use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.MissingSourceTopicException in project kafka by apache.
the class StreamsPartitionAssignor method assign.
* This assigns tasks to consumer clients in the following steps.
* 0. decode the subscriptions to assemble the metadata for each client and check for version probing
* 1. check all repartition source topics and use internal topic manager to make sure
* they have been created with the right number of partitions. Also verify and/or create
* any changelog topics with the correct number of partitions.
* 2. use the partition grouper to generate tasks along with their assigned partitions, then use
* the configured TaskAssignor to construct the mapping of tasks to clients.
* 3. construct the global mapping of host to partitions to enable query routing.
* 4. within each client, assign tasks to consumer clients.
public GroupAssignment assign(final Cluster metadata, final GroupSubscription groupSubscription) {
final Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions = groupSubscription.groupSubscription();
// ---------------- Step Zero ---------------- //
// construct the client metadata from the decoded subscription info
final Map<UUID, ClientMetadata> clientMetadataMap = new HashMap<>();
final Set<TopicPartition> allOwnedPartitions = new HashSet<>();
int minReceivedMetadataVersion = LATEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION;
int minSupportedMetadataVersion = LATEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION;
boolean shutdownRequested = false;
boolean assignmentErrorFound = false;
int futureMetadataVersion = UNKNOWN;
for (final Map.Entry<String, Subscription> entry : subscriptions.entrySet()) {
final String consumerId = entry.getKey();
final Subscription subscription = entry.getValue();
final SubscriptionInfo info = SubscriptionInfo.decode(subscription.userData());
final int usedVersion = info.version();
if (info.errorCode() == AssignorError.SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED.code()) {
shutdownRequested = true;
minReceivedMetadataVersion = updateMinReceivedVersion(usedVersion, minReceivedMetadataVersion);
minSupportedMetadataVersion = updateMinSupportedVersion(info.latestSupportedVersion(), minSupportedMetadataVersion);
final UUID processId;
futureMetadataVersion = usedVersion;
processId = FUTURE_ID;
if (!clientMetadataMap.containsKey(FUTURE_ID)) {
clientMetadataMap.put(FUTURE_ID, new ClientMetadata(null));
} else {
processId = info.processId();
ClientMetadata clientMetadata = clientMetadataMap.get(processId);
// create the new client metadata if necessary
if (clientMetadata == null) {
clientMetadata = new ClientMetadata(info.userEndPoint());
clientMetadataMap.put(info.processId(), clientMetadata);
// add the consumer and any info in its subscription to the client
clientMetadata.addConsumer(consumerId, subscription.ownedPartitions());
final int prevSize = allOwnedPartitions.size();
if (allOwnedPartitions.size() < prevSize + subscription.ownedPartitions().size()) {
assignmentErrorFound = true;
clientMetadata.addPreviousTasksAndOffsetSums(consumerId, info.taskOffsetSums());
if (assignmentErrorFound) {
log.warn("The previous assignment contains a partition more than once. " + "\t Mapping: {}", subscriptions);
try {
final boolean versionProbing = checkMetadataVersions(minReceivedMetadataVersion, minSupportedMetadataVersion, futureMetadataVersion);
log.debug("Constructed client metadata {} from the member subscriptions.", clientMetadataMap);
if (shutdownRequested) {
return new GroupAssignment(errorAssignment(clientMetadataMap, AssignorError.SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED.code()));
// parse the topology to determine the repartition source topics,
// making sure they are created with the number of partitions as
// the maximum of the depending sub-topologies source topics' number of partitions
final RepartitionTopics repartitionTopics = prepareRepartitionTopics(metadata);
final Map<TopicPartition, PartitionInfo> allRepartitionTopicPartitions = repartitionTopics.topicPartitionsInfo();
final Cluster fullMetadata = metadata.withPartitions(allRepartitionTopicPartitions);
log.debug("Created repartition topics {} from the parsed topology.", allRepartitionTopicPartitions.values());
// ---------------- Step Two ---------------- //
// construct the assignment of tasks to clients
final Map<Subtopology, TopicsInfo> topicGroups = taskManager.topologyMetadata().subtopologyTopicsInfoMapExcluding(repartitionTopics.topologiesWithMissingInputTopics());
final Set<String> allSourceTopics = new HashSet<>();
final Map<Subtopology, Set<String>> sourceTopicsByGroup = new HashMap<>();
for (final Map.Entry<Subtopology, TopicsInfo> entry : topicGroups.entrySet()) {
sourceTopicsByGroup.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().sourceTopics);
// get the tasks as partition groups from the partition grouper
final Map<TaskId, Set<TopicPartition>> partitionsForTask = partitionGrouper.partitionGroups(sourceTopicsByGroup, fullMetadata);
final Set<TaskId> statefulTasks = new HashSet<>();
final boolean probingRebalanceNeeded = assignTasksToClients(fullMetadata, allSourceTopics, topicGroups, clientMetadataMap, partitionsForTask, statefulTasks);
// ---------------- Step Three ---------------- //
// construct the global partition assignment per host map
final Map<HostInfo, Set<TopicPartition>> partitionsByHost = new HashMap<>();
final Map<HostInfo, Set<TopicPartition>> standbyPartitionsByHost = new HashMap<>();
if (minReceivedMetadataVersion >= 2) {
populatePartitionsByHostMaps(partitionsByHost, standbyPartitionsByHost, partitionsForTask, clientMetadataMap);
streamsMetadataState.onChange(partitionsByHost, standbyPartitionsByHost, fullMetadata);
// ---------------- Step Four ---------------- //
// compute the assignment of tasks to threads within each client and build the final group assignment
final Map<String, Assignment> assignment = computeNewAssignment(statefulTasks, clientMetadataMap, partitionsForTask, partitionsByHost, standbyPartitionsByHost, allOwnedPartitions, minReceivedMetadataVersion, minSupportedMetadataVersion, versionProbing, probingRebalanceNeeded);
return new GroupAssignment(assignment);
} catch (final MissingSourceTopicException e) {
log.error("Caught an error in the task assignment. Returning an error assignment.", e);
return new GroupAssignment(errorAssignment(clientMetadataMap, AssignorError.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_TOPIC_METADATA.code()));
} catch (final TaskAssignmentException e) {
log.error("Caught an error in the task assignment. Returning an error assignment.", e);
return new GroupAssignment(errorAssignment(clientMetadataMap, AssignorError.ASSIGNMENT_ERROR.code()));
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.MissingSourceTopicException in project kafka by apache.
the class StreamsRebalanceListenerTest method shouldThrowMissingSourceTopicException.
public void shouldThrowMissingSourceTopicException() {
replay(taskManager, streamThread);
final MissingSourceTopicException exception = assertThrows(MissingSourceTopicException.class, () -> streamsRebalanceListener.onPartitionsAssigned(Collections.emptyList()));
assertThat(exception.getMessage(), is("One or more source topics were missing during rebalance"));
verify(taskManager, streamThread);