use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.LeaderNotAvailableException in project cdap by caskdata.
the class KafkaLogProcessorPipeline method fetchMessages.
* Fetch messages from Kafka.
* @param partition the partition to fetch from
* @param offset the Kafka offset to fetch from
* @return An {@link Iterable} of {@link MessageAndOffset}.
* @throws LeaderNotAvailableException if there is no Kafka broker to talk to.
* @throws OffsetOutOfRangeException if the given offset is out of range.
* @throws NotLeaderForPartitionException if the broker that the consumer is talking to is not the leader
* for the given topic and partition.
* @throws UnknownTopicOrPartitionException if the topic or partition is not known by the Kafka server
* @throws UnknownServerException if the Kafka server responded with error.
private Iterable<MessageAndOffset> fetchMessages(int partition, long offset) throws KafkaException {
String topic = config.getTopic();
KafkaSimpleConsumer consumer = getKafkaConsumer(topic, partition);
if (consumer == null) {
throw new LeaderNotAvailableException("No broker to fetch messages for " + topic + ":" + partition);
LOG.trace("Fetching messages from Kafka on {}:{} for pipeline {} with offset {}", topic, partition, name, offset);
try {
ByteBufferMessageSet result = KafkaUtil.fetchMessages(consumer, topic, partition, config.getKafkaFetchBufferSize(), offset);
LOG.trace("Fetched {} bytes from Kafka on {}:{} for pipeline {}", result.sizeInBytes(), topic, partition, name);
return result;
} catch (OffsetOutOfRangeException e) {
// If the error is not offset out of range, clear the consumer cache
throw e;
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.LeaderNotAvailableException in project kafka by apache.
the class TopicAdmin method endOffsets.
* Fetch the most recent offset for each of the supplied {@link TopicPartition} objects.
* @param partitions the topic partitions
* @return the map of offset for each topic partition, or an empty map if the supplied partitions
* are null or empty
* @throws UnsupportedVersionException if the admin client cannot read end offsets
* @throws TimeoutException if the offset metadata could not be fetched before the amount of time allocated
* by {@code} expires, and this call can be retried
* @throws LeaderNotAvailableException if the leader was not available and this call can be retried
* @throws RetriableException if a retriable error occurs, or the thread is interrupted while attempting
* to perform this operation
* @throws ConnectException if a non retriable error occurs
public Map<TopicPartition, Long> endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> partitions) {
if (partitions == null || partitions.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec> offsetSpecMap =, tp -> OffsetSpec.latest()));
ListOffsetsResult resultFuture = admin.listOffsets(offsetSpecMap);
// Get the individual result for each topic partition so we have better error messages
Map<TopicPartition, Long> result = new HashMap<>();
for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
try {
ListOffsetsResultInfo info = resultFuture.partitionResult(partition).get();
result.put(partition, info.offset());
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
String topic = partition.topic();
if (cause instanceof AuthorizationException) {
String msg = String.format("Not authorized to get the end offsets for topic '%s' on brokers at %s", topic, bootstrapServers());
throw new ConnectException(msg, e);
} else if (cause instanceof UnsupportedVersionException) {
// Should theoretically never happen, because this method is the same as what the consumer uses and therefore
// should exist in the broker since before the admin client was added
String msg = String.format("API to get the get the end offsets for topic '%s' is unsupported on brokers at %s", topic, bootstrapServers());
throw new UnsupportedVersionException(msg, e);
} else if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {
String msg = String.format("Timed out while waiting to get end offsets for topic '%s' on brokers at %s", topic, bootstrapServers());
throw new TimeoutException(msg, e);
} else if (cause instanceof LeaderNotAvailableException) {
String msg = String.format("Unable to get end offsets during leader election for topic '%s' on brokers at %s", topic, bootstrapServers());
throw new LeaderNotAvailableException(msg, e);
} else if (cause instanceof org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException) {
throw (org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException) cause;
} else {
String msg = String.format("Error while getting end offsets for topic '%s' on brokers at %s", topic, bootstrapServers());
throw new ConnectException(msg, e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
String msg = String.format("Interrupted while attempting to read end offsets for topic '%s' on brokers at %s", partition.topic(), bootstrapServers());
throw new RetriableException(msg, e);
return result;
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.LeaderNotAvailableException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManagerTest method shouldThrowExceptionWhenKeepsTopicLeaderNotAvailable.
public void shouldThrowExceptionWhenKeepsTopicLeaderNotAvailable() {
final AdminClient admin = EasyMock.createNiceMock(AdminClient.class);
final MockTime time = new MockTime((Integer) config.get(StreamsConfig.consumerPrefix(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG)) / 15);
final InternalTopicManager topicManager = new InternalTopicManager(time, admin, new StreamsConfig(config));
final KafkaFutureImpl<TopicDescription> topicDescriptionFailFuture = new KafkaFutureImpl<>();
topicDescriptionFailFuture.completeExceptionally(new LeaderNotAvailableException("Leader Not Available!"));
// simulate describeTopics got LeaderNotAvailableException
EasyMock.expect(admin.describeTopics(Collections.singleton(topic1))).andReturn(new MockDescribeTopicsResult(Collections.singletonMap(topic1, topicDescriptionFailFuture))).anyTimes();
final InternalTopicConfig internalTopicConfig = new RepartitionTopicConfig(topic1, Collections.emptyMap());
final TimeoutException exception = assertThrows(TimeoutException.class, () -> topicManager.makeReady(Collections.singletonMap(topic1, internalTopicConfig)));
assertThat(exception.getMessage(), equalTo("Could not create topics within 50 milliseconds." + " This can happen if the Kafka cluster is temporarily not available."));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.LeaderNotAvailableException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManagerTest method shouldCompleteValidateWhenTopicLeaderNotAvailableAndThenDescribeSuccess.
public void shouldCompleteValidateWhenTopicLeaderNotAvailableAndThenDescribeSuccess() {
final AdminClient admin = EasyMock.createNiceMock(AdminClient.class);
final InternalTopicManager topicManager = new InternalTopicManager(time, admin, new StreamsConfig(config));
final TopicPartitionInfo partitionInfo = new TopicPartitionInfo(0, broker1, Collections.singletonList(broker1), Collections.singletonList(broker1));
final KafkaFutureImpl<TopicDescription> topicDescriptionFailFuture = new KafkaFutureImpl<>();
topicDescriptionFailFuture.completeExceptionally(new LeaderNotAvailableException("Leader Not Available!"));
final KafkaFutureImpl<TopicDescription> topicDescriptionSuccessFuture = new KafkaFutureImpl<>();
topicDescriptionSuccessFuture.complete(new TopicDescription(topic1, false, Collections.singletonList(partitionInfo), Collections.emptySet()));
EasyMock.expect(admin.describeTopics(Collections.singleton(topic1))).andReturn(new MockDescribeTopicsResult(Collections.singletonMap(topic1, topicDescriptionFailFuture))).once();
EasyMock.expect(admin.describeTopics(Collections.singleton(topic1))).andReturn(new MockDescribeTopicsResult(Collections.singletonMap(topic1, topicDescriptionSuccessFuture))).once();
final InternalTopicConfig internalTopicConfig = new RepartitionTopicConfig(topic1, Collections.emptyMap());
topicManager.makeReady(Collections.singletonMap(topic1, internalTopicConfig));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.LeaderNotAvailableException in project kafka by apache.
the class InternalTopicManager method cleanUpCreatedTopics.
private void cleanUpCreatedTopics(final Set<String> topicsToCleanUp) {"Starting to clean up internal topics {}.", topicsToCleanUp);
final long now = time.milliseconds();
final long deadline = now + retryTimeoutMs;
final Set<String> topicsStillToCleanup = new HashSet<>(topicsToCleanUp);
while (!topicsStillToCleanup.isEmpty()) {"Going to cleanup internal topics: " + topicsStillToCleanup);
final DeleteTopicsResult deleteTopicsResult = adminClient.deleteTopics(topicsStillToCleanup);
final Map<String, KafkaFuture<Void>> deleteResultForTopic = deleteTopicsResult.topicNameValues();
while (!deleteResultForTopic.isEmpty()) {
for (final String topicName : new HashSet<>(topicsStillToCleanup)) {
if (!deleteResultForTopic.containsKey(topicName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Delete topic results do not contain internal topic " + topicName + " to clean up. " + BUG_ERROR_MESSAGE);
final KafkaFuture<Void> deleteResult = deleteResultForTopic.get(topicName);
if (deleteResult.isDone()) {
try {
} catch (final ExecutionException executionException) {
final Throwable cause = executionException.getCause();
if (cause instanceof UnknownTopicOrPartitionException) {"Internal topic {} to clean up is missing", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof LeaderNotAvailableException) {"The leader of internal topic {} to clean up is not available.", topicName);
} else if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {"Cleaning up internal topic {} timed out.", topicName);
} else {
log.error("Unexpected error during cleanup of internal topics: ", cause);
throw new StreamsException(String.format("Could not clean up internal topics %s, because during the cleanup " + "of topic %s the following error occurred: ", topicsStillToCleanup, topicName), cause);
} catch (final InterruptedException interruptedException) {
throw new InterruptException(interruptedException);
} finally {
maybeThrowTimeoutException(Collections.singletonList(topicsStillToCleanup), deadline, String.format("Could not cleanup internal topics within %d milliseconds. This can happen if the " + "Kafka cluster is temporarily not available or the broker did not complete topic creation " + "before the cleanup. The following internal topics could not be cleaned up: %s", retryTimeoutMs, topicsStillToCleanup));
if (!deleteResultForTopic.isEmpty()) {
maybeSleep(Collections.singletonList(topicsStillToCleanup), deadline, "validated");
}"Completed cleanup of internal topics {}.", topicsToCleanUp);