use of in project jena by apache.
the class LoaderOps method idxBTree.
* Get the BPlusTree index for a {@Link TupleIndex}
public static BPlusTree idxBTree(TupleIndex idx) {
TupleIndexRecord idxr = (TupleIndexRecord) idx;
RangeIndex rIndex = idxr.getRangeIndex();
BPlusTree bpt = (BPlusTree) rIndex;
return bpt;
use of in project jena by apache.
the class TDB2StorageBuilder method makeTupleIndex.
private TupleIndex makeTupleIndex(String primary, String index, String name) {
TupleMap cmap = TupleMap.create(primary, index);
RecordFactory rf = new RecordFactory(SystemTDB.SizeOfNodeId * cmap.length(), 0);
RangeIndex rIdx = makeRangeIndex(rf, index);
TupleIndex tIdx = new TupleIndexRecord(primary.length(), cmap, index, rf, rIdx);
return tIdx;