use of org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation.AddNode in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class AccessControlManagerImpl method addNode.
private NodeState addNode(SetTree treeOperation, NodeState parent, Name nodeName, String uuid, Name nodeTypeName) throws RepositoryException {
Operation sp = treeOperation.addChildNode(parent, nodeName, nodeTypeName, uuid);
return (NodeState) ((AddNode) sp).getAddedStates().get(0);
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation.AddNode in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class NodeImpl method createNode.
//---------------------------------------------< private implementation >---
* Create a new <code>NodeState</code> and subsequently retrieves the
* corresponding <code>Node</code> object.
* @param nodeName name of the new node
* @param nodeTypeName name of the new node's node type or <code>null</code>
* if it should be determined automatically
* @return the newly added node
* @throws ItemExistsException
* @throws NoSuchNodeTypeException
* @throws VersionException
* @throws ConstraintViolationException
* @throws LockException
* @throws RepositoryException
private synchronized Node createNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName) throws ItemExistsException, NoSuchNodeTypeException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException, RepositoryException {
QNodeDefinition definition = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQNodeDefinition(getNodeState().getAllNodeTypeNames(), nodeName, nodeTypeName);
if (nodeTypeName == null) {
// use default node type
nodeTypeName = definition.getDefaultPrimaryType();
// validation check are performed by item state manager
// NOTE: uuid is generated while creating new state.
Operation an = AddNode.create(getNodeState(), nodeName, nodeTypeName, null);
// finally retrieve the new node
List<ItemState> addedStates = ((AddNode) an).getAddedStates();
ItemState nState = addedStates.get(0);
return (Node) getItemManager().getItem(nState.getHierarchyEntry());
use of org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation.AddNode in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class SessionImporter method importNode.
* @param nodeInfo
* @param parent
* @return
* @throws ConstraintViolationException
* @throws ItemNotFoundException
* @throws RepositoryException
private NodeState importNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo, NodeState parent) throws ConstraintViolationException, ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
Name[] parentNtNames = parent.getAllNodeTypeNames();
if (parent.hasPropertyName(nodeInfo.getName())) {
* a property with the same name already exists; if this property
* has been imported as well (e.g. through document view import
* where an element can have the same name as one of the attributes
* of its parent element) we have to rename the conflicting property;
* see
PropertyState conflicting = parent.getPropertyState(nodeInfo.getName());
if (conflicting.getStatus() == Status.NEW) {
// assume this property has been imported as well;
// rename conflicting property
// TODO: use better reversible escaping scheme to create unique name
Name newName = session.getNameFactory().create(nodeInfo.getName().getNamespaceURI(), nodeInfo.getName().getLocalName() + "_");
if (parent.hasPropertyName(newName)) {
newName = session.getNameFactory().create(newName.getNamespaceURI(), newName.getLocalName() + "_");
// since name changes, need to find new applicable definition
QPropertyDefinition propDef;
if (conflicting.getValues().length == 1) {
// could be single- or multi-valued (n == 1)
try {
// try single-valued
propDef = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQPropertyDefinition(parentNtNames, newName, conflicting.getType(), false);
} catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
// try multi-valued
propDef = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQPropertyDefinition(parentNtNames, newName, conflicting.getType(), true);
} else {
// can only be multi-valued (n == 0 || n > 1)
propDef = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQPropertyDefinition(parentNtNames, newName, conflicting.getType(), true);
Operation ap = AddProperty.create(parent, newName, conflicting.getType(), propDef, conflicting.getValues());
Operation rm = Remove.create(conflicting);
// do create new nodeState
QNodeDefinition def = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQNodeDefinition(parentNtNames, nodeInfo.getName(), nodeInfo.getNodeTypeName());
if (def.isProtected()) {
log.debug("Skipping protected nodeState (" + nodeInfo.getName() + ")");
return null;
} else {
Name ntName = nodeInfo.getNodeTypeName();
if (ntName == null) {
// use default node type
ntName = def.getDefaultPrimaryType();
Operation an = AddNode.create(parent, nodeInfo.getName(), ntName, nodeInfo.getUUID());
// retrieve id of state that has been created during execution of AddNode
NodeState childState = (NodeState) ((AddNode) an).getAddedStates().get(0);
// and set mixin types
Name[] mixinNames = nodeInfo.getMixinNames();
if (mixinNames != null && mixinNames.length > 0) {
Operation sm = SetMixin.create(childState, nodeInfo.getMixinNames());
return childState;