencies(dependency)) {
                    sb.append("   ");
                } else {
                    sb.append("|  ");
        sb.append(isLastDependency ? "\\- " : "+- ");
        if (!evicted && circular) {
            // log and skip processing the (transitive) dependencies of this dependency
            sb.append("(circularly depends on) ").append(dependencyMrid);
        } else {
        if (evicted && showEvicted) {
            EvictionData evictedData = dependency.getEvictedData(getConf());
            if (evictedData.isTransitivelyEvicted()) {
                sb.append(" transitively");
            } else {
                sb.append(" evicted by ");
                sb.append(" in ").append(evictedData.getParent());
                if (evictedData.getDetail() != null) {
                    sb.append(" ").append(evictedData.getDetail());
        printDependencies(dependencyMrid, dependencies.get(dependencyMrid), indent + 1, ancestorsForCurrentDep);
Also used : EvictionData(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData) ModuleRevisionId( IvyNode(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNode) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with EvictionData

use of org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData in project ant-ivy by apache.

the class LatestCompatibleConflictManager method blackListIncompatibleCallerAndRestartResolveIfPossible.

private void blackListIncompatibleCallerAndRestartResolveIfPossible(IvySettings settings, IvyNode parent, IvyNode selected, IvyNode evicted) {
    Stack<IvyNode> callerStack = new Stack<>();
    Collection<IvyNodeBlacklist> toBlacklist = blackListIncompatibleCaller(settings.getVersionMatcher(), parent, selected, evicted, callerStack);
    if (toBlacklist != null) {
        final StringBuilder blacklisted = new StringBuilder();
        for (IvyNodeBlacklist blacklist : toBlacklist) {
            if (blacklisted.length() > 0) {
                blacklisted.append(" ");
            IvyNode blacklistedNode = blacklist.getBlacklistedNode();
        String rootModuleConf = parent.getData().getReport().getConfiguration();
        evicted.markEvicted(new EvictionData(rootModuleConf, parent, this, Collections.singleton(selected), "with blacklisting of " + blacklisted));
        if (settings.debugConflictResolution()) {
            Message.debug("evicting " + evicted + " by " + evicted.getEvictedData(rootModuleConf));
        throw new RestartResolveProcess("trying to handle incompatibilities between " + selected + " and " + evicted);
Also used : RestartResolveProcess(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.RestartResolveProcess) IvyNodeBlacklist(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeBlacklist) EvictionData(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData) IvyNode(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNode) Stack(java.util.Stack)

Example 4 with EvictionData

use of org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData in project ant-ivy by apache.

the class ResolveEngine method resolveConflict.

 * Resolves conflict for the given node in the given ancestor. This method do conflict
 * resolution in ancestor parents recursively, unless not necessary.
 * @param node
 *            the node for which conflict resolution should be done
 * @param ancestor
 *            the ancestor in which the conflict resolution should be done
 * @param conf String
 * @param toevict
 *            a collection of IvyNode to evict (as computed by conflict resolution in
 *            descendants of ancestor)
 * @return true if conflict resolution has been done, false it can't be done yet
private boolean resolveConflict(VisitNode node, VisitNode ancestor, String conf, Collection<IvyNode> toevict) {
    if (ancestor == null || node == ancestor) {
        return true;
    // check if job is not already done
    if (checkConflictSolvedEvicted(node, ancestor)) {
        // job is done and node is evicted, nothing to do
        return true;
    boolean debugConflictResolution = settings.debugConflictResolution();
    if (checkConflictSolvedSelected(node, ancestor)) {
        // before
        if (resolveConflict(node, ancestor.getParent(), conf, toevict)) {
            // now that conflict resolution is ok in ancestors
            // we just have to check if the node wasn't previously evicted in root ancestor
            EvictionData evictionData = node.getEvictionDataInRoot(node.getRootModuleConf(), ancestor);
            if (evictionData != null) {
                // node has been previously evicted in an ancestor: we mark it as evicted
                if (debugConflictResolution) {
                    Message.debug(node + " was previously evicted in root module conf " + node.getRootModuleConf());
                if (debugConflictResolution) {
                    Message.debug("evicting " + node + " by " + evictionData);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    // compute conflicts
    Set<IvyNode> resolvedNodes = ancestor.getNode().getResolvedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf());
    resolvedNodes.addAll(ancestor.getNode().getPendingConflicts(node.getRootModuleConf(), node.getModuleId()));
    Collection<IvyNode> conflicts = computeConflicts(node, ancestor, conf, toevict, resolvedNodes);
    ConflictManager conflictManager = null;
    for (VisitNode current : ancestor.getPath()) {
        ModuleDescriptor descriptor = current.getNode().getDescriptor();
        if (descriptor == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("impossible to get conflict manager when data has not been loaded. IvyNode = " + current.getNode());
        conflictManager = descriptor.getConflictManager(node.getModuleId());
        if (conflictManager != null) {
    if (conflictManager == null) {
        conflictManager = settings.getConflictManager(node.getModuleId());
    Collection<IvyNode> resolved = resolveConflicts(node, ancestor, conflicts, conflictManager);
    if (resolved == null) {
        if (debugConflictResolution) {
            Message.debug("impossible to resolve conflicts for " + node + " in " + ancestor + " yet");
            Message.debug("setting all nodes as pending conflicts for later conflict" + " resolution: " + conflicts);
        ancestor.getNode().setPendingConflicts(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), conflicts);
        return false;
    if (debugConflictResolution) {
        Message.debug("selected revisions for " + node + " in " + ancestor + ": " + resolved);
    if (resolved.contains(node.getNode())) {
        // node has been selected for the current parent
        // handle previously selected nodes that are now evicted by this new node
        toevict = resolvedNodes;
        for (IvyNode te : toevict) {
            te.markEvicted(node.getRootModuleConf(), ancestor.getNode(), conflictManager, resolved);
            if (debugConflictResolution) {
                Message.debug("evicting " + te + " by " + te.getEvictedData(node.getRootModuleConf()));
        // it's very important to update resolved and evicted nodes BEFORE recompute parent call
        // to allow it to recompute its resolved collection with correct data
        // if necessary
        ancestor.getNode().setResolvedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), resolved);
        Collection<IvyNode> evicted = new HashSet<>(ancestor.getNode().getEvictedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf()));
        ancestor.getNode().setEvictedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), evicted);
        ancestor.getNode().setPendingConflicts(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), Collections.<IvyNode>emptySet());
        return resolveConflict(node, ancestor.getParent(), conf, toevict);
    } else {
        // node has been evicted for the current parent
        if (resolved.isEmpty()) {
            if (debugConflictResolution) {
                Message.verbose("conflict manager '" + conflictManager + "' evicted all revisions among " + conflicts);
        // it's time to update parent resolved and evicted with what was found
        Collection<IvyNode> evicted = new HashSet<>(ancestor.getNode().getEvictedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf()));
        ancestor.getNode().setEvictedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), evicted);
        ancestor.getNode().setPendingConflicts(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), Collections.<IvyNode>emptySet());
        node.markEvicted(ancestor, conflictManager, resolved);
        if (debugConflictResolution) {
            Message.debug("evicting " + node + " by " + node.getEvictedData());
        // if resolved changed we have to go up in the graph
        Collection<IvyNode> prevResolved = ancestor.getNode().getResolvedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf());
        boolean solved = true;
        if (!prevResolved.equals(resolved)) {
            ancestor.getNode().setResolvedNodes(node.getModuleId(), node.getRootModuleConf(), resolved);
            for (IvyNode sel : resolved) {
                if (!prevResolved.contains(sel)) {
                    solved &= resolveConflict(node.gotoNode(sel), ancestor.getParent(), conf, toevict);
        return solved;
Also used : DefaultModuleDescriptor(org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor) ModuleDescriptor(org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ModuleDescriptor) EvictionData(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData) ConflictManager(org.apache.ivy.plugins.conflict.ConflictManager) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 5 with EvictionData

use of org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData in project ant-ivy by apache.

the class ResolveEngine method fetchDependencies.

private void fetchDependencies(VisitNode node, String conf, boolean shouldBePublic) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (node.getParent() != null) {
        Message.verbose("== resolving dependencies " + node.getParent().getId() + "->" + node.getId() + " [" + node.getParentConf() + "->" + conf + "]");
    } else {
        Message.verbose("== resolving dependencies for " + node.getId() + " [" + conf + "]");
    ResolveData data = node.getNode().getData();
    VisitNode parentVisitNode = data.getCurrentVisitNode();
    DependencyDescriptor dd = node.getDependencyDescriptor();
    VersionMatcher versionMatcher = node.getNode().getData().getSettings().getVersionMatcher();
    if (dd != null && !(node.getRoot() == node.getParent() && versionMatcher.isDynamic(dd.getDependencyRevisionId()))) {
             * we don't resolve conflicts before loading data for direct dependencies on dynamic
             * revisions, so that direct dynamic revisions are always resolved, which is mandatory
             * for proper replacement of dynamic revisions during 'deliver'
        resolveConflict(node, conf);
    if (node.loadData(conf, shouldBePublic)) {
        // we resolve conflict again now that we have all information loaded
        // indeed in some cases conflict manager need more information than just asked
        // dependency to take the decision
        resolveConflict(node, conf);
        if (!node.isEvicted() && !node.isCircular()) {
            for (String rconf : node.getRealConfs(conf)) {
                doFetchDependencies(node, rconf);
    } else if (!node.hasProblem()) {
        // => we just have to update its dependencies data
        if (!node.isEvicted() && !node.isCircular()) {
            for (String rconf : node.getRealConfs(conf)) {
                doFetchDependencies(node, rconf);
    if (node.isEvicted()) {
        // update selected nodes with confs asked in evicted one
        EvictionData ed = node.getEvictedData();
        if (ed.getSelected() != null) {
            for (IvyNode selected : ed.getSelected()) {
                if (!selected.isLoaded()) {
                    // the node is not yet loaded, we can simply update its set of
                    // configurations to fetch
                } else {
                    // the node has already been loaded, we must fetch its dependencies in the
                    // required conf
                    fetchDependencies(node.gotoNode(selected), conf, true);
    if (settings.debugConflictResolution()) {
        Message.debug(node.getId() + " => dependencies resolved in " + conf + " (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms)");
Also used : DependencyDescriptor(org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DependencyDescriptor) DefaultDependencyDescriptor(org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyDescriptor) VersionMatcher(org.apache.ivy.plugins.version.VersionMatcher) EvictionData(org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData)


EvictionData (org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeEviction.EvictionData)8 IvyNode (org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNode)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 ModuleDescriptor (org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.ModuleDescriptor)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)1 Stack (java.util.Stack)1 DefaultDependencyDescriptor (org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyDescriptor)1 DefaultModuleDescriptor (org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor)1 DependencyDescriptor (org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DependencyDescriptor)1 License (org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.License)1 ModuleRevisionId ( ArtifactDownloadReport ( IvyNodeBlacklist (org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.IvyNodeBlacklist)1 RestartResolveProcess (org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.RestartResolveProcess)1 IvySettings (org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings)1 ConflictManager (org.apache.ivy.plugins.conflict.ConflictManager)1 VersionMatcher (org.apache.ivy.plugins.version.VersionMatcher)1