use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class HtmlTemplateExporter method export.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* .report.processor.SampleContext,
public void export(SampleContext context, File file, ReportGeneratorConfiguration configuration) throws ExportException {
Validate.notNull(context, MUST_NOT_BE_NULL, "context");
Validate.notNull(file, MUST_NOT_BE_NULL, "file");
Validate.notNull(configuration, MUST_NOT_BE_NULL, "configuration");
log.debug("Start template processing");
// Create data context and populate it
DataContext dataContext = new DataContext();
// Get the configuration of the current exporter
final ExporterConfiguration exportCfg = configuration.getExportConfigurations().get(getName());
// Get template directory property value
File templateDirectory = getPropertyFromConfig(exportCfg, TEMPLATE_DIR, new File(JMeterUtils.getJMeterBinDir(), TEMPLATE_DIR_NAME_DEFAULT), File.class);
if (!templateDirectory.isDirectory()) {
String message = String.format(INVALID_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY_FMT, templateDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
throw new ExportException(message);
// Get output directory property value
File outputDir = getPropertyFromConfig(exportCfg, OUTPUT_DIR, new File(JMeterUtils.getJMeterBinDir(), OUTPUT_DIR_NAME_DEFAULT), File.class);
String globallyDefinedOutputDir = JMeterUtils.getProperty(JMeter.JMETER_REPORT_OUTPUT_DIR_PROPERTY);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(globallyDefinedOutputDir)) {
outputDir = new File(globallyDefinedOutputDir);
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Will generate dashboard in folder: {}", outputDir.getAbsolutePath());
// Add the flag defining whether only sample series are filtered to the
// context
final boolean filtersOnlySampleSeries = exportCfg.filtersOnlySampleSeries();
addToContext(DATA_CTX_FILTERS_ONLY_SAMPLE_SERIES, Boolean.valueOf(filtersOnlySampleSeries), dataContext);
// Add the series filter to the context
final String seriesFilter = exportCfg.getSeriesFilter();
Pattern filterPattern = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(seriesFilter)) {
try {
filterPattern = Pattern.compile(seriesFilter);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
log.error("Invalid series filter: '{}', {}", seriesFilter, ex.getDescription());
addToContext(DATA_CTX_SERIES_FILTER, seriesFilter, dataContext);
// Add the flag defining whether only controller series are displayed
final boolean showControllerSeriesOnly = exportCfg.showControllerSeriesOnly();
addToContext(DATA_CTX_SHOW_CONTROLLERS_ONLY, Boolean.valueOf(showControllerSeriesOnly), dataContext);
JsonizerVisitor jsonizer = new JsonizerVisitor();
Map<String, Object> storedData = context.getData();
// Add begin date consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.BEGIN_DATE_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add end date summary consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.END_DATE_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add Apdex summary consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.APDEX_SUMMARY_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add errors summary consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.ERRORS_SUMMARY_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add requests summary consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.REQUESTS_SUMMARY_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add statistics summary consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.STATISTICS_SUMMARY_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Add Top 5 errors by sampler consumer result to the data context
addResultToContext(ReportGenerator.TOP5_ERRORS_BY_SAMPLER_CONSUMER_NAME, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer);
// Collect graph results from sample context and transform them into
// Json strings to inject in the data context
ExtraOptionsResultCustomizer customizer = new ExtraOptionsResultCustomizer();
EmptyGraphChecker checker = new EmptyGraphChecker(filtersOnlySampleSeries, showControllerSeriesOnly, filterPattern);
for (Map.Entry<String, GraphConfiguration> graphEntry : configuration.getGraphConfigurations().entrySet()) {
final String graphId = graphEntry.getKey();
final GraphConfiguration graphConfiguration = graphEntry.getValue();
final SubConfiguration extraOptions = exportCfg.getGraphExtraConfigurations().get(graphId);
// Initialize customizer and checker
// Export graph data
addResultToContext(graphId, storedData, dataContext, jsonizer, customizer, checker);
// Replace the begin date with its formatted string and store the old
// timestamp
long oldTimestamp = formatTimestamp(ReportGenerator.BEGIN_DATE_CONSUMER_NAME, dataContext);
// Replace the end date with its formatted string
formatTimestamp(ReportGenerator.END_DATE_CONSUMER_NAME, dataContext);
// Add time zone offset (that matches the begin date) to the context
TimeZone timezone = TimeZone.getDefault();
addToContext(DATA_CTX_TIMEZONE_OFFSET, Integer.valueOf(timezone.getOffset(oldTimestamp)), dataContext);
// Add report title to the context
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(configuration.getReportTitle())) {
dataContext.put(DATA_CTX_REPORT_TITLE, StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(configuration.getReportTitle()));
// Add the test file name to the context
addToContext(DATA_CTX_TESTFILE, file.getName(), dataContext);
// Add the overall filter property to the context
addToContext(DATA_CTX_OVERALL_FILTER, configuration.getSampleFilter(), dataContext);
// Walk template directory to copy files and process templated ones
Configuration templateCfg = new Configuration(Configuration.getVersion());
try {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Report will be generated in: {}, creating folder structure", outputDir.getAbsolutePath());
TemplateVisitor visitor = new TemplateVisitor(templateDirectory.toPath(), outputDir.toPath(), templateCfg, dataContext);
Files.walkFileTree(templateDirectory.toPath(), visitor);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ExportException("Unable to process template files.", ex);
log.debug("End of template processing");
use of in project jmeter by apache.
the class ReportGenerator method generate.
* Generate dashboard reports using the data from the specified CSV File.
* @throws GenerationException
* when the generation failed
public void generate() throws GenerationException {
if (resultCollector != null) {"Flushing result collector before report Generation");
log.debug("Start report generation");
File tmpDir = configuration.getTempDirectory();
boolean tmpDirCreated = createTempDir(tmpDir);
// Build consumers chain
SampleContext sampleContext = new SampleContext();
SampleSource source = new CsvFileSampleSource(testFile, CSV_DEFAULT_SEPARATOR);
NormalizerSampleConsumer normalizer = new NormalizerSampleConsumer();
FilterConsumer dateRangeConsumer = createFilterByDateRange();
FilterConsumer nameFilter = createNameFilter();
FilterConsumer excludeControllerFilter = createExcludeControllerFilter();
// Get graph configurations
Map<String, GraphConfiguration> graphConfigurations = configuration.getGraphConfigurations();
// Process configuration to build graph consumers
for (Map.Entry<String, GraphConfiguration> entryGraphCfg : graphConfigurations.entrySet()) {
addGraphConsumer(nameFilter, excludeControllerFilter, entryGraphCfg);
// Generate data
log.debug("Start samples processing");
try {
} catch (SampleException ex) {
throw new GenerationException("Error while processing samples:" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
log.debug("End of samples processing");
log.debug("Start data exporting");
// Process configuration to build data exporters
String key;
ExporterConfiguration value;
for (Map.Entry<String, ExporterConfiguration> entry : configuration.getExportConfigurations().entrySet()) {
key = entry.getKey();
value = entry.getValue();
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Exporting data using exporter:'{}' of className:'{}'", key, value.getClassName());
exportData(sampleContext, key, value);
log.debug("End of data exporting");
removeTempDir(tmpDir, tmpDirCreated);
log.debug("End of report generation");