Search in sources :

Example 1 with DocIdSetBuilder

use of org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class TermsSliceQuery method build.

     * Returns a DocIdSet per segments containing the matching docs for the specified slice.
private DocIdSet build(LeafReader reader) throws IOException {
    final DocIdSetBuilder builder = new DocIdSetBuilder(reader.maxDoc());
    final Terms terms = reader.terms(getField());
    final TermsEnum te = terms.iterator();
    PostingsEnum docsEnum = null;
    for (BytesRef term =; term != null; term = {
        int hashCode = term.hashCode();
        if (contains(hashCode)) {
            docsEnum = te.postings(docsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE);
Also used : Terms(org.apache.lucene.index.Terms) DocIdSetBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder) PostingsEnum(org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef) TermsEnum(org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum)

Example 2 with DocIdSetBuilder

use of org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class FacetsCollector method doSetNextReader.

protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
    if (docsBuilder != null) {
        matchingDocs.add(new MatchingDocs(this.context,, totalHits, scores));
    docsBuilder = new DocIdSetBuilder(context.reader().maxDoc());
    totalHits = 0;
    if (keepScores) {
        // some initial size
        scores = new float[64];
    this.context = context;
Also used : DocIdSetBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder)

Example 3 with DocIdSetBuilder

use of org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class PointInGeo3DShapeQuery method createWeight.

public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores, float boost) throws IOException {
    return new ConstantScoreWeight(this, boost) {

        public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
            LeafReader reader = context.reader();
            PointValues values = reader.getPointValues(field);
            if (values == null) {
                return null;
        XYZBounds bounds = new XYZBounds();

        final double planetMax = planetModel.getMaximumMagnitude();
        if (planetMax != treeDV.planetMax) {
          throw new IllegalStateException(planetModel + " is not the same one used during indexing: planetMax=" + planetMax + " vs indexing planetMax=" + treeDV.planetMax);
        GeoArea xyzSolid = GeoAreaFactory.makeGeoArea(planetModel,

        assert xyzSolid.getRelationship(shape) == GeoArea.WITHIN || xyzSolid.getRelationship(shape) == GeoArea.OVERLAPS: "expected WITHIN (1) or OVERLAPS (2) but got " + xyzSolid.getRelationship(shape) + "; shape="+shape+"; XYZSolid="+xyzSolid;
            DocIdSetBuilder result = new DocIdSetBuilder(reader.maxDoc(), values, field);
            values.intersect(new PointInShapeIntersectVisitor(result, shape, shapeBounds));
            return new ConstantScoreScorer(this, score(),;
Also used : PointValues(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues) LeafReader(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader) ConstantScoreScorer( LeafReaderContext(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext) DocIdSetBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder) ConstantScoreWeight(

Example 4 with DocIdSetBuilder

use of org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class RangeFieldQuery method createWeight.

public final Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores, float boost) throws IOException {
    return new ConstantScoreWeight(this, boost) {

        final RangeFieldComparator target = new RangeFieldComparator();

        private DocIdSet buildMatchingDocIdSet(LeafReader reader, PointValues values) throws IOException {
            DocIdSetBuilder result = new DocIdSetBuilder(reader.maxDoc(), values, field);
            values.intersect(new IntersectVisitor() {

                DocIdSetBuilder.BulkAdder adder;

                public void grow(int count) {
                    adder = result.grow(count);

                public void visit(int docID) throws IOException {

                public void visit(int docID, byte[] leaf) throws IOException {
                    if (target.matches(leaf)) {

                public Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) {
                    return compareRange(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue);

        private Relation compareRange(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) {
            byte[] node = getInternalRange(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue);
            // compute range relation for BKD traversal
            if (target.intersects(node) == false) {
                return Relation.CELL_OUTSIDE_QUERY;
            } else if (target.within(node)) {
                // target within cell; continue traversing:
                return Relation.CELL_CROSSES_QUERY;
            } else if (target.contains(node)) {
                // target contains cell; add iff queryType is not a CONTAINS or CROSSES query:
                return (queryType == QueryType.CONTAINS || queryType == QueryType.CROSSES) ? Relation.CELL_OUTSIDE_QUERY : Relation.CELL_INSIDE_QUERY;
            // target intersects cell; continue traversing:
            return Relation.CELL_CROSSES_QUERY;

        public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
            LeafReader reader = context.reader();
            PointValues values = reader.getPointValues(field);
            if (values == null) {
                // no docs in this segment indexed any ranges
                return null;
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = reader.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field);
            if (fieldInfo == null) {
                // no docs in this segment indexed this field
                return null;
            boolean allDocsMatch = false;
            if (values.getDocCount() == reader.maxDoc() && compareRange(values.getMinPackedValue(), values.getMaxPackedValue()) == Relation.CELL_INSIDE_QUERY) {
                allDocsMatch = true;
            DocIdSetIterator iterator = allDocsMatch == true ? DocIdSetIterator.all(reader.maxDoc()) : buildMatchingDocIdSet(reader, values).iterator();
            return new ConstantScoreScorer(this, score(), iterator);

        /** get an encoded byte representation of the internal node; this is
       *  the lower half of the min array and the upper half of the max array */
        private byte[] getInternalRange(byte[] min, byte[] max) {
            byte[] range = new byte[min.length];
            final int dimSize = numDims * bytesPerDim;
            System.arraycopy(min, 0, range, 0, dimSize);
            System.arraycopy(max, dimSize, range, dimSize, dimSize);
            return range;
Also used : IntersectVisitor(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues.IntersectVisitor) LeafReader(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader) IOException( ConstantScoreWeight( PointValues(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues) Relation(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues.Relation) ConstantScoreScorer( LeafReaderContext(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext) DocIdSetBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder) DocIdSetIterator( FieldInfo(org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo)

Example 5 with DocIdSetBuilder

use of org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestGeo3DPoint method explain.

public static String explain(String fieldName, GeoShape shape, GeoPoint targetDocPoint, GeoPoint scaledDocPoint, IndexReader reader, int docID) throws Exception {
    final XYZBounds bounds = new XYZBounds();
    // First find the leaf reader that owns this doc:
    int subIndex = ReaderUtil.subIndex(docID, reader.leaves());
    LeafReader leafReader = reader.leaves().get(subIndex).reader();
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    b.append("target is in leaf " + leafReader + " of full reader " + reader + "\n");
    DocIdSetBuilder hits = new DocIdSetBuilder(leafReader.maxDoc());
    ExplainingVisitor visitor = new ExplainingVisitor(shape, targetDocPoint, scaledDocPoint, new PointInShapeIntersectVisitor(hits, shape, bounds), docID - reader.leaves().get(subIndex).docBase, 3, Integer.BYTES, b);
    // Do first phase, where we just figure out the "path" that leads to the target docID:
    // Do second phase, where we we see how the wrapped visitor responded along that path:
    return b.toString();
Also used : LeafReader(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader) XYZBounds(org.apache.lucene.spatial3d.geom.XYZBounds) DocIdSetBuilder(org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder) GeoPoint(org.apache.lucene.spatial3d.geom.GeoPoint)


DocIdSetBuilder (org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder)12 LeafReader (org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader)8 LeafReaderContext (org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext)8 PointValues (org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues)6 IntersectVisitor (org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues.IntersectVisitor)4 ConstantScoreScorer ( ConstantScoreWeight ( BytesRef (org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)4 FieldInfo (org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo)3 PostingsEnum (org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum)3 Terms (org.apache.lucene.index.Terms)3 TermsEnum (org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum)3 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Rectangle (org.apache.lucene.geo.Rectangle)2 Relation (org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues.Relation)2 TermIterator (org.apache.lucene.index.PrefixCodedTerms.TermIterator)2 Term (org.apache.lucene.index.Term)2 TermContext (org.apache.lucene.index.TermContext)2 FixedBitSet (org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet)2