use of org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.CellIterator in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TermQueryPrefixTreeStrategy method makeQuery.
public Query makeQuery(SpatialArgs args) {
final SpatialOperation op = args.getOperation();
if (op != SpatialOperation.Intersects)
throw new UnsupportedSpatialOperation(op);
Shape shape = args.getShape();
int detailLevel = grid.getLevelForDistance(args.resolveDistErr(ctx, distErrPct));
//--get a List of BytesRef for each term we want (no parents, no leaf bytes))
final int GUESS_NUM_TERMS;
if (shape instanceof Point)
//perfect guess
GUESS_NUM_TERMS = detailLevel;
//should this be a method on SpatialPrefixTree?
//shared byte array for all terms
BytesRefBuilder masterBytes = new BytesRefBuilder();
List<BytesRef> terms = new ArrayList<>(GUESS_NUM_TERMS);
CellIterator cells = grid.getTreeCellIterator(shape, detailLevel);
while (cells.hasNext()) {
Cell cell =;
if (!cell.isLeaf())
//null because we want a new BytesRef
BytesRef term = cell.getTokenBytesNoLeaf(null);
//We copy out the bytes because it may be re-used across the iteration. This also gives us the opportunity
// to use one contiguous block of memory for the bytes of all terms we need.
masterBytes.grow(masterBytes.length() + term.length);
//don't need; will reset later
term.bytes = null;
term.offset = masterBytes.length() - term.length;
//doing this now because if we did earlier, it's possible the bytes needed to grow()
for (BytesRef byteRef : terms) {
byteRef.bytes = masterBytes.bytes();
//TODO an automatonQuery might be faster?
return new TermInSetQuery(getFieldName(), terms);
use of org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.CellIterator in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class WithinPrefixTreeQuery method getDocIdSet.
protected DocIdSet getDocIdSet(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
return new VisitorTemplate(context) {
private FixedBitSet inside;
private FixedBitSet outside;
protected void start() {
inside = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
outside = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc);
protected DocIdSet finish() {
return new BitDocIdSet(inside);
protected CellIterator findSubCellsToVisit(Cell cell) {
//use buffered query shape instead of orig. Works with null too.
return cell.getNextLevelCells(bufferedQueryShape);
protected boolean visitPrefix(Cell cell) throws IOException {
//cell.relate is based on the bufferedQueryShape; we need to examine what
// the relation is against the queryShape
SpatialRelation visitRelation = cell.getShape().relate(queryShape);
if (cell.getLevel() == detailLevel) {
collectDocs(visitRelation.intersects() ? inside : outside);
return false;
} else if (visitRelation == SpatialRelation.WITHIN) {
return false;
} else if (visitRelation == SpatialRelation.DISJOINT) {
return false;
return true;
protected void visitLeaf(Cell cell) throws IOException {
if (allCellsIntersectQuery(cell))
/** Returns true if the provided cell, and all its sub-cells down to
* detailLevel all intersect the queryShape.
private boolean allCellsIntersectQuery(Cell cell) {
SpatialRelation relate = cell.getShape().relate(queryShape);
if (cell.getLevel() == detailLevel)
return relate.intersects();
if (relate == SpatialRelation.WITHIN)
return true;
if (relate == SpatialRelation.DISJOINT)
return false;
// Note: Generating all these cells just to determine intersection is not ideal.
// The real solution is LUCENE-4869.
CellIterator subCells = cell.getNextLevelCells(null);
while (subCells.hasNext()) {
Cell subCell =;
if (//recursion
return false;
return true;
protected void visitScanned(Cell cell) throws IOException {
//collects as we want, even if not a leaf
// if (cell.isLeaf()) {
// visitLeaf(cell);
// } else {
// visitPrefix(cell);
// }
use of org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.CellIterator in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class HeatmapFacetCounter method calcFacets.
* Calculates spatial 2D facets (aggregated counts) in a grid, sometimes called a heatmap.
* Facet computation is implemented by navigating the underlying indexed terms efficiently. If you don't know exactly
* what facetLevel to go to for a given input box but you have some sense of how many cells there should be relative
* to the size of the shape, then consider using the logic that {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.PrefixTreeStrategy}
* uses when approximating what level to go to when indexing a shape given a distErrPct.
* @param context the IndexReader's context
* @param topAcceptDocs a Bits to limit counted docs. If null, live docs are counted.
* @param inputShape the shape to gather grid squares for; typically a {@link Rectangle}.
* The <em>actual</em> heatmap area will usually be larger since the cells on the edge that overlap
* are returned. We always return a rectangle of integers even if the inputShape isn't a rectangle
* -- the non-intersecting cells will all be 0.
* If null is given, the entire world is assumed.
* @param facetLevel the target depth (detail) of cells.
* @param maxCells the maximum number of cells to return. If the cells exceed this count, an
public static Heatmap calcFacets(PrefixTreeStrategy strategy, IndexReaderContext context, Bits topAcceptDocs, Shape inputShape, final int facetLevel, int maxCells) throws IOException {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCells (" + maxCells + ") should be <= " + MAX_ROWS_OR_COLUMNS);
if (inputShape == null) {
inputShape = strategy.getSpatialContext().getWorldBounds();
final Rectangle inputRect = inputShape.getBoundingBox();
//First get the rect of the cell at the bottom-left at depth facetLevel
final SpatialPrefixTree grid = strategy.getGrid();
final SpatialContext ctx = grid.getSpatialContext();
final Point cornerPt = ctx.makePoint(inputRect.getMinX(), inputRect.getMinY());
final CellIterator cellIterator = grid.getTreeCellIterator(cornerPt, facetLevel);
Cell cornerCell = null;
while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
cornerCell =;
assert cornerCell != null && cornerCell.getLevel() == facetLevel : "Cell not at target level: " + cornerCell;
final Rectangle cornerRect = (Rectangle) cornerCell.getShape();
assert cornerRect.hasArea();
//Now calculate the number of columns and rows necessary to cover the inputRect
//note: we might change this below...
double heatMinX = cornerRect.getMinX();
final double cellWidth = cornerRect.getWidth();
final Rectangle worldRect = ctx.getWorldBounds();
final int columns = calcRowsOrCols(cellWidth, heatMinX, inputRect.getWidth(), inputRect.getMinX(), worldRect.getWidth());
final double heatMinY = cornerRect.getMinY();
final double cellHeight = cornerRect.getHeight();
final int rows = calcRowsOrCols(cellHeight, heatMinY, inputRect.getHeight(), inputRect.getMinY(), worldRect.getHeight());
assert rows > 0 && columns > 0;
if (columns > MAX_ROWS_OR_COLUMNS || rows > MAX_ROWS_OR_COLUMNS || columns * rows > maxCells) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many cells (" + columns + " x " + rows + ") for level " + facetLevel + " shape " + inputRect);
//Create resulting heatmap bounding rectangle & Heatmap object.
final double halfCellWidth = cellWidth / 2.0;
// if X world-wraps, use world bounds' range
if (columns * cellWidth + halfCellWidth > worldRect.getWidth()) {
heatMinX = worldRect.getMinX();
double heatMaxX = heatMinX + columns * cellWidth;
if (Math.abs(heatMaxX - worldRect.getMaxX()) < halfCellWidth) {
//numeric conditioning issue
heatMaxX = worldRect.getMaxX();
} else if (heatMaxX > worldRect.getMaxX()) {
//wraps dateline (won't happen if !geo)
heatMaxX = heatMaxX - worldRect.getMaxX() + worldRect.getMinX();
final double halfCellHeight = cellHeight / 2.0;
double heatMaxY = heatMinY + rows * cellHeight;
if (Math.abs(heatMaxY - worldRect.getMaxY()) < halfCellHeight) {
//numeric conditioning issue
heatMaxY = worldRect.getMaxY();
final Heatmap heatmap = new Heatmap(columns, rows, ctx.makeRectangle(heatMinX, heatMaxX, heatMinY, heatMaxY));
if (topAcceptDocs instanceof Bits.MatchNoBits) {
// short-circuit
return heatmap;
//All ancestor cell counts (of facetLevel) will be captured during facet visiting and applied later. If the data is
// just points then there won't be any ancestors.
//Facet count of ancestors covering all of the heatmap:
// single-element array so it can be accumulated in the inner class
int[] allCellsAncestorCount = new int[1];
//All other ancestors:
Map<Rectangle, Integer> ancestors = new HashMap<>();
//Now lets count some facets!
PrefixTreeFacetCounter.compute(strategy, context, topAcceptDocs, inputShape, facetLevel, new PrefixTreeFacetCounter.FacetVisitor() {
public void visit(Cell cell, int count) {
final double heatMinX = heatmap.region.getMinX();
final Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) cell.getShape();
if (cell.getLevel() == facetLevel) {
//heatmap level; count it directly
//convert to col & row
int column;
if (rect.getMinX() >= heatMinX) {
column = (int) Math.round((rect.getMinX() - heatMinX) / cellWidth);
} else {
// due to dateline wrap
column = (int) Math.round((rect.getMinX() + 360 - heatMinX) / cellWidth);
int row = (int) Math.round((rect.getMinY() - heatMinY) / cellHeight);
// allows adjacent cells to overlap on the seam), so we need to skip them
if (column < 0 || column >= heatmap.columns || row < 0 || row >= heatmap.rows) {
// increment
heatmap.counts[column * heatmap.rows + row] += count;
} else if (rect.relate(heatmap.region) == SpatialRelation.CONTAINS) {
//containing ancestor
allCellsAncestorCount[0] += count;
} else {
// ancestor
// note: not particularly efficient (possible put twice, and Integer wrapper); oh well
Integer existingCount = ancestors.put(rect, count);
if (existingCount != null) {
ancestors.put(rect, count + existingCount);
// Apply allCellsAncestorCount
if (allCellsAncestorCount[0] > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < heatmap.counts.length; i++) {
heatmap.counts[i] += allCellsAncestorCount[0];
// Apply ancestors
// note: This approach isn't optimized for a ton of ancestor cells. We'll potentially increment the same cells
// multiple times in separate passes if any ancestors overlap. IF this poses a problem, we could optimize it
// with additional complication by keeping track of intervals in a sorted tree structure (possible TreeMap/Set)
// and iterate them cleverly such that we just make one pass at this stage.
//output of intersectInterval
int[] pair = new int[2];
for (Map.Entry<Rectangle, Integer> entry : ancestors.entrySet()) {
// from a cell (thus doesn't cross DL)
Rectangle rect = entry.getKey();
final int count = entry.getValue();
//note: we approach this in a way that eliminates int overflow/underflow (think huge cell, tiny heatmap)
intersectInterval(heatMinY, heatMaxY, cellHeight, rows, rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxY(), pair);
final int startRow = pair[0];
final int endRow = pair[1];
if (!heatmap.region.getCrossesDateLine()) {
intersectInterval(heatMinX, heatMaxX, cellWidth, columns, rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX(), pair);
final int startCol = pair[0];
final int endCol = pair[1];
incrementRange(heatmap, startCol, endCol, startRow, endRow, count);
} else {
// note: the cell rect might intersect 2 disjoint parts of the heatmap, so we do the left & right separately
final int leftColumns = (int) Math.round((180 - heatMinX) / cellWidth);
final int rightColumns = heatmap.columns - leftColumns;
//left half of dateline:
if (rect.getMaxX() > heatMinX) {
intersectInterval(heatMinX, 180, cellWidth, leftColumns, rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX(), pair);
final int startCol = pair[0];
final int endCol = pair[1];
incrementRange(heatmap, startCol, endCol, startRow, endRow, count);
//right half of dateline
if (rect.getMinX() < heatMaxX) {
intersectInterval(-180, heatMaxX, cellWidth, rightColumns, rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX(), pair);
final int startCol = pair[0] + leftColumns;
final int endCol = pair[1] + leftColumns;
incrementRange(heatmap, startCol, endCol, startRow, endRow, count);
return heatmap;
use of org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.CellIterator in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class NumberRangeFacetsTest method test.
@Repeat(iterations = 20)
public void test() throws IOException {
//generate test data
List<Shape> indexedShapes = new ArrayList<>();
final int numIndexedShapes = random().nextInt(15);
for (int i = 0; i < numIndexedShapes; i++) {
//Main index loop:
for (int i = 0; i < indexedShapes.size(); i++) {
Shape shape = indexedShapes.get(i);
adoc("" + i, shape);
if (random().nextInt(10) == 0)
//intermediate commit, produces extra segments
//delete some documents randomly
for (int id = 0; id < indexedShapes.size(); id++) {
if (random().nextInt(10) == 0) {
deleteDoc("" + id);
indexedShapes.set(id, null);
//Main query loop:
for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < 10; queryIdx++) {
// We need to have a facet range window to do the facets between (a start time & end time). We randomly
// pick a date, decide the level we want to facet on, and then pick a right end time that is up to 2 thousand
// values later.
int calFieldFacet = randomCalWindowField - 1;
if (calFieldFacet > 1 && rarely()) {
final Calendar leftCal = randomCalendar();
leftCal.add(calFieldFacet, -1 * randomInt(1000));
Calendar rightCal = (Calendar) leftCal.clone();
rightCal.add(calFieldFacet, randomInt(2000));
// Pick facet detail level based on cal field.
int detailLevel = tree.getTreeLevelForCalendarField(calFieldFacet);
if (detailLevel < 0) {
//no exact match
detailLevel = -1 * detailLevel;
//Randomly pick a filter/acceptDocs
Bits topAcceptDocs = null;
List<Integer> acceptFieldIds = new ArrayList<>();
if (usually()) {
// replace the list.
for (int i = 0; i < indexedShapes.size(); i++) {
if (indexedShapes.get(i) == null) {
// we deleted this one
Collections.shuffle(acceptFieldIds, random());
acceptFieldIds = acceptFieldIds.subList(0, randomInt(acceptFieldIds.size()));
if (!acceptFieldIds.isEmpty()) {
List<BytesRef> terms = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer acceptDocId : acceptFieldIds) {
terms.add(new BytesRef(acceptDocId.toString()));
topAcceptDocs = searchForDocBits(new TermInSetQuery("id", terms));
//Lets do it!
NumberRangePrefixTree.NRShape facetRange = tree.toRangeShape(tree.toShape(leftCal), tree.toShape(rightCal));
Facets facets = ((NumberRangePrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).calcFacets(indexSearcher.getTopReaderContext(), topAcceptDocs, facetRange, detailLevel);
//System.out.println("Q: " + queryIdx + " " + facets);
//Verify results. We do it by looping over indexed shapes and reducing the facet counts.
Shape facetShapeRounded = facetRange.roundToLevel(detailLevel);
for (int indexedShapeId = 0; indexedShapeId < indexedShapes.size(); indexedShapeId++) {
if (topAcceptDocs != null && !acceptFieldIds.contains(indexedShapeId)) {
// this doc was filtered out via acceptDocs
Shape indexedShape = indexedShapes.get(indexedShapeId);
if (indexedShape == null) {
//was deleted
Shape indexedShapeRounded = ((NumberRangePrefixTree.NRShape) indexedShape).roundToLevel(detailLevel);
if (!indexedShapeRounded.relate(facetShapeRounded).intersects()) {
// no intersection at all
// walk the cells
final CellIterator cellIterator = tree.getTreeCellIterator(indexedShape, detailLevel);
while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
Cell cell =;
if (!cell.getShape().relate(facetShapeRounded).intersects()) {
//no intersection; prune
assert cell.getLevel() <= detailLevel;
if (cell.getLevel() == detailLevel) {
//count it
UnitNRShape shape = (UnitNRShape) cell.getShape();
//get parent
final UnitNRShape parentShape = shape.getShapeAtLevel(detailLevel - 1);
final Facets.FacetParentVal facetParentVal = facets.parents.get(parentShape);
int index = shape.getValAtLevel(shape.getLevel());
assert facetParentVal.childCounts[index] > 0;
} else if (cell.isLeaf()) {
//count it, and remove/prune.
if (cell.getLevel() < detailLevel - 1) {
assert facets.topLeaves > 0;
} else {
UnitNRShape shape = (UnitNRShape) cell.getShape();
//get parent
final UnitNRShape parentShape = shape.getShapeAtLevel(detailLevel - 1);
final Facets.FacetParentVal facetParentVal = facets.parents.get(parentShape);
assert facetParentVal.parentLeaves > 0;
// At this point; all counts should be down to zero.
assertTrue(facets.topLeaves == 0);
for (Facets.FacetParentVal facetParentVal : facets.parents.values()) {
assertTrue(facetParentVal.parentLeaves == 0);
if (facetParentVal.childCounts != null) {
for (int childCount : facetParentVal.childCounts) {
assertTrue(childCount == 0);
use of org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.CellIterator in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class RandomSpatialOpFuzzyPrefixTreeTest method gridSnap.
// private Rectangle inset(Rectangle r) {
// //typically inset by 1 (whole numbers are easy to read)
// double d = Math.min(1.0, grid.getDistanceForLevel(grid.getMaxLevels()) / 4);
// return ctx.makeRectangle(r.getMinX() + d, r.getMaxX() - d, r.getMinY() + d, r.getMaxY() - d);
// }
protected Shape gridSnap(Shape snapMe) {
if (snapMe == null)
return null;
if (snapMe instanceof ShapePair) {
ShapePair me = (ShapePair) snapMe;
return new ShapePair(gridSnap(me.shape1), gridSnap(me.shape2), me.biasContainsThenWithin);
if (snapMe instanceof Point) {
snapMe = snapMe.getBoundingBox();
//The next 4 lines mimic PrefixTreeStrategy.createIndexableFields()
double distErrPct = ((PrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).getDistErrPct();
double distErr = SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(snapMe, distErrPct, ctx);
int detailLevel = grid.getLevelForDistance(distErr);
CellIterator cells = grid.getTreeCellIterator(snapMe, detailLevel);
//calc bounding box of cells.
List<Shape> cellShapes = new ArrayList<>(1024);
while (cells.hasNext()) {
Cell cell =;
if (!cell.isLeaf())
return new ShapeCollection<>(cellShapes, ctx).getBoundingBox();