use of org.apache.lucene.document.FeatureField in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RankFeaturesFieldMapper method parse.
public void parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
if (context.externalValueSet()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[rank_features] fields can't be used in multi-fields");
if (context.parser().currentToken() != Token.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[rank_features] fields must be json objects, expected a START_OBJECT but got: " + context.parser().currentToken());
String feature = null;
for (Token token = context.parser().nextToken(); token != Token.END_OBJECT; token = context.parser().nextToken()) {
if (token == Token.FIELD_NAME) {
feature = context.parser().currentName();
} else if (token == Token.VALUE_NULL) {
// ignore feature, this is consistent with numeric fields
} else if (token == Token.VALUE_NUMBER || token == Token.VALUE_STRING) {
final String key = name() + "." + feature;
float value = context.parser().floatValue(true);
if (context.doc().getByKey(key) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[rank_features] fields do not support indexing multiple values for the same " + "rank feature [" + key + "] in the same document");
context.doc().addWithKey(key, new FeatureField(name(), feature, value));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[rank_features] fields take hashes that map a feature to a strictly positive " + "float, but got unexpected token " + token);
use of org.apache.lucene.document.FeatureField in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RankFeatureFieldMapperTests method testNegativeScoreImpact.
public void testNegativeScoreImpact() throws Exception {
DocumentMapper mapper = createDocumentMapper(fieldMapping(b -> b.field("type", "rank_feature").field("positive_score_impact", false)));
ParsedDocument doc1 = mapper.parse(source(b -> b.field("field", 10)));
IndexableField[] fields = doc1.rootDoc().getFields("_feature");
assertEquals(1, fields.length);
assertThat(fields[0], instanceOf(FeatureField.class));
FeatureField featureField1 = (FeatureField) fields[0];
ParsedDocument doc2 = mapper.parse(source(b -> b.field("field", 12)));
FeatureField featureField2 = (FeatureField) doc2.rootDoc().getFields("_feature")[0];
int freq1 = getFrequency(featureField1.tokenStream(null, null));
int freq2 = getFrequency(featureField2.tokenStream(null, null));
assertTrue(freq1 > freq2);
use of org.apache.lucene.document.FeatureField in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RankFeatureFieldMapperTests method testDefaults.
public void testDefaults() throws Exception {
DocumentMapper mapper = createDocumentMapper(fieldMapping(this::minimalMapping));
assertEquals(Strings.toString(fieldMapping(this::minimalMapping)), mapper.mappingSource().toString());
ParsedDocument doc1 = mapper.parse(source(b -> b.field("field", 10)));
IndexableField[] fields = doc1.rootDoc().getFields("_feature");
assertEquals(1, fields.length);
assertThat(fields[0], instanceOf(FeatureField.class));
FeatureField featureField1 = (FeatureField) fields[0];
ParsedDocument doc2 = mapper.parse(source(b -> b.field("field", 12)));
FeatureField featureField2 = (FeatureField) doc2.rootDoc().getFields("_feature")[0];
int freq1 = getFrequency(featureField1.tokenStream(null, null));
int freq2 = getFrequency(featureField2.tokenStream(null, null));
assertTrue(freq1 < freq2);
use of org.apache.lucene.document.FeatureField in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RankFeaturesFieldMapperTests method testDefaults.
public void testDefaults() throws Exception {
DocumentMapper mapper = createDocumentMapper(fieldMapping(this::minimalMapping));
assertEquals(Strings.toString(fieldMapping(this::minimalMapping)), mapper.mappingSource().toString());
ParsedDocument doc1 = mapper.parse(source(this::writeField));
IndexableField[] fields = doc1.rootDoc().getFields("field");
assertEquals(2, fields.length);
assertThat(fields[0], Matchers.instanceOf(FeatureField.class));
FeatureField featureField1 = (FeatureField) fields[0];
assertThat(featureField1.stringValue(), Matchers.equalTo("foo"));
FeatureField featureField2 = (FeatureField) fields[1];
assertThat(featureField2.stringValue(), Matchers.equalTo("bar"));
int freq1 = RankFeatureFieldMapperTests.getFrequency(featureField1.tokenStream(null, null));
int freq2 = RankFeatureFieldMapperTests.getFrequency(featureField2.tokenStream(null, null));
assertTrue(freq1 < freq2);
use of org.apache.lucene.document.FeatureField in project BootForum by chipolaris.
the class IndexService method createCommentDocument.
* utility method to create a Document based on Comment entity
* @param comment
* @return
private Document createCommentDocument(Comment comment) {
Document document = new Document();
// store id as a String field
document.add(new StringField("id", comment.getId() + "", Store.YES));
// also use id as a FeatureField to be factored in the scoring process during search
document.add(new FeatureField("features", "MoreRecent", comment.getId()));
// use StoredField for attributes that do not get queried
document.add(new StoredField("createBy", comment.getCreateBy()));
document.add(new StoredField("createDate", comment.getCreateDate().getTime()));
// note: TextField vs. StringField: the former get tokenized while the later does not
document.add(new TextField("title", comment.getTitle(), Store.YES));
// comment.content contains HTML content so first extract the text content
document.add(new TextField("content", new TextExtractor(new Source(comment.getContent())).toString(), Store.YES));
// discussion fields
document.add(new StringField("discussionId", comment.getDiscussion().getId() + "", Store.YES));
return document;