use of org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel in project Vitro by vivo-project.
the class SimpleReasonerInversePropertyTest method removeTBoxInverseAssertion1.
* removing an inverseOf assertion from the tbox
public void removeTBoxInverseAssertion1(boolean sameAs) throws InterruptedException {
// set up the tbox
OntModel tBox = createTBoxModel();
OntProperty P = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property P");
OntProperty Q = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property Q");
setInverse(P, Q);
// this is the model to receive abox inferences
Model inf = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// abox
OntModel aBox = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
// set up SimpleReasoner and SimpleReasonerTBox listener,
// register them with abox and tbox
SimpleReasoner simpleReasoner = new SimpleReasoner(tBox, aBox, inf);
SimpleReasonerTBoxListener simpleReasonerTBoxListener = getTBoxListener(simpleReasoner);
// add statements to the abox and verify inference
Resource c = aBox.createIndividual("", OWL.Thing);
Resource d = aBox.createIndividual("", OWL.Thing);
aBox.add(c, P, d);
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(d, Q, c));
// Remove P and Q inverse relationship and wait for
// SimpleReasoner TBox thread to end.
removeInverse(P, Q);
while (!VitroBackgroundThread.getLivingThreads().isEmpty()) {
// Verify inference has been removed
Assert.assertFalse(inf.contains(d, Q, c));
use of org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel in project Vitro by vivo-project.
the class SimpleReasonerInversePropertyTest method addABoxAssertion4.
* adding abox data where the property has an inverse and
* and equivalent property.
public void addABoxAssertion4(boolean sameAs) {
// set up the tbox
OntModel tBox = createTBoxModel();
OntProperty P = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property P");
OntProperty Q = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property Q");
OntProperty R = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property R");
setInverse(P, Q);
setInverse(R, Q);
setEquivalent(R, P);
// this is the model to receive abox inferences
Model inf = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// create an ABox and register the SimpleReasoner with it
OntModel aBox = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
SimpleReasoner sr = new SimpleReasoner(tBox, aBox, inf);
// add abox statements and verify inferences
Resource a = aBox.createResource("");
Resource b = aBox.createResource("");
Resource c = aBox.createResource("");
Resource d = aBox.createResource("");
aBox.add(a, R, b);
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(b, Q, a));
aBox.add(c, Q, d);
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(d, P, c));
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(d, R, c));
use of org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel in project Vitro by vivo-project.
the class SimpleReasonerInversePropertyTest method addABoxAssertion1.
* basic scenarios around adding abox data
* Create a Tbox with property P inverseOf property Q.
* Add a statement a P b, and verify that b Q a is inferred.
* Add a statement c Q d and verify that d Q c is inferred.
public void addABoxAssertion1(boolean sameAs) {
// set up the tbox
OntModel tBox = createTBoxModel();
OntProperty P = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property P");
OntProperty Q = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property Q");
setInverse(P, Q);
// this is the model to receive abox inferences
Model inf = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// create an abox and register the SimpleReasoner listener with it
OntModel aBox = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
SimpleReasoner sr = new SimpleReasoner(tBox, aBox, inf);
// add assertions to the abox and verify inferences
Resource a = aBox.createResource("");
Resource b = aBox.createResource("");
Resource c = aBox.createResource("");
Resource d = aBox.createResource("");
aBox.add(a, P, b);
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(b, Q, a));
aBox.add(c, Q, d);
Assert.assertTrue(inf.contains(d, P, c));
// delete assertions and verify that inferences go away
aBox.remove(c, Q, d);
Assert.assertFalse(inf.contains(d, P, c));
aBox.remove(a, P, b);
Assert.assertFalse(inf.contains(b, Q, a));
use of org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel in project Vitro by vivo-project.
the class SimpleReasonerInversePropertyTest method addABoxAssertion2.
* don't infer statements already in the abox
* (never infer because it's in the abox already)
public void addABoxAssertion2(boolean sameAs) {
// set up the tbox
OntModel tBox = createTBoxModel();
OntProperty P = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property P");
OntProperty Q = createObjectProperty(tBox, "", "property Q");
setInverse(P, Q);
// this is the model to receive abox inferences
Model inf = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// create an ABox and add data (no inferencing happening yet)
OntModel aBox = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);
// Individuals a, b, c and d
Resource a = aBox.createResource("");
Resource b = aBox.createResource("");
aBox.add(b, Q, a);
// register SimpleReasoner
aBox.register(new SimpleReasoner(tBox, aBox, inf));
Assert.assertFalse(inf.contains(b, Q, a));
// add data and verify inferences
aBox.add(a, P, b);
Assert.assertFalse(inf.contains(b, Q, a));
use of org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel in project Vitro by vivo-project.
the class JenaOntologyLoader method loadSystemAndUsers.
* This should load the system with classes, data properties and
* object properties that the vitro systems needs.
* @throws Exception
OntModel loadSystemAndUsers() throws Exception {
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
for (String ont : systemOnts) {
InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(ont);, null);
ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(ONT_MODEL_SPEC, model);
return ontModel;