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Example 1 with TestBeanGUI

use of org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI in project jmeter by apache.

the class GUIFactory method registerGUI.

     * Register a GUI class so that it can later be retrieved via
     * {@link #getGUI(Class)}. The key should match the fully-qualified class
     * name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the GUI.
     * @param key
     *            the name which can be used to retrieve this GUI later
     * @param guiClass
     *            the class object for the GUI component
     * @param testClass
     *            the class of the objects edited by this GUI
     * @throws InstantiationException
     *             if an instance of the GUI class can not be instantiated
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     *             if access rights do not permit an instance of the GUI class
     *             to be created
public static void registerGUI(String key, Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    // TODO: This method doesn't appear to be used.
    JMeterGUIComponent gui;
    if (guiClass == TestBeanGUI.class) {
        gui = new TestBeanGUI(testClass);
    } else {
        gui = (JMeterGUIComponent) guiClass.newInstance();
    GUI_MAP.put(key, gui);
Also used : TestBeanGUI(org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI)

Example 2 with TestBeanGUI

use of org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI in project jmeter by apache.

the class JMeterTest method suiteBeanComponents.

     * Test GUI elements - create the suite of tests
private static Test suiteBeanComponents() throws Exception {
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("BeanComponents");
    for (Object o : getObjects(TestBean.class)) {
        Class<?> c = o.getClass();
        try {
            JMeterGUIComponent item = new TestBeanGUI(c);
            TestSuite ts = new TestSuite(item.getClass().getName());
            ts.addTest(new JMeterTest("GUIComponents2", item));
            ts.addTest(new JMeterTest("runGUITitle", item));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            System.out.println("o.a.j.junit.JMeterTest Cannot create test for " + c.getName() + " " + e);
    return suite;
Also used : TestBeanGUI(org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI) TestSuite(junit.framework.TestSuite) JMeterGUIComponent(org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent)

Example 3 with TestBeanGUI

use of org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI in project jmeter by apache.

the class GuiPackage method getGuiFromCache.

     * Get an instance of the specified JMeterGUIComponent class. If an instance
     * of the GUI class has previously been created and it is not marked as an
     * {@link UnsharedComponent}, that shared instance will be returned.
     * Otherwise, a new instance of the component will be created, and shared
     * components will be cached for future retrieval.
     * @param guiClass
     *            the fully qualified class name of the GUI component. This
     *            class must implement JMeterGUIComponent.
     * @param testClass
     *            the fully qualified class name of the test elements edited by
     *            this GUI component. This class must implement TestElement.
     * @return an instance of the specified class
     * @throws InstantiationException
     *             if an instance of the object cannot be created
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     *             if access rights do not allow the default constructor to be
     *             called
private JMeterGUIComponent getGuiFromCache(Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    JMeterGUIComponent comp;
    if (guiClass == TestBeanGUI.class) {
        comp = testBeanGUIs.get(testClass);
        if (comp == null) {
            comp = new TestBeanGUI(testClass);
            testBeanGUIs.put(testClass, comp);
    } else {
        comp = guis.get(guiClass);
        if (comp == null) {
            comp = (JMeterGUIComponent) guiClass.newInstance();
            if (!(comp instanceof UnsharedComponent)) {
                guis.put(guiClass, comp);
    return comp;
Also used : TestBeanGUI(org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI)

Example 4 with TestBeanGUI

use of org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI in project jmeter by apache.

the class GuiPackage method createTestElement.

     * Create a TestElement for a GUI or TestBean class.
     * <p>
     * This is a utility method to help actions do with one single String
     * parameter.
     * @param objClass
     *            the fully qualified class name of the GUI component or of the
     *            TestBean subclass for which a TestBeanGUI is wanted.
     * @return the test element corresponding to the specified GUI class.
public TestElement createTestElement(String objClass) {
    JMeterGUIComponent comp;
    Class<?> c;
    try {
        c = Class.forName(objClass);
        if (TestBean.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
            comp = getGuiFromCache(TestBeanGUI.class, c);
        } else {
            comp = getGuiFromCache(c, null);
        TestElement node = comp.createTestElement();
        nodesToGui.put(node, comp);
        return node;
    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
        log.error("Problem retrieving gui for " + objClass, e);
        String msg = "Cannot find class: " + e.getMessage();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "Missing jar? See log file.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        // Probably a missing jar
        throw new RuntimeException(e.toString(), e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        log.error("Problem retrieving gui for " + objClass, e);
        // Programming error: bail out.
        throw new RuntimeException(e.toString(), e);
Also used : TestBeanGUI(org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI) TestElement(org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement)

Example 5 with TestBeanGUI

use of org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI in project jmeter by apache.

the class MenuFactory method initializeMenus.

private static void initializeMenus() {
    try {
        List<String> guiClasses = ClassFinder.findClassesThatExtend(JMeterUtils.getSearchPaths(), new Class[] { JMeterGUIComponent.class, TestBean.class });
        for (String name : guiClasses) {
                 * JMeterTreeNode and TestBeanGUI are special GUI classes, and
                 * aren't intended to be added to menus
                 * TODO: find a better way of checking this
            if (// $NON-NLS-1$
            name.endsWith("JMeterTreeNode") || name.endsWith("TestBeanGUI")) {
                // Don't try to instantiate these
            if (elementsToSkip.contains(name)) {
                // No point instantiating class
      "Skipping {}", name);
            // Should the TestBean be hidden?
            boolean hideBean = false;
            JMeterGUIComponent item = null;
            try {
                Class<?> c = Class.forName(name);
                if (TestBean.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
                    TestBeanGUI tbgui = new TestBeanGUI(c);
                    hideBean = tbgui.isHidden() || (tbgui.isExpert() && !JMeterUtils.isExpertMode());
                    item = tbgui;
                } else {
                    item = (JMeterGUIComponent) c.newInstance();
            } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                log.warn("Configuration error, probably corrupt or missing third party library(jar) ? Could not create class: {}. {}", name, e, e);
            } catch (HeadlessException e) {
                // NOSONAR
                log.warn("Could not instantiate class: {}", name, e);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // NOSONAR
                log.warn("Could not instantiate class: {}", name, e);
            if (hideBean || elementsToSkip.contains(item.getStaticLabel())) {
      "Skipping {}", name);
            } else {
                // Don't add it again
            Collection<String> categories = item.getMenuCategories();
            if (categories == null) {
                log.debug("{} participates in no menus.", name);
            if (categories.contains(THREADS)) {
                threads.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(FRAGMENTS)) {
                fragments.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(TIMERS)) {
                timers.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(POST_PROCESSORS)) {
                postProcessors.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(PRE_PROCESSORS)) {
                preProcessors.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(CONTROLLERS)) {
                controllers.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(SAMPLERS)) {
                samplers.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(NON_TEST_ELEMENTS)) {
                nonTestElements.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(LISTENERS)) {
                listeners.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(CONFIG_ELEMENTS)) {
                configElements.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
            if (categories.contains(ASSERTIONS)) {
                assertions.add(new MenuInfo(item, name));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("IO Exception while initializing menus.", e);
Also used : HeadlessException(java.awt.HeadlessException) IOException( HeadlessException(java.awt.HeadlessException) IOException( TestBeanGUI(org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI) JMeterGUIComponent(org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent)


TestBeanGUI (org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.gui.TestBeanGUI)6 JMeterGUIComponent (org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent)3 TestSuite (junit.framework.TestSuite)2 HeadlessException (java.awt.HeadlessException)1 IOException ( ObsoleteGui (org.apache.jmeter.config.gui.ObsoleteGui)1 JMeterTreeNode (org.apache.jmeter.gui.tree.JMeterTreeNode)1 TestElement (org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement)1