use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RemoveMembersFromConsumerGroupResult in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaStreams method removeStreamThread.
private Optional<String> removeStreamThread(final long timeoutMs) throws TimeoutException {
final long startMs = time.milliseconds();
if (isRunningOrRebalancing()) {
synchronized (changeThreadCount) {
// make a copy of threads to avoid holding lock
for (final StreamThread streamThread : new ArrayList<>(threads)) {
final boolean callingThreadIsNotCurrentStreamThread = !streamThread.getName().equals(Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (streamThread.isAlive() && (callingThreadIsNotCurrentStreamThread || getNumLiveStreamThreads() == 1)) {"Removing StreamThread " + streamThread.getName());
final Optional<String> groupInstanceID = streamThread.getGroupInstanceID();
if (!streamThread.getName().equals(Thread.currentThread().getName())) {
final long remainingTimeMs = timeoutMs - (time.milliseconds() - startMs);
if (remainingTimeMs <= 0 || !streamThread.waitOnThreadState(StreamThread.State.DEAD, remainingTimeMs)) {
log.warn("{} did not shutdown in the allotted time.", streamThread.getName());
// Don't remove from threads until shutdown is complete. We will trim it from the
// list once it reaches DEAD, and if for some reason it's hanging indefinitely in the
// shutdown then we should just consider this to be burned
} else {"Successfully removed {} in {}ms", streamThread.getName(), time.milliseconds() - startMs);
} else {"{} is the last remaining thread and must remove itself, therefore we cannot wait " + "for it to complete shutdown as this will result in deadlock.", streamThread.getName());
final long cacheSizePerThread = getCacheSizePerThread(getNumLiveStreamThreads());"Resizing thread cache due to thread removal, new cache size per thread is {}", cacheSizePerThread);
if (groupInstanceID.isPresent() && callingThreadIsNotCurrentStreamThread) {
final MemberToRemove memberToRemove = new MemberToRemove(groupInstanceID.get());
final Collection<MemberToRemove> membersToRemove = Collections.singletonList(memberToRemove);
final RemoveMembersFromConsumerGroupResult removeMembersFromConsumerGroupResult = adminClient.removeMembersFromConsumerGroup(applicationConfigs.getString(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG), new RemoveMembersFromConsumerGroupOptions(membersToRemove));
try {
final long remainingTimeMs = timeoutMs - (time.milliseconds() - startMs);
removeMembersFromConsumerGroupResult.memberResult(memberToRemove).get(remainingTimeMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (final java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) {
log.error("Could not remove static member {} from consumer group {} due to a timeout: {}", groupInstanceID.get(), applicationConfigs.getString(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG), e);
throw new TimeoutException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
log.error("Could not remove static member {} from consumer group {} due to: {}", groupInstanceID.get(), applicationConfigs.getString(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG), e);
throw new StreamsException("Could not remove static member " + groupInstanceID.get() + " from consumer group " + applicationConfigs.getString(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG) + " for the following reason: ", e.getCause());
final long remainingTimeMs = timeoutMs - (time.milliseconds() - startMs);
if (remainingTimeMs <= 0) {
throw new TimeoutException("Thread " + streamThread.getName() + " did not stop in the allotted time");
return Optional.of(streamThread.getName());
log.warn("There are no threads eligible for removal");
} else {
log.warn("Cannot remove a stream thread when Kafka Streams client is in state " + state());
return Optional.empty();