use of in project ranger by apache.
the class RangerPDPKnoxFilter method doFilter.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
String sourceUrl = (String) request.getAttribute(AbstractGatewayFilter.SOURCE_REQUEST_CONTEXT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
String topologyName = getTopologyName(sourceUrl);
String serviceName = getServiceName();
RangerPerfTracer perf = null;
if (RangerPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_KNOXAUTH_REQUEST_LOG)) {
perf = RangerPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_KNOXAUTH_REQUEST_LOG, "RangerPDPKnoxFilter.doFilter(url=" + sourceUrl + ", topologyName=" + topologyName + ")");
Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());
Principal primaryPrincipal = (Principal) subject.getPrincipals(PrimaryPrincipal.class).toArray()[0];
String primaryUser = primaryPrincipal.getName();
String impersonatedUser = null;
Object[] impersonations = subject.getPrincipals(ImpersonatedPrincipal.class).toArray();
if (impersonations != null && impersonations.length > 0) {
impersonatedUser = ((Principal) impersonations[0]).getName();
String user = (impersonatedUser != null) ? impersonatedUser : primaryUser;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Checking access primaryUser: " + primaryUser + ", impersonatedUser: " + impersonatedUser + ", effectiveUser: " + user);
Object[] groupObjects = subject.getPrincipals(GroupPrincipal.class).toArray();
Set<String> groups = new HashSet<String>();
for (Object obj : groupObjects) {
groups.add(((Principal) obj).getName());
String clientIp = request.getRemoteAddr();
String clusterName = plugin.getClusterName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Checking access primaryUser: " + primaryUser + ", impersonatedUser: " + impersonatedUser + ", effectiveUser: " + user + ", groups: " + groups + ", clientIp: " + clientIp + ", clusterName: " + clusterName);
RangerAccessRequest accessRequest = new KnoxRangerPlugin.RequestBuilder().service(serviceName).topology(topologyName).user(user).groups(groups).clientIp(clientIp).clusterName(clusterName).build();
boolean accessAllowed = false;
if (plugin != null) {
RangerAccessResult result = plugin.isAccessAllowed(accessRequest);
accessAllowed = result != null && result.getIsAllowed();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Access allowed: " + accessAllowed);
if (accessAllowed) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
sendForbidden((HttpServletResponse) response);
use of in project knox by apache.
the class AccessTokenFederationFilter method createSubjectFromToken.
private Subject createSubjectFromToken(JWTToken token) {
final String principal = token.getPrincipal();
HashSet emptySet = new HashSet();
Set<Principal> principals = new HashSet<>();
Principal p = new PrimaryPrincipal(principal);
// The newly constructed Sets check whether this Subject has been set read-only
// before permitting subsequent modifications. The newly created Sets also prevent
// illegal modifications by ensuring that callers have sufficient permissions.
// To modify the Principals Set, the caller must have AuthPermission("modifyPrincipals").
// To modify the public credential Set, the caller must have AuthPermission("modifyPublicCredentials").
// To modify the private credential Set, the caller must have AuthPermission("modifyPrivateCredentials"). subject = new, principals, emptySet, emptySet);
return subject;
use of in project knox by apache.
the class SSOCookieFederationFilter method doFilter.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
String wireToken = null;
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
String loginURL = constructLoginURL(req);
wireToken = getJWTFromCookie(req);
if (wireToken == null) {
if (req.getMethod().equals("OPTIONS")) {
// CORS preflight requests to determine allowed origins and related config
// must be able to continue without being redirected
Subject sub = new Subject();
sub.getPrincipals().add(new PrimaryPrincipal("anonymous"));
continueWithEstablishedSecurityContext(sub, req, (HttpServletResponse) response, chain);
((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(loginURL);
} else {
try {
JWT token = new JWTToken(wireToken);
if (validateToken((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, chain, token)) {
Subject subject = createSubjectFromToken(token);
continueWithEstablishedSecurityContext(subject, (HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, chain);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(loginURL);
use of in project knox by apache.
the class AbstractJWTFilterTest method testValidAudienceJWT.
public void testValidAudienceJWT() throws Exception {
try {
Properties props = getProperties();
props.put(getAudienceProperty(), "bar");
handler.init(new TestFilterConfig(props));
SignedJWT jwt = getJWT(AbstractJWTFilter.JWT_DEFAULT_ISSUER, "alice", new Date(new Date().getTime() + 5000), privateKey);
HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createNiceMock(HttpServletRequest.class);
setTokenOnRequest(request, jwt);
EasyMock.expect(request.getRequestURL()).andReturn(new StringBuffer(SERVICE_URL)).anyTimes();
HttpServletResponse response = EasyMock.createNiceMock(HttpServletResponse.class);
TestFilterChain chain = new TestFilterChain();
handler.doFilter(request, response, chain);
Assert.assertTrue("doFilterCalled should not be false.", chain.doFilterCalled);
Set<PrimaryPrincipal> principals = chain.subject.getPrincipals(PrimaryPrincipal.class);
Assert.assertTrue("No PrimaryPrincipal", !principals.isEmpty());
Assert.assertEquals("Not the expected principal", "alice", ((Principal) principals.toArray()[0]).getName());
} catch (ServletException se) {
fail("Should NOT have thrown a ServletException.");
use of in project knox by apache.
the class AbstractJWTFilterTest method testValidAudienceJWTWhitespace.
public void testValidAudienceJWTWhitespace() throws Exception {
try {
Properties props = getProperties();
props.put(getAudienceProperty(), " foo, bar ");
handler.init(new TestFilterConfig(props));
SignedJWT jwt = getJWT(AbstractJWTFilter.JWT_DEFAULT_ISSUER, "alice", new Date(new Date().getTime() + 5000), privateKey);
HttpServletRequest request = EasyMock.createNiceMock(HttpServletRequest.class);
setTokenOnRequest(request, jwt);
EasyMock.expect(request.getRequestURL()).andReturn(new StringBuffer(SERVICE_URL)).anyTimes();
HttpServletResponse response = EasyMock.createNiceMock(HttpServletResponse.class);
TestFilterChain chain = new TestFilterChain();
handler.doFilter(request, response, chain);
Assert.assertTrue("doFilterCalled should not be false.", chain.doFilterCalled);
Set<PrimaryPrincipal> principals = chain.subject.getPrincipals(PrimaryPrincipal.class);
Assert.assertTrue("No PrimaryPrincipal", !principals.isEmpty());
Assert.assertEquals("Not the expected principal", "alice", ((Principal) principals.toArray()[0]).getName());
} catch (ServletException se) {
fail("Should NOT have thrown a ServletException.");