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the class FileTokenStateJournalTest method doTestParseJournalEntry.
private void doTestParseJournalEntry(final String tokenId, final String issueTime, final String expiration, final String maxLifetime, final String enabled, final String userName, final String comment) {
StringBuilder entryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(tokenId != null ? tokenId : "").append(',').append(issueTime != null ? issueTime : "").append(',').append(expiration != null ? expiration : "").append(',').append(maxLifetime != null ? maxLifetime : "").append(",").append(enabled != null ? enabled : "").append(",").append(userName == null ? "" : userName).append(",").append(comment == null ? "" : comment);
JournalEntry entry = FileTokenStateJournal.FileJournalEntry.parse(entryStringBuilder.toString());
assertJournalEntryField(tokenId, entry.getTokenId());
assertJournalEntryField(issueTime, entry.getIssueTime());
assertJournalEntryField(expiration, entry.getExpiration());
assertJournalEntryField(maxLifetime, entry.getMaxLifetime());
assertJournalEntryField(StringUtils.isBlank(enabled) ? "false" : enabled, String.valueOf(entry.getTokenMetadata().isEnabled()));
assertJournalEntryField(userName, entry.getTokenMetadata().getUserName());
assertJournalEntryField(comment, entry.getTokenMetadata().getComment());
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the class AbstractFileTokenStateJournalTest method testSingleJournalEntryRoundTrip.
public void testSingleJournalEntryRoundTrip() throws Exception {
GatewayConfig config = getGatewayConfig();
TokenStateJournal journal = createTokenStateJournal(config);
final String tokenId = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID());
// Verify that the token state has not yet been journaled
long issueTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expiration = issueTime + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
long maxLifetime = issueTime + (5 * TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5));
JournalEntry original = createTestJournalEntry(tokenId, issueTime, expiration, maxLifetime);
// Get the token state from the journal, and validate its contents
JournalEntry entry = journal.get(tokenId);
assertEquals(original.getTokenId(), entry.getTokenId());
assertEquals(original.getIssueTime(), entry.getIssueTime());
assertEquals(original.getExpiration(), entry.getExpiration());
assertEquals(original.getMaxLifetime(), entry.getMaxLifetime());
// Verify that the token state can no longer be gotten from the journal
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the class AbstractFileTokenStateJournalTest method testUpdateTokenState.
public void testUpdateTokenState() throws Exception {
GatewayConfig config = getGatewayConfig();
TokenStateJournal journal = createTokenStateJournal(config);
final String tokenId = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID());
// Verify that the token state has not yet been journaled
long issueTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expiration = issueTime + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
long maxLifetime = issueTime + (5 * TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5));
journal.add(tokenId, issueTime, expiration, maxLifetime, null);
// Get the token state from the journal, and validate its contents
JournalEntry entry = journal.get(tokenId);
assertEquals(tokenId, entry.getTokenId());
assertEquals(issueTime, Long.parseLong(entry.getIssueTime()));
assertEquals(expiration, Long.parseLong(entry.getExpiration()));
assertEquals(maxLifetime, Long.parseLong(entry.getMaxLifetime()));
long updatedExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
journal.add(tokenId, issueTime, updatedExpiration, maxLifetime, null);
// Get and validate the updated token state
entry = journal.get(tokenId);
assertEquals(tokenId, entry.getTokenId());
assertEquals(issueTime, Long.parseLong(entry.getIssueTime()));
assertEquals(updatedExpiration, Long.parseLong(entry.getExpiration()));
assertEquals(maxLifetime, Long.parseLong(entry.getMaxLifetime()));
// Verify that the token state can no longer be gotten from the journal
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the class AliasBasedTokenStateService method init.
public void init(final GatewayConfig config, final Map<String, String> options) throws ServiceLifecycleException {
super.init(config, options);
if (aliasService == null) {
throw new ServiceLifecycleException("The required AliasService reference has not been set.");
try {
// Initialize the token state journal
journal = TokenStateJournalFactory.create(config);
// Load any persisted journal entries, and add them to the unpersisted state collection
List<JournalEntry> entries = journal.get();
for (JournalEntry entry : entries) {
String id = entry.getTokenId();
try {
long issueTime = Long.parseLong(entry.getIssueTime());
long expiration = Long.parseLong(entry.getExpiration());
long maxLifetime = Long.parseLong(entry.getMaxLifetime());
// Add the token state to memory
super.addToken(id, issueTime, expiration, maxLifetime);
synchronized (unpersistedState) {
// The max lifetime entry is added by way of the call to super.addToken(),
// so only need to add the expiration entry here.
unpersistedState.add(new TokenExpiration(id, expiration));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.failedToLoadJournalEntry(Tokens.getTokenIDDisplayText(id), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ServiceLifecycleException("Failed to load persisted state from the token state journal", e);
statePersistenceInterval = config.getKnoxTokenStateAliasPersistenceInterval();
if (tokenStateServiceStatistics != null) {
this.gatewayCredentialsFilePath = Paths.get(config.getGatewayKeystoreDir()).resolve(AliasService.NO_CLUSTER_NAME + DefaultKeystoreService.CREDENTIALS_SUFFIX + config.getCredentialStoreType().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
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the class JournalBasedTokenStateService method getTokenIssueTime.
public long getTokenIssueTime(String tokenId) throws UnknownTokenException {
try {
// Check the in-memory collection first, to avoid file access when possible
return super.getTokenIssueTime(tokenId);
} catch (UnknownTokenException e) {
// It's not in memory
// If there is no associated state in the in-memory cache, proceed to check the journal
long issueTime = 0;
try {
JournalEntry entry = journal.get(tokenId);
if (entry == null) {
throw new UnknownTokenException(tokenId);
issueTime = Long.parseLong(entry.getIssueTime());
} catch (IOException e) {
return issueTime;