use of org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype.EffectiveNodeTypeProvider in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class SessionItemStateManager method visit.
* @see OperationVisitor#visit(SetPrimaryType)
public void visit(SetPrimaryType operation) throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
// NOTE: nodestate is only modified upon save of the changes!
Name primaryName = operation.getPrimaryTypeName();
NodeState nState = operation.getNodeState();
NodeEntry nEntry = nState.getNodeEntry();
// detect obvious node type conflicts
EffectiveNodeTypeProvider entProvider = mgrProvider.getEffectiveNodeTypeProvider();
// try to build new effective node type (will throw in case of conflicts)
Name[] mixins = nState.getMixinTypeNames();
List<Name> all = new ArrayList<Name>(Arrays.asList(mixins));
// retrieve effective to assert validity of arguments
entProvider.getEffectiveNodeType(all.toArray(new Name[all.size()]));
// modify the value of the jcr:primaryType property entry without
// changing the node state itself
PropertyEntry pEntry = nEntry.getPropertyEntry(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE);
PropertyState pState = pEntry.getPropertyState();
setPropertyStateValue(pState, getQValues(new Name[] { primaryName }, qValueFactory), PropertyType.NAME, operation.getOptions());
// mark the affected node state modified and remember the operation
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype.EffectiveNodeTypeProvider in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class SessionImporter method startNode.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void startNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo, List<PropInfo> propInfos, NamePathResolver resolver) throws RepositoryException {
if (isClosed()) {
// workspace-importer only: ignore if import has been aborted before.
NodeState parent = parents.peek();
if (parent == null) {
// parent node was skipped, skip this child node also
// push null onto stack for skipped node
log.debug("Skipping node '" + nodeInfo.getName() + "'.");
NodeEntry parentEntry = (NodeEntry) parent.getHierarchyEntry();
NodeState nodeState = null;
if (parentEntry.hasNodeEntry(nodeInfo.getName())) {
try {
// a valid child node with that name already exists
NodeEntry entry = parentEntry.getNodeEntry(nodeInfo.getName(), Path.INDEX_DEFAULT);
NodeState existing = entry.getNodeState();
QNodeDefinition def = existing.getDefinition();
if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
// existing doesn't allow same-name siblings, check for conflicts
EffectiveNodeTypeProvider provider = session.getEffectiveNodeTypeProvider();
Name[] ntNames = existing.getAllNodeTypeNames();
EffectiveNodeType entExisting = provider.getEffectiveNodeType(ntNames);
if (def.isProtected() && entExisting.includesNodeType(nodeInfo.getNodeTypeName())) {
// skip protected node
// push null onto stack for skipped node
log.debug("skipping protected node " + LogUtil.safeGetJCRPath(existing, session.getPathResolver()));
if (def.isAutoCreated() && entExisting.includesNodeType(nodeInfo.getNodeTypeName())) {
// this node has already been auto-created, no need to create it
nodeState = existing;
} else {
throw new ItemExistsException(LogUtil.safeGetJCRPath(existing, session.getPathResolver()));
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
// 'existing' doesn't exist any more -> ignore
if (nodeState == null) {
// node does not exist -> create new one
if (nodeInfo.getUUID() == null) {
// no potential uuid conflict, add new node from given info
nodeState = importNode(nodeInfo, parent);
} else {
// make sure the import does not define a uuid without having
// a primaryType or mixin that makes the new node referenceable
// potential uuid conflict
try {
NodeId conflictingId = session.getIdFactory().createNodeId(nodeInfo.getUUID());
NodeEntry conflicting = session.getHierarchyManager().getNodeEntry(conflictingId);
// assert that the entry is available
nodeState = resolveUUIDConflict(parent, conflicting, nodeInfo);
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
// no conflict: create new with given uuid
nodeState = importNode(nodeInfo, parent);
// node state may be 'null' if applicable def is protected
if (nodeState != null) {
// process properties
for (PropInfo pi : propInfos) {
importProperty(pi, nodeState, resolver);
// push current nodeState onto stack of parents