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Example 1 with BKDReader

use of org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class LatLonPoint method nearest.

   * Finds the {@code n} nearest indexed points to the provided point, according to Haversine distance.
   * <p>
   * This is functionally equivalent to running {@link MatchAllDocsQuery} with a {@link LatLonDocValuesField#newDistanceSort},
   * but is far more efficient since it takes advantage of properties the indexed BKD tree.  Currently this
   * only works with {@link Lucene60PointsFormat} (used by the default codec).  Multi-valued fields are
   * currently not de-duplicated, so if a document had multiple instances of the specified field that
   * make it into the top n, that document will appear more than once.
   * <p>
   * Documents are ordered by ascending distance from the location. The value returned in {@link FieldDoc} for
   * the hits contains a Double instance with the distance in meters.
   * @param searcher IndexSearcher to find nearest points from.
   * @param field field name. must not be null.
   * @param latitude latitude at the center: must be within standard +/-90 coordinate bounds.
   * @param longitude longitude at the center: must be within standard +/-180 coordinate bounds.
   * @param n the number of nearest neighbors to retrieve.
   * @return TopFieldDocs containing documents ordered by distance, where the field value for each {@link FieldDoc} is the distance in meters
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the underlying PointValues is not a {@code Lucene60PointsReader} (this is a current limitation), or
   *         if {@code field} or {@code searcher} is null, or if {@code latitude}, {@code longitude} or {@code n} are out-of-bounds
   * @throws IOException if an IOException occurs while finding the points.
// TODO: what about multi-valued documents? what happens?
public static TopFieldDocs nearest(IndexSearcher searcher, String field, double latitude, double longitude, int n) throws IOException {
    if (n < 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be at least 1; got " + n);
    if (field == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("field must not be null");
    if (searcher == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("searcher must not be null");
    List<BKDReader> readers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Integer> docBases = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Bits> liveDocs = new ArrayList<>();
    int totalHits = 0;
    for (LeafReaderContext leaf : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
        PointValues points = leaf.reader().getPointValues(field);
        if (points != null) {
            if (points instanceof BKDReader == false) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only run on Lucene60PointsReader points implementation, but got " + points);
            totalHits += points.getDocCount();
            BKDReader reader = (BKDReader) points;
            if (reader != null) {
    NearestNeighbor.NearestHit[] hits = NearestNeighbor.nearest(latitude, longitude, readers, liveDocs, docBases, n);
    // Convert to TopFieldDocs:
    ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[hits.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {
        NearestNeighbor.NearestHit hit = hits[i];
        scoreDocs[i] = new FieldDoc(hit.docID, 0.0f, new Object[] { Double.valueOf(hit.distanceMeters) });
    return new TopFieldDocs(totalHits, scoreDocs, null, 0.0f);
Also used : FieldDoc( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TopFieldDocs( ScoreDoc( BKDReader(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader) PointValues(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues) Bits(org.apache.lucene.util.Bits) LeafReaderContext(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext)

Example 2 with BKDReader

use of org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class NearestNeighbor method nearest.

// TODO: can we somehow share more with, or simply directly use, the LatLonPointDistanceComparator?  It's really doing the same thing as
// our hitQueue...
public static NearestHit[] nearest(double pointLat, double pointLon, List<BKDReader> readers, List<Bits> liveDocs, List<Integer> docBases, final int n) throws IOException {
    //System.out.println("NEAREST: readers=" + readers + " liveDocs=" + liveDocs + " pointLat=" + pointLat + " pointLon=" + pointLon);
    // Holds closest collected points seen so far:
    // TODO: if we used lucene's PQ we could just updateTop instead of poll/offer:
    final PriorityQueue<NearestHit> hitQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(n, new Comparator<NearestHit>() {

        public int compare(NearestHit a, NearestHit b) {
            // sort by opposite distanceMeters natural order
            int cmp =, b.distanceMeters);
            if (cmp != 0) {
                return -cmp;
            // tie-break by higher docID:
            return b.docID - a.docID;
    // Holds all cells, sorted by closest to the point:
    PriorityQueue<Cell> cellQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
    NearestVisitor visitor = new NearestVisitor(hitQueue, n, pointLat, pointLon);
    List<BKDReader.IntersectState> states = new ArrayList<>();
    // Add root cell for each reader into the queue:
    int bytesPerDim = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
        BKDReader reader = readers.get(i);
        if (bytesPerDim == -1) {
            bytesPerDim = reader.getBytesPerDimension();
        } else if (bytesPerDim != reader.getBytesPerDimension()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("bytesPerDim changed from " + bytesPerDim + " to " + reader.getBytesPerDimension() + " across readers");
        byte[] minPackedValue = reader.getMinPackedValue();
        byte[] maxPackedValue = reader.getMaxPackedValue();
        IntersectState state = reader.getIntersectState(visitor);
        cellQueue.offer(new Cell(state.index, i, reader.getMinPackedValue(), reader.getMaxPackedValue(), approxBestDistance(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue, pointLat, pointLon)));
    while (cellQueue.size() > 0) {
        Cell cell = cellQueue.poll();
        //System.out.println("  visit " + cell);
        // TODO: if we replace approxBestDistance with actualBestDistance, we can put an opto here to break once this "best" cell is fully outside of the hitQueue bottom's radius:
        BKDReader reader = readers.get(cell.readerIndex);
        if (cell.index.isLeafNode()) {
            //System.out.println("    leaf");
            // Leaf block: visit all points and possibly collect them:
            visitor.curDocBase = docBases.get(cell.readerIndex);
            visitor.curLiveDocs = liveDocs.get(cell.readerIndex);
            reader.visitLeafBlockValues(cell.index, states.get(cell.readerIndex));
        //System.out.println("    now " + hitQueue.size() + " hits");
        } else {
            //System.out.println("    non-leaf");
            // Non-leaf block: split into two cells and put them back into the queue:
            double cellMinLat = decodeLatitude(cell.minPacked, 0);
            double cellMinLon = decodeLongitude(cell.minPacked, Integer.BYTES);
            double cellMaxLat = decodeLatitude(cell.maxPacked, 0);
            double cellMaxLon = decodeLongitude(cell.maxPacked, Integer.BYTES);
            if (cellMaxLat < visitor.minLat || visitor.maxLat < cellMinLat || ((cellMaxLon < visitor.minLon || visitor.maxLon < cellMinLon) && cellMaxLon < visitor.minLon2)) {
                // this cell is outside our search bbox; don't bother exploring any more
            BytesRef splitValue = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(cell.index.getSplitDimValue());
            int splitDim = cell.index.getSplitDim();
            // we must clone the index so that we we can recurse left and right "concurrently":
            IndexTree newIndex = cell.index.clone();
            byte[] splitPackedValue = cell.maxPacked.clone();
            System.arraycopy(splitValue.bytes, splitValue.offset, splitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
            cellQueue.offer(new Cell(cell.index, cell.readerIndex, cell.minPacked, splitPackedValue, approxBestDistance(cell.minPacked, splitPackedValue, pointLat, pointLon)));
            splitPackedValue = cell.minPacked.clone();
            System.arraycopy(splitValue.bytes, splitValue.offset, splitPackedValue, splitDim * bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim);
            cellQueue.offer(new Cell(newIndex, cell.readerIndex, splitPackedValue, cell.maxPacked, approxBestDistance(splitPackedValue, cell.maxPacked, pointLat, pointLon)));
    NearestHit[] hits = new NearestHit[hitQueue.size()];
    int downTo = hitQueue.size() - 1;
    while (hitQueue.size() != 0) {
        hits[downTo] = hitQueue.poll();
    return hits;
Also used : IndexTree(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader.IndexTree) IntersectState(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader.IntersectState) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PriorityQueue(java.util.PriorityQueue) BKDReader(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader) BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 3 with BKDReader

use of org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class Lucene60PointsWriter method merge.

public void merge(MergeState mergeState) throws IOException {
     * If indexSort is activated and some of the leaves are not sorted the next test will catch that and the non-optimized merge will run.
     * If the readers are all sorted then it's safe to perform a bulk merge of the points.
    for (PointsReader reader : mergeState.pointsReaders) {
        if (reader instanceof Lucene60PointsReader == false) {
            // We can only bulk merge when all to-be-merged segments use our format:
    for (PointsReader reader : mergeState.pointsReaders) {
        if (reader != null) {
    for (FieldInfo fieldInfo : mergeState.mergeFieldInfos) {
        if (fieldInfo.getPointDimensionCount() != 0) {
            if (fieldInfo.getPointDimensionCount() == 1) {
                boolean singleValuePerDoc = true;
                // Worst case total maximum size (if none of the points are deleted):
                long totMaxSize = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < mergeState.pointsReaders.length; i++) {
                    PointsReader reader = mergeState.pointsReaders[i];
                    if (reader != null) {
                        FieldInfos readerFieldInfos = mergeState.fieldInfos[i];
                        FieldInfo readerFieldInfo = readerFieldInfos.fieldInfo(;
                        if (readerFieldInfo != null && readerFieldInfo.getPointDimensionCount() > 0) {
                            PointValues values = reader.getValues(;
                            if (values != null) {
                                totMaxSize += values.size();
                                singleValuePerDoc &= values.size() == values.getDocCount();
                // we were simply reindexing them:
                try (BKDWriter writer = new BKDWriter(writeState.segmentInfo.maxDoc(),,, fieldInfo.getPointDimensionCount(), fieldInfo.getPointNumBytes(), maxPointsInLeafNode, maxMBSortInHeap, totMaxSize, singleValuePerDoc)) {
                    List<BKDReader> bkdReaders = new ArrayList<>();
                    List<MergeState.DocMap> docMaps = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < mergeState.pointsReaders.length; i++) {
                        PointsReader reader = mergeState.pointsReaders[i];
                        if (reader != null) {
                            // we confirmed this up above
                            assert reader instanceof Lucene60PointsReader;
                            Lucene60PointsReader reader60 = (Lucene60PointsReader) reader;
                            // NOTE: we cannot just use the merged fieldInfo.number (instead of resolving to this
                            // reader's FieldInfo as we do below) because field numbers can easily be different
                            // when addIndexes(Directory...) copies over segments from another index:
                            FieldInfos readerFieldInfos = mergeState.fieldInfos[i];
                            FieldInfo readerFieldInfo = readerFieldInfos.fieldInfo(;
                            if (readerFieldInfo != null && readerFieldInfo.getPointDimensionCount() > 0) {
                                BKDReader bkdReader = reader60.readers.get(readerFieldInfo.number);
                                if (bkdReader != null) {
                    long fp = writer.merge(dataOut, docMaps, bkdReaders);
                    if (fp != -1) {
                        indexFPs.put(, fp);
            } else {
                mergeOneField(mergeState, fieldInfo);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FieldInfos(org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos) BKDReader(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader) MutablePointValues(org.apache.lucene.codecs.MutablePointValues) PointValues(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues) PointsReader(org.apache.lucene.codecs.PointsReader) BKDWriter(org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDWriter) FieldInfo(org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 BKDReader (org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader)3 PointValues (org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues)2 PriorityQueue (java.util.PriorityQueue)1 MutablePointValues (org.apache.lucene.codecs.MutablePointValues)1 PointsReader (org.apache.lucene.codecs.PointsReader)1 FieldInfo (org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo)1 FieldInfos (org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos)1 LeafReaderContext (org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext)1 FieldDoc ( ScoreDoc ( TopFieldDocs ( Bits (org.apache.lucene.util.Bits)1 BytesRef (org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)1 IndexTree (org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader.IndexTree)1 IntersectState (org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDReader.IntersectState)1 BKDWriter (org.apache.lucene.util.bkd.BKDWriter)1