use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.InMemoryTimeOrderedKeyValueBuffer.CHANGELOG_HEADERS in project kafka by apache.
the class TimeOrderedKeyValueBufferTest method shouldFlush.
public void shouldFlush() {
final TimeOrderedKeyValueBuffer<String, String> buffer = bufferSupplier.apply(testName);
final MockInternalProcessorContext context = makeContext();
buffer.init((StateStoreContext) context, buffer);
putRecord(buffer, context, 2L, 0L, "asdf", "2093j");
putRecord(buffer, context, 1L, 1L, "zxcv", "3gon4i");
putRecord(buffer, context, 0L, 2L, "deleteme", "deadbeef");
// replace "deleteme" with a tombstone
buffer.evictWhile(() -> buffer.minTimestamp() < 1, kv -> {
// flush everything to the changelog
// the buffer should serialize the buffer time and the value as byte[],
// which we can't compare for equality using ProducerRecord.
// As a workaround, I'm deserializing them and shoving them in a KeyValue, just for ease of testing.
final List<ProducerRecord<String, KeyValue<Long, BufferValue>>> collected = ((MockRecordCollector) context.recordCollector()).collected().stream().map(pr -> {
final KeyValue<Long, BufferValue> niceValue;
if (pr.value() == null) {
niceValue = null;
} else {
final byte[] serializedValue = (byte[]) pr.value();
final ByteBuffer valueBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(serializedValue);
final BufferValue contextualRecord = BufferValue.deserialize(valueBuffer);
final long timestamp = valueBuffer.getLong();
niceValue = new KeyValue<>(timestamp, contextualRecord);
return new ProducerRecord<>(pr.topic(), pr.partition(), pr.timestamp(), pr.key().toString(), niceValue, pr.headers());
assertThat(collected, is(asList(new ProducerRecord<>(APP_ID + "-" + testName + "-changelog", // Producer will assign
0, null, "deleteme", null, new RecordHeaders()), new ProducerRecord<>(APP_ID + "-" + testName + "-changelog", 0, null, "zxcv", new KeyValue<>(1L, getBufferValue("3gon4i", 1)), CHANGELOG_HEADERS), new ProducerRecord<>(APP_ID + "-" + testName + "-changelog", 0, null, "asdf", new KeyValue<>(2L, getBufferValue("2093j", 0)), CHANGELOG_HEADERS))));
cleanup(context, buffer);