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the class AliasBasedTokenStateServiceTest method testLoadTokenStateJournalDuringInitWithInvalidEntries.
public void testLoadTokenStateJournalDuringInitWithInvalidEntries() throws Exception {
final int TOKEN_COUNT = 5;
AliasService aliasService = EasyMock.createMock(AliasService.class);
// Create some test tokens
final Set<JWTToken> testTokens = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < TOKEN_COUNT; i++) {
JWTToken token = createMockToken(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(60));
// Persist the token state journal entries before initializing the TokenStateService
TokenStateJournal journal = TokenStateJournalFactory.create(createMockGatewayConfig(false));
for (JWTToken token : testTokens) {
journal.add(token.getClaim(JWTToken.KNOX_ID_CLAIM), System.currentTimeMillis(), token.getExpiresDate().getTime(), System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(24), null);
// Add an entry with an invalid token identifier
journal.add(" ", System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis(), null);
// Add an entry with an invalid issue time
journal.add(new TestJournalEntry(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "invalidLongValue", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), new TokenMetadata("testUser")));
// Add an entry with an invalid expiration time
journal.add(new TestJournalEntry(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), "invalidLongValue", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), new TokenMetadata("testUser")));
// Add an entry with an invalid max lifetime
journal.add(new TestJournalEntry(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), "invalidLongValue", new TokenMetadata("testUser")));
AliasBasedTokenStateService tss = new NoEvictionAliasBasedTokenStateService();
// Initialize the service, and presumably load the previously-persisted journal entries
Map<String, Long> tokenExpirations = getTokenExpirationsField(tss);
Map<String, Long> maxTokenLifetimes = getMaxTokenLifetimesField(tss);
Map<String, Long> tokenIssueTimes = getTokenIssueTimesField(tss, true);
Set<AliasBasedTokenStateService.TokenState> unpersistedState = getUnpersistedStateField(tss);
assertEquals("Expected the tokens expirations to have been added in the base class cache.", TOKEN_COUNT, tokenExpirations.size());
assertEquals("Expected the tokens lifetimes to have been added in the base class cache.", TOKEN_COUNT, maxTokenLifetimes.size());
assertEquals("Expected the tokens issue times to have been added in the base class cache.", TOKEN_COUNT, tokenIssueTimes.size());
assertEquals("Expected the unpersisted state to have been added.", // Two TokenState entries per token (expiration, max lifetime, issue time)
(TOKEN_COUNT * 3), unpersistedState.size());
// Verify that the expected methods were invoked
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the class JournalBasedTokenStateServiceTest method getJournalField.
private static TokenStateJournal getJournalField(TokenStateService tss) throws Exception {
Field journalField = JournalBasedTokenStateService.class.getDeclaredField("journal");
return (TokenStateJournal) journalField.get(tss);
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the class JournalBasedTokenStateServiceTest method testBulkTokenStateEviction.
public void testBulkTokenStateEviction() throws Exception {
final int TOKEN_COUNT = 5;
final long evictionInterval = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3);
final long maxTokenLifetime = evictionInterval * 3;
final Set<JWTToken> testTokens = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < TOKEN_COUNT; i++) {
testTokens.add(createMockToken(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(60)));
TokenStateService tss = createTokenStateService();
TokenStateJournal journal = getJournalField(tss);
try {
// Add the expired tokens
for (JWTToken token : testTokens) {
tss.addToken(token.getClaim(JWTToken.KNOX_ID_CLAIM), System.currentTimeMillis(), token.getExpiresDate().getTime(), maxTokenLifetime);
assertTrue("Expected the token to have expired.", tss.isExpired(token));
assertEquals(TOKEN_COUNT, journal.get().size());
// Sleep to allow the eviction evaluation to be performed
Thread.sleep(evictionInterval + (evictionInterval / 2));
} finally {
assertEquals(0, journal.get().size());
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the class AbstractFileTokenStateJournalTest method testSingleJournalEntryRoundTrip.
public void testSingleJournalEntryRoundTrip() throws Exception {
GatewayConfig config = getGatewayConfig();
TokenStateJournal journal = createTokenStateJournal(config);
final String tokenId = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID());
// Verify that the token state has not yet been journaled
long issueTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expiration = issueTime + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
long maxLifetime = issueTime + (5 * TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5));
JournalEntry original = createTestJournalEntry(tokenId, issueTime, expiration, maxLifetime);
// Get the token state from the journal, and validate its contents
JournalEntry entry = journal.get(tokenId);
assertEquals(original.getTokenId(), entry.getTokenId());
assertEquals(original.getIssueTime(), entry.getIssueTime());
assertEquals(original.getExpiration(), entry.getExpiration());
assertEquals(original.getMaxLifetime(), entry.getMaxLifetime());
// Verify that the token state can no longer be gotten from the journal
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the class AbstractFileTokenStateJournalTest method testGetUnknownToken.
public void testGetUnknownToken() throws Exception {
GatewayConfig config = getGatewayConfig();
TokenStateJournal journal = createTokenStateJournal(config);