use of in project kafka by apache.
the class ScramSaslServerTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mechanism = ScramMechanism.SCRAM_SHA_256;
formatter = new ScramFormatter(mechanism);
CredentialCache.Cache<ScramCredential> credentialCache = new CredentialCache().createCache(mechanism.mechanismName(), ScramCredential.class);
credentialCache.put(USER_A, formatter.generateCredential("passwordA", 4096));
credentialCache.put(USER_B, formatter.generateCredential("passwordB", 4096));
ScramServerCallbackHandler callbackHandler = new ScramServerCallbackHandler(credentialCache, new DelegationTokenCache(ScramMechanism.mechanismNames()));
saslServer = new ScramSaslServer(mechanism, new HashMap<String, Object>(), callbackHandler);
use of in project kafka by apache.
the class SaslAuthenticatorTest method testTokenReauthenticationOverSaslScram.
public void testTokenReauthenticationOverSaslScram() throws Exception {
SecurityProtocol securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SASL_SSL;
TestJaasConfig jaasConfig = configureMechanisms("SCRAM-SHA-256", Arrays.asList("SCRAM-SHA-256"));
// create jaas config for token auth
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>();
String tokenId = "token1";
String tokenHmac = "abcdefghijkl";
// tokenId
options.put("username", tokenId);
// token hmac
options.put("password", tokenHmac);
// enable token authentication
options.put(ScramLoginModule.TOKEN_AUTH_CONFIG, "true");
jaasConfig.createOrUpdateEntry(TestJaasConfig.LOGIN_CONTEXT_CLIENT, ScramLoginModule.class.getName(), options);
// ensure re-authentication based on token expiry rather than a default value
saslServerConfigs.put(BrokerSecurityConfigs.CONNECTIONS_MAX_REAUTH_MS, Long.MAX_VALUE);
* create a token cache that adjusts the token expiration dynamically so that
* the first time the expiry is read during authentication we use it to define a
* session expiration time that we can then sleep through; then the second time
* the value is read (during re-authentication) it will be in the future.
Function<Integer, Long> tokenLifetime = callNum -> 10 * callNum * CONNECTIONS_MAX_REAUTH_MS_VALUE;
DelegationTokenCache tokenCache = new DelegationTokenCache(ScramMechanism.mechanismNames()) {
int callNum = 0;
public TokenInformation token(String tokenId) {
TokenInformation baseTokenInfo = super.token(tokenId);
long thisLifetimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + tokenLifetime.apply(++callNum).longValue();
TokenInformation retvalTokenInfo = new TokenInformation(baseTokenInfo.tokenId(), baseTokenInfo.owner(), baseTokenInfo.renewers(), baseTokenInfo.issueTimestamp(), thisLifetimeMs, thisLifetimeMs);
return retvalTokenInfo;
server = createEchoServer(ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(securityProtocol), securityProtocol, tokenCache);
KafkaPrincipal owner = SecurityUtils.parseKafkaPrincipal("User:Owner");
KafkaPrincipal renewer = SecurityUtils.parseKafkaPrincipal("User:Renewer1");
TokenInformation tokenInfo = new TokenInformation(tokenId, owner, Collections.singleton(renewer), System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis());
server.tokenCache().addToken(tokenId, tokenInfo);
updateTokenCredentialCache(tokenId, tokenHmac);
// initial authentication must succeed
createClientConnection(securityProtocol, "0");
// ensure metrics are as expected before trying to re-authenticate
server.verifyAuthenticationMetrics(1, 0);
server.verifyReauthenticationMetrics(0, 0);
* Now re-authenticate and ensure it succeeds. We have to sleep long enough so
* that the current delegation token will be expired when the next write occurs;
* this will trigger a re-authentication. Then the second time the delegation
* token is read and transmitted to the server it will again have an expiration
* date in the future.
server.verifyReauthenticationMetrics(1, 0);