Search in sources :

Example 1 with Individual

use of org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.

the class RDFMessageBodyWriter method describeContactDetails.

private void describeContactDetails(ContactDetails contactDetails, Individual person, OntModel m) {
    if (contactDetails == null) {
    List<Email> emails = contactDetails.getEmail();
    if (emails != null) {
        for (Email email : emails) {
            if (email.isCurrent()) {
                Individual mbox = m.createIndividual("mailto:" + email.getValue(), null);
                person.addProperty(FOAF.mbox, mbox);
    Address addr = contactDetails.getAddress();
    if (addr != null) {
        if (addr.getCountry() != null) {
            String countryCode = addr.getCountry().getValue().name();
            Individual position = m.createIndividual(Geonames.Feature);
            position.addProperty(Geonames.countryCode, countryCode);
            person.addProperty(FOAF.based_near, position);
            Individual country = getCountry(countryCode);
            if (country != null) {
                country = addToModel(position.getOntModel(), country);
                position.addProperty(Geonames.parentCountry, country);
        // TODO: Include URI and (a) full name of country
        // Potential source:
        // See
Also used : Email(org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.Email) Address(org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.Address) Individual(org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual)

Example 2 with Individual

use of org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.

the class RDFMessageBodyWriter method describeAccount.

private Individual describeAccount(OrcidProfile orcidProfile, OntModel m, Individual person) {
    String orcidURI = orcidProfile.getOrcidIdentifier().getUri();
    String orcidPublicationsUri = orcidURI + "#workspace-works";
    Individual publications = m.createIndividual(orcidPublicationsUri, FOAF.Document);
    // list of publications
    // (anchor in the HTML rendering - foaf:publications goes to a foaf:Document - not to an
    // RDF list of publications - although we should probably also have that)
    person.addProperty(FOAF.publications, publications);
    String orcidAccountUri = orcidURI + "#orcid-id";
    Individual account = m.createIndividual(orcidAccountUri, FOAF.OnlineAccount);
    person.addProperty(FOAF.account, account);
    Individual webSite = null;
    if (baseUri != null) {
        webSite = m.createIndividual(baseUri, null);
        account.addProperty(FOAF.accountServiceHomepage, webSite);
    String orcId = orcidProfile.getOrcidIdentifier().getPath();
    account.addProperty(FOAF.accountName, orcId);
    account.addLabel(orcId, null);
    // The current page is the foaf:PersonalProfileDocument - this assumes
    // we have done a 303 See Other redirect to the RDF resource, so that it 
    // differs from the ORCID uri. 
    // for example:
    //     GET
    //     Accept: text/turtle
    //     HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
    //     Location:
    String profileUri;
    if (getUriInfo() != null) {
        profileUri = getUriInfo().getAbsolutePath().toASCIIString();
    } else {
        // Some kind of fallback, although the PersonalProfiledocument should be an 
        // information resource without #anchor
        profileUri = orcidURI + "#personalProfileDocument";
    Individual profileDoc = m.createIndividual(profileUri, FOAF.PersonalProfileDocument);
    profileDoc.addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, person);
    OrcidHistory history = orcidProfile.getOrcidHistory();
    if (history != null) {
        if (history.isClaimed().booleanValue()) {
            // Set account as PersonalProfileDocument
            profileDoc.addProperty(FOAF.maker, person);
        // Who made the profile?
        switch(history.getCreationMethod()) {
            case DIRECT:
            case MEMBER_REFERRED:
            case WEBSITE:
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdBy, person);
                profileDoc.addProperty(PROV.wasAttributedTo, person);
                if (webSite != null && (history.getCreationMethod() == CreationMethod.WEBSITE || history.getCreationMethod() == CreationMethod.DIRECT)) {
                    profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdWith, webSite);
            case API:
                Individual api = m.createIndividual(MEMBER_API, PROV.SoftwareAgent);
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.importedBy, api);
                if (history.isClaimed().booleanValue()) {
                    profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.curatedBy, person);
                // Some unknown agent!
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdWith, m.createIndividual(null, PROV.Agent));
        if (history.getLastModifiedDate() != null) {
            Literal when = calendarAsLiteral(history.getLastModifiedDate().getValue(), m);
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.lastUpdateOn, when);
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PROV.generatedAtTime, when);
        if (history.getSubmissionDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.createdOn, calendarAsLiteral(history.getSubmissionDate().getValue(), m));
        if (history.getCompletionDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.contributedOn, calendarAsLiteral(history.getCompletionDate().getValue(), m));
        if (history.getDeactivationDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PROV.invalidatedAtTime, calendarAsLiteral(history.getDeactivationDate().getValue(), m));
    return profileDoc;
Also used : Individual(org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual) OrcidHistory(org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.OrcidHistory) Literal(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal)

Example 3 with Individual

use of org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.

the class RDFMessageBodyWriter method writeTo.

     * Write a type to an HTTP response. The response header map is mutable but
     * any changes must be made before writing to the output stream since the
     * headers will be flushed prior to writing the response body.
     * @param message
     *            the instance to write.
     * @param type
     *            the class of object that is to be written.
     * @param genericType
     *            the type of object to be written, obtained either by
     *            reflection of a resource method return type or by inspection
     *            of the returned instance.
     *            {@link} provides a way to
     *            specify this information at runtime.
     * @param annotations
     *            an array of the annotations on the resource method that
     *            returns the object.
     * @param mediaType
     *            the media type of the HTTP entity.
     * @param httpHeaders
     *            a mutable map of the HTTP response headers.
     * @param entityStream
     *            the {@link} for the HTTP entity. The
     *            implementation should not close the output stream.
     * @throws
     *             if an IO error arises
     * @throws
     *             if a specific HTTP error response needs to be produced. Only
     *             effective if thrown prior to the response being committed.
public void writeTo(OrcidMessage xml, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
    OntModel m = getOntModel();
    if (xml.getErrorDesc() != null) {
        describeError(xml.getErrorDesc(), m);
    OrcidProfile orcidProfile = xml.getOrcidProfile();
    // System.out.println(httpHeaders);
    Individual profileDoc = null;
    if (orcidProfile != null) {
        Individual person = describePerson(orcidProfile, m);
        if (person != null) {
            profileDoc = describeAccount(orcidProfile, m, person);
    MediaType jsonLd = new MediaType("application", "ld+json");
    MediaType nTriples = new MediaType("application", "n-triples");
    MediaType rdfXml = new MediaType("application", "rdf+xml");
    String base = null;
    if (getUriInfo() != null) {
    if (mediaType.isCompatible(nTriples)) {
        // NOTE: N-Triples requires absolute URIs
        m.write(entityStream, "N-TRIPLES");
    } else if (mediaType.isCompatible(jsonLd)) {
        m.write(entityStream, "JSON-LD", base);
    } else if (mediaType.isCompatible(rdfXml)) {
        m.write(entityStream, "RDF/XML", base);
    } else {
        // Turtle is the safest default        	
        m.write(entityStream, "TURTLE", base);
Also used : OrcidProfile(org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.OrcidProfile) Individual(org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual) OntModel(org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel) MediaType(

Example 4 with Individual

use of org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual in project jena by apache.

the class JenaOSGITest method testJenaCore.

public void testJenaCore() throws Exception {
    Model model = makeModel();
    Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    model.write(writer, "N-Triples");
    assertEquals("<> <> <> .", writer.toString().trim());
    OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM_RULE_INF);
    ObjectProperty knowsObjProp = ontModel.createObjectProperty(knows.getURI());
    ObjectProperty hasFriend = ontModel.createObjectProperty("");
    Individual aliceIndividual = ontModel.createIndividual(alice);
    Individual bobIndividiual = ontModel.createIndividual(bob);
    ontModel.add(aliceIndividual, hasFriend, bobIndividiual);
    assertTrue(aliceIndividual.hasProperty(knowsObjProp, bobIndividiual));
Also used : ObjectProperty(org.apache.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty) StringWriter( Individual(org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual) OntModel(org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel) Model(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model) OntModel(org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel) StringWriter( Writer( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with Individual

use of org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual in project ORCID-Source by ORCID.

the class RDFMessageBodyWriterV2 method describeAccount.

private Individual describeAccount(Record record, OntModel m, Individual person) {
    String orcidURI = record.getOrcidIdentifier().getUri();
    String orcidPublicationsUri = orcidURI + "#workspace-works";
    Individual publications = m.createIndividual(orcidPublicationsUri, FOAF.Document);
    // list of publications
    // (anchor in the HTML rendering - foaf:publications goes to a foaf:Document - not to an
    // RDF list of publications - although we should probably also have that)
    person.addProperty(FOAF.publications, publications);
    String orcidAccountUri = orcidURI + "#orcid-id";
    Individual account = m.createIndividual(orcidAccountUri, FOAF.OnlineAccount);
    person.addProperty(FOAF.account, account);
    Individual webSite = null;
    if (baseUri != null) {
        webSite = m.createIndividual(baseUri, null);
        account.addProperty(FOAF.accountServiceHomepage, webSite);
    String orcId = record.getOrcidIdentifier().getPath();
    account.addProperty(FOAF.accountName, orcId);
    account.addLabel(orcId, null);
    // The current page is the foaf:PersonalProfileDocument - this assumes
    // we have done a 303 See Other redirect to the RDF resource, so that it
    // differs from the ORCID uri.
    // for example:
    // GET
    // Accept: text/turtle
    // HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
    // Location:
    String profileUri;
    if (getUriInfo() != null) {
        profileUri = getUriInfo().getAbsolutePath().toASCIIString();
    } else {
        // Some kind of fallback, although the PersonalProfiledocument should be an
        // information resource without #anchor
        profileUri = orcidURI + "#personalProfileDocument";
    Individual profileDoc = m.createIndividual(profileUri, FOAF.PersonalProfileDocument);
    profileDoc.addProperty(FOAF.primaryTopic, person);
    History history = record.getHistory();
    if (history != null) {
        if (history.getClaimed()) {
            // Set account as PersonalProfileDocument
            profileDoc.addProperty(FOAF.maker, person);
        // Who made the profile?
        switch(history.getCreationMethod()) {
            case DIRECT:
            case MEMBER_REFERRED:
            case WEBSITE:
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdBy, person);
                profileDoc.addProperty(PROV.wasAttributedTo, person);
                if (webSite != null && (history.getCreationMethod() == CreationMethod.WEBSITE || history.getCreationMethod() == CreationMethod.DIRECT)) {
                    profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdWith, webSite);
            case API:
                Individual api = m.createIndividual(MEMBER_API, PROV.SoftwareAgent);
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.importedBy, api);
                if (history.getClaimed()) {
                    profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.curatedBy, person);
                // Some unknown agent!
                profileDoc.addProperty(PAV.createdWith, m.createIndividual(null, PROV.Agent));
        if (history.getLastModifiedDate() != null) {
            Literal when = calendarAsLiteral(history.getLastModifiedDate().getValue(), m);
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.lastUpdateOn, when);
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PROV.generatedAtTime, when);
        if (history.getSubmissionDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.createdOn, calendarAsLiteral(history.getSubmissionDate().getValue(), m));
        if (history.getCompletionDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PAV.contributedOn, calendarAsLiteral(history.getCompletionDate().getValue(), m));
        if (history.getDeactivationDate() != null) {
            profileDoc.addLiteral(PROV.invalidatedAtTime, calendarAsLiteral(history.getDeactivationDate().getValue(), m));
    return profileDoc;
Also used : Individual(org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual) Literal(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal) History(org.orcid.jaxb.model.record_v2.History)


Individual (org.apache.jena.ontology.Individual)53 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 OntClass (org.apache.jena.ontology.OntClass)16 Literal (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal)6 OntModel (org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 MediaType ( ObjectProperty (org.apache.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty)2 OntResource (org.apache.jena.ontology.OntResource)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 StringWriter ( Writer ( Model (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model)1 Resource (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource)1 Address (org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.Address)1 Email (org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.Email)1 OrcidBio (org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.OrcidBio)1 OrcidHistory (org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.OrcidHistory)1 OrcidProfile (org.orcid.jaxb.model.message.OrcidProfile)1