use of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet in project maven-scm by apache.
the class BazaarChangeLogCommand method executeChangeLogCommand.
private ChangeLogScmResult executeChangeLogCommand(ScmFileSet fileSet, Date startDate, Date endDate, String datePattern, Integer limit) throws ScmException {
List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>();
cmd.addAll(Arrays.asList(BazaarConstants.LOG_CMD, BazaarConstants.VERBOSE_OPTION));
if (limit != null && limit > 0) {
BazaarChangeLogConsumer consumer = new BazaarChangeLogConsumer(getLogger(), datePattern);
ScmResult result = BazaarUtils.execute(consumer, getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir(), cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()]));
List<ChangeSet> logEntries = consumer.getModifications();
List<ChangeSet> inRangeAndValid = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>();
// From 1. Jan 1970
startDate = startDate == null ? new Date(0) : startDate;
// Upto now
endDate = endDate == null ? new Date() : endDate;
for (ChangeSet change : logEntries) {
if (change.getFiles().size() > 0) {
if (!change.getDate().before(startDate) && !change.getDate().after(endDate)) {
ChangeLogSet changeLogSet = new ChangeLogSet(inRangeAndValid, startDate, endDate);
return new ChangeLogScmResult(changeLogSet, result);
use of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet in project maven-scm by apache.
the class AccuRevChangeLogCommandTckTest method testUpstreamChangesIncludedInChangeLog.
public void testUpstreamChangesIncludedInChangeLog() throws Exception {
AccuRevCommandLine accurev = accurevTckTestUtil.getAccuRevCL();
// UpdatingCopy is a workspace rooted at a substream
String workingStream = accurevTckTestUtil.getWorkingStream();
String subStream = accurevTckTestUtil.getDepotName() + "_sub_stream";
accurev.mkstream(workingStream, subStream);
ScmRepository mainRepository = getScmRepository();
ScmProvider provider = getScmManager().getProviderByRepository(mainRepository);
// Create a workspace at the updating copy location backed by the substream
ScmBranch branch = new ScmBranch("sub_stream");
provider.checkOut(mainRepository, new ScmFileSet(getUpdatingCopy()), branch);
ScmFileSet fileSet = new ScmFileSet(getWorkingCopy());
// Make a timestamp that we know are after initial revision but before the second
// Current time
Date timeBeforeUpstreamCheckin = new Date();
// pause a couple seconds... [SCM-244]
// Make a change to the readme.txt and commit the change
ScmTestCase.makeFile(getWorkingCopy(), "/readme.txt", "changed readme.txt");
ScmTestCase.makeFile(getWorkingCopy(), "/src/test/java/", "changed");
CheckInScmResult checkInResult = provider.checkIn(mainRepository, fileSet, "upstream workspace promote");
assertTrue("Unable to checkin changes to the repository", checkInResult.isSuccess());
Date timeBeforeDownstreamCheckin = new Date();
ScmFileSet updateFileSet = new ScmFileSet(getUpdatingCopy());
provider.update(mainRepository, updateFileSet);
ScmTestCase.makeFile(getUpdatingCopy(), "/pom.xml", "changed pom.xml");
ScmTestCase.makeFile(getUpdatingCopy(), "/src/test/java/", "changed again");
checkInResult = provider.checkIn(mainRepository, updateFileSet, "downstream workspace promote");
assertTrue("Unable to checkin changes to the repository", checkInResult.isSuccess());
Date timeBeforeDownstreamPromote = new Date();
List<File> promotedFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
accurev.promoteStream(subStream, "stream promote", promotedFiles);
Date timeEnd = new Date();
// Changelog beforeUpstreamCheckin to end should contain both upstream and downstream changes. upstream change
// should NOT include
ChangeLogScmResult result = provider.changeLog(mainRepository, fileSet, timeBeforeUpstreamCheckin, timeEnd, 0, branch);
assertTrue("changelog beforeUpstreamCheckin to end", result.isSuccess());
List<ChangeSet> changeSets = result.getChangeLog().getChangeSets();
assertThat(changeSets.size(), is(2));
assertThat(changeSets, Matchers.<ChangeSet>hasItems(changeSet("Upstream changes", "/readme.txt"), changeSet("downstream workspace promote", "/./pom.xml", "/./src/test/java/")));
// Changelog beforeUpstreamCheckin to beforeDownstreamCheckin should include just upstream change including
result = provider.changeLog(mainRepository, fileSet, timeBeforeUpstreamCheckin, timeBeforeDownstreamCheckin, 0, branch);
assertTrue("changelog beforeUpstreamCheckin to beforeDownstreamCheckin", result.isSuccess());
changeSets = result.getChangeLog().getChangeSets();
assertThat(changeSets.size(), is(1));
assertThat(changeSets.get(0), changeSet("Upstream changes", "/readme.txt", "/src/test/java/"));
// Changelog beforeDownstreamCheckin to end should include just downstream change
result = provider.changeLog(mainRepository, fileSet, timeBeforeDownstreamCheckin, timeEnd, 0, branch);
assertTrue("changelog beforeDownstreamCheckin to end", result.isSuccess());
changeSets = result.getChangeLog().getChangeSets();
assertThat(changeSets.size(), is(1));
assertThat(changeSets.get(0), changeSet("downstream workspace promote", "/./pom.xml", "/./src/test/java/"));
// Changelog beforeDownstreamPromote to end should be empty
result = provider.changeLog(mainRepository, fileSet, timeBeforeDownstreamPromote, timeEnd, 0, branch);
assertTrue("changelog beforeDownstreamPromote to end", result.isSuccess());
changeSets = result.getChangeLog().getChangeSets();
assertThat(changeSets.size(), is(0));
use of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet in project maven-scm by apache.
the class ClearCaseChangeLogConsumer method processGetFile.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Process the current input line in the Get File state.
* @param line a line of text from the clearcase log output
private void processGetFile(String line) {
if (line.startsWith(NAME_TAG)) {
setCurrentChange(new ChangeSet());
setCurrentFile(new ChangeFile(line.substring(NAME_TAG.length(), line.length())));
use of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet in project maven-scm by apache.
the class ChangeLogCommandTckTest method testChangeLogCommand.
public void testChangeLogCommand() throws Exception {
ScmProvider provider = getScmManager().getProviderByRepository(getScmRepository());
ScmFileSet fileSet = new ScmFileSet(getWorkingCopy());
ChangeLogScmResult firstResult = provider.changeLog(getScmRepository(), fileSet, null, null, 0, (ScmBranch) null, null);
assertTrue(firstResult.getProviderMessage() + ": " + firstResult.getCommandLine() + "\n" + firstResult.getCommandOutput(), firstResult.isSuccess());
// for svn, cvs, git, the repo get recreated for each test and therefore initial changelog size is 1
// for SCM like perforce, it is not possible to recreate the repo, therefor the size will be greater then 1
int firstLogSize = firstResult.getChangeLog().getChangeSets().size();
assertTrue("Unexpected initial log size", firstLogSize >= 1);
// Make a timestamp that we know are after initial revision but before the second
// Current time
Date timeBeforeSecond = new Date();
// pause a couple seconds... [SCM-244]
// Make a change to the readme.txt and commit the change
this.edit(getWorkingCopy(), "readme.txt", null, getScmRepository());
ScmTestCase.makeFile(getWorkingCopy(), "/readme.txt", "changed readme.txt");
CheckInScmResult checkInResult = provider.checkIn(getScmRepository(), fileSet, COMMIT_MSG);
assertTrue("Unable to checkin changes to the repository", checkInResult.isSuccess());
ChangeLogScmResult secondResult = provider.changeLog(getScmRepository(), fileSet, (ScmVersion) null, null);
assertTrue(secondResult.getProviderMessage(), secondResult.isSuccess());
assertEquals(firstLogSize + 1, secondResult.getChangeLog().getChangeSets().size());
// Now only retrieve the changelog after timeBeforeSecondChangeLog
Date currentTime = new Date();
ChangeLogScmResult thirdResult = provider.changeLog(getScmRepository(), fileSet, timeBeforeSecond, currentTime, 0, new ScmBranch(""));
// Thorough assert of the last result
assertTrue(thirdResult.getProviderMessage(), thirdResult.isSuccess());
assertEquals(1, thirdResult.getChangeLog().getChangeSets().size());
ChangeSet changeset = thirdResult.getChangeLog().getChangeSets().get(0);
assertEquals(COMMIT_MSG, changeset.getComment());
use of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet in project maven-scm by apache.
the class PerforceChangeLogConsumer method processGetRevision.
* Most of the relevant info is on the revision line matching the
* 'pattern' string.
* @param line A line of text from the perforce log output
private void processGetRevision(String line) {
if (line.startsWith(FILE_BEGIN_TOKEN)) {
currentFile = line.substring(repoPath.length() + 1);
Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.find()) {
currentChange = new ChangeSet();
currentChange.setDate(parseDate(, userDatePattern, PERFORCE_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN));