use of in project knox by apache.
the class HadoopAuthPostFilter method doFilter.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
Subject subject = null;
if (shouldUseJwtFilter(jwtFilter, (HttpServletRequest) request)) {
try {
Pair<JWTFederationFilter.TokenType, String> wireToken = jwtFilter.getWireToken(request);
JWTFederationFilter.TokenType tokenType = wireToken.getLeft();
String token = wireToken.getRight();
if (JWTFederationFilter.TokenType.JWT.equals(tokenType)) {
subject = jwtFilter.createSubjectFromToken(token);
} else if (JWTFederationFilter.TokenType.Passcode.equals(tokenType)) {
subject = jwtFilter.createSubjectFromTokenIdentifier(token);
} catch (ParseException | UnknownTokenException e) {
// NOP: subject remains null -> SC_FORBIDDEN will be returned
} else {
final String principal = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getRemoteUser();
if (principal != null) {
subject = new Subject();
subject.getPrincipals().add(new PrimaryPrincipal(principal));
AuditContext context = auditService.getContext();
if (subject != null) {
String sourceUri = (String) request.getAttribute(AbstractGatewayFilter.SOURCE_REQUEST_CONTEXT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
auditor.audit(Action.AUTHENTICATION, sourceUri, ResourceType.URI, ActionOutcome.SUCCESS);
doAs(request, response, chain, subject);
} else {
((HttpServletResponse) response).sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "User not authenticated");
use of in project knox by apache.
the class DefaultTokenStateService method getTokens.
public Collection<KnoxToken> getTokens(String userName) {
final Collection<KnoxToken> tokens = new TreeSet<>();
metadataMap.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().getUserName().equals(userName)).forEach(metadata -> {
String tokenId = metadata.getKey();
try {
tokens.add(new KnoxToken(tokenId, getTokenIssueTime(tokenId), getTokenExpiration(tokenId), getMaxLifetime(tokenId), metadata.getValue()));
} catch (UnknownTokenException e) {
// NOP: since this is coming from memory the only reason an UTE is thrown that the token got removed/revoked.
// In that case we would not want to return it anyway
return tokens;
use of in project knox by apache.
the class JournalBasedTokenStateService method getTokenIssueTime.
public long getTokenIssueTime(String tokenId) throws UnknownTokenException {
try {
// Check the in-memory collection first, to avoid file access when possible
return super.getTokenIssueTime(tokenId);
} catch (UnknownTokenException e) {
// It's not in memory
// If there is no associated state in the in-memory cache, proceed to check the journal
long issueTime = 0;
try {
JournalEntry entry = journal.get(tokenId);
if (entry == null) {
throw new UnknownTokenException(tokenId);
issueTime = Long.parseLong(entry.getIssueTime());
} catch (IOException e) {
return issueTime;
use of in project knox by apache.
the class DefaultTokenStateServiceTest method testTokenEviction.
public void testTokenEviction() throws Exception {
final JWTToken token = createMockToken(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(60));
final TokenStateService tss = createTokenStateService();
final long evictionInterval = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3);
final long maxTokenLifetime = evictionInterval * 3;
try {
// Add the expired token
addToken(tss, token.getClaim(JWTToken.KNOX_ID_CLAIM), System.currentTimeMillis(), token.getExpiresDate().getTime(), maxTokenLifetime);
assertTrue("Expected the token to have expired.", tss.isExpired(token));
// Sleep to allow the eviction evaluation to be performed
Thread.sleep(evictionInterval + (evictionInterval / 2));
// Expect the renew call to fail since the token should have been evicted
final UnknownTokenException e = assertThrows(UnknownTokenException.class, () -> tss.renewToken(token));
assertEquals("Unknown token: " + Tokens.getTokenIDDisplayText(TokenUtils.getTokenId(token)), e.getMessage());
} finally {
use of in project knox by apache.
the class TokenResource method revoke.
public Response revoke(String token) {
Response resp;
String error = "";
ErrorCode errorCode = ErrorCode.UNKNOWN;
Response.Status errorStatus = Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST;
if (tokenStateService == null) {
error = "Token revocation support is not configured";
errorCode = ErrorCode.CONFIGURATION_ERROR;
} else {
try {
final String revoker = SubjectUtils.getCurrentEffectivePrincipalName();
final String tokenId = getTokenId(token);
if (triesToRevokeOwnToken(tokenId, revoker) || allowedRenewers.contains(revoker)) {
log.revokedToken(getTopologyName(), Tokens.getTokenDisplayText(token), Tokens.getTokenIDDisplayText(tokenId), revoker);
} else {
errorStatus = Response.Status.FORBIDDEN;
error = "Caller (" + revoker + ") not authorized to revoke tokens.";
errorCode = ErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED;
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.invalidToken(getTopologyName(), Tokens.getTokenDisplayText(token), e);
error = safeGetMessage(e);
errorCode = ErrorCode.INVALID_TOKEN;
} catch (UnknownTokenException e) {
error = safeGetMessage(e);
errorCode = ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_TOKEN;
if (error.isEmpty()) {
resp = Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity("{\n \"revoked\": \"true\"\n}\n").build();
} else {
log.badRevocationRequest(getTopologyName(), Tokens.getTokenDisplayText(token), error);
resp = Response.status(errorStatus).entity("{\n \"revoked\": \"false\",\n \"error\": \"" + error + "\",\n \"code\": " + errorCode.toInt() + "\n}\n").build();
return resp;