use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetResponse in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method handleListOffsetResponse.
* Callback for the response of the list offset call above.
* @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions to target timestamps
* @param listOffsetResponse The response from the server.
* @param future The future to be completed by the response.
private void handleListOffsetResponse(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, ListOffsetResponse listOffsetResponse, RequestFuture<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData>> future) {
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> timestampOffsetMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry : timestampsToSearch.entrySet()) {
TopicPartition topicPartition = entry.getKey();
ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData partitionData = listOffsetResponse.responseData().get(topicPartition);
Errors error = partitionData.error;
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
if (partitionData.offsets != null) {
// Handle v0 response
long offset;
if (partitionData.offsets.size() > 1) {
future.raise(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partitionData response of length " + partitionData.offsets.size()));
} else if (partitionData.offsets.isEmpty()) {
offset = ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET;
} else {
offset = partitionData.offsets.get(0);
log.debug("Handling v0 ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}", topicPartition, offset);
if (offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(offset, null);
timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
} else {
// Handle v1 and later response
log.debug("Handling ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}, timestamp {}", topicPartition, partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp);
if (partitionData.offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp);
timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
} else if (error == Errors.UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT) {
// The message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0, we simply put null in the response.
log.debug("Cannot search by timestamp for partition {} because the message format version " + "is before 0.10.0", topicPartition);
timestampOffsetMap.put(topicPartition, null);
} else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION) {
log.debug("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to obsolete leadership information, retrying.", topicPartition);
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) {
log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in ListOffset request for partition {}. The topic/partition " + "may not exist or the user may not have Describe access to it", topicPartition);
} else {
log.warn("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to: {}", topicPartition, error.message());
future.raise(new StaleMetadataException());
if (!future.isDone())
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetResponse in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class Fetcher method handleListOffsetResponse.
* Callback for the response of the list offset call above.
* @param timestampsToSearch The mapping from partitions to target timestamps
* @param listOffsetResponse The response from the server.
* @param future The future to be completed when the response returns. Note that any partition-level errors will
* generally fail the entire future result. The one exception is UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT,
* which indicates that the broker does not support the v1 message format. Partitions with this
* particular error are simply left out of the future map. Note that the corresponding timestamp
* value of each partition may be null only for v0. In v1 and later the ListOffset API would not
* return a null timestamp (-1 is returned instead when necessary).
private void handleListOffsetResponse(Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampsToSearch, ListOffsetResponse listOffsetResponse, RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future) {
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetData> fetchedOffsets = new HashMap<>();
Set<TopicPartition> partitionsToRetry = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> unauthorizedTopics = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> entry : timestampsToSearch.entrySet()) {
TopicPartition topicPartition = entry.getKey();
ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData partitionData = listOffsetResponse.responseData().get(topicPartition);
Errors error = partitionData.error;
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
if (partitionData.offsets != null) {
// Handle v0 response
long offset;
if (partitionData.offsets.size() > 1) {
future.raise(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected partitionData response of length " + partitionData.offsets.size()));
} else if (partitionData.offsets.isEmpty()) {
offset = ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET;
} else {
offset = partitionData.offsets.get(0);
log.debug("Handling v0 ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}", topicPartition, offset);
if (offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(offset, null);
fetchedOffsets.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
} else {
// Handle v1 and later response
log.debug("Handling ListOffsetResponse response for {}. Fetched offset {}, timestamp {}", topicPartition, partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp);
if (partitionData.offset != ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
OffsetData offsetData = new OffsetData(partitionData.offset, partitionData.timestamp);
fetchedOffsets.put(topicPartition, offsetData);
} else if (error == Errors.UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT) {
// The message format on the broker side is before 0.10.0, which means it does not
// support timestamps. We treat this case the same as if we weren't able to find an
// offset corresponding to the requested timestamp and leave it out of the result.
log.debug("Cannot search by timestamp for partition {} because the message format version " + "is before 0.10.0", topicPartition);
} else if (error == Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION) {
log.debug("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to obsolete leadership information, retrying.", topicPartition);
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION) {
log.warn("Received unknown topic or partition error in ListOffset request for partition {}", topicPartition);
} else if (error == Errors.TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
} else {
log.warn("Attempt to fetch offsets for partition {} failed due to: {}", topicPartition, error.message());
if (!unauthorizedTopics.isEmpty())
future.raise(new TopicAuthorizationException(unauthorizedTopics));
future.complete(new ListOffsetResult(fetchedOffsets, partitionsToRetry));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetResponse in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class FetcherTest method testGetOffsetsForTimesWithUnknownOffset.
private void testGetOffsetsForTimesWithUnknownOffset() {
// Ensure metadata has both partition.
Cluster cluster = TestUtils.clusterWith(1, topicName, 1);
metadata.update(cluster, Collections.<String>emptySet(), time.milliseconds());
Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<>();
partitionData.put(tp0, new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.NONE, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET));
client.prepareResponseFrom(new ListOffsetResponse(0, partitionData), cluster.leaderFor(tp0));
Map<TopicPartition, Long> timestampToSearch = new HashMap<>();
timestampToSearch.put(tp0, 0L);
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndTimestamp> offsetAndTimestampMap = fetcher.offsetsByTimes(timestampToSearch, Long.MAX_VALUE);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetResponse in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class FetcherTest method testBatchedListOffsetsMetadataErrors.
@Test(expected = TimeoutException.class)
public void testBatchedListOffsetsMetadataErrors() {
Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<>();
partitionData.put(tp0, new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET));
partitionData.put(tp1, new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP, ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET));
client.prepareResponse(new ListOffsetResponse(0, partitionData));
Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsetsToSearch = new HashMap<>();
offsetsToSearch.put(tp0, ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP);
offsetsToSearch.put(tp1, ListOffsetRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP);
fetcher.offsetsByTimes(offsetsToSearch, 0);