use of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.jazz.repository.JazzScmProviderRepository in project maven-scm by apache.
the class JazzCheckInCommandTest method testCreateCreateChangesetCommand.
public void testCreateCreateChangesetCommand() throws Exception {
JazzScmProviderRepository repo = getScmProviderRepository();
Commandline cmd = new JazzCheckInCommand().createCreateChangesetCommand(repo, getScmFileSet(), "This is my comment.").getCommandline();
String expected = "scm create changeset --username myUserName --password myPassword \"This is my comment.\"";
assertCommandLine(expected, getWorkingDirectory(), cmd);
use of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.jazz.repository.JazzScmProviderRepository in project maven-scm by apache.
the class JazzCheckInCommandTest method testCreateCheckInCommandCheckingInLocalChanges.
public void testCreateCheckInCommandCheckingInLocalChanges() throws Exception {
JazzScmProviderRepository repo = getScmProviderRepository();
Commandline cmd = new JazzCheckInCommand().createCheckInCommand(repo, new ScmFileSet(getWorkingDirectory())).getCommandline();
String expected = "scm checkin --username myUserName --password myPassword .";
assertCommandLine(expected, getWorkingDirectory(), cmd);
use of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.jazz.repository.JazzScmProviderRepository in project maven-scm by apache.
the class JazzCheckInCommandTest method testCreateChangesetAssociateCommand.
public void testCreateChangesetAssociateCommand() throws Exception {
JazzScmProviderRepository repo = getScmProviderRepository();
// Populate the values that are normally parsed and set by the StatusConsumer.
Commandline cmd = new JazzCheckInCommand().createChangesetAssociateCommand(repo, new Integer(1234)).getCommandline();
// Because we do not use a ScmFileSet, the working dir is not set, so the test fails.
String expected = "scm changeset associate --username myUserName --password myPassword 1234 215762";
assertCommandLine(expected, getWorkingDirectory(), cmd);
use of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.jazz.repository.JazzScmProviderRepository in project maven-scm by apache.
the class JazzScmProvider method makeProviderScmRepository.
* This method parses the scm URL and returns a SCM provider repository.
* At this point, the scmUrl is the part after scm:provider_name: in your SCM URL.
* <p/>
* The basic url parsing approach is to be as loose as possible.
* If you specify as per the docs you'll get what you expect.
* If you do something else the result is undefined.
* Don't use "/" "\" or "@" as the delimiter.
* <p/>
* Parse the scmUrl, which will be of the form:
* [username[;password]@]http[s]://server_name[:port]/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
* eg:
* Deb;Deb@https://rtc:9444/jazz:BogusRepositoryWorkspace
* {@inheritDoc}
public ScmProviderRepository makeProviderScmRepository(String scmUrl, char delimiter) throws ScmRepositoryException {
// Called from:
// AbstractScmProvider.makeScmRepository()
// AbstractScmProvider.validateScmUrl()
getLogger().debug("Provided scm url - " + scmUrl);
getLogger().debug("Provided delimiter - '" + delimiter + "'");
String jazzUrlAndWorkspace = null;
String usernameAndPassword = null;
// Look for the Jazz URL after any '@' delimiter used to pass
// username/password etc (which may not have been specified)
int lastAtPosition = scmUrl.lastIndexOf('@');
if (lastAtPosition == -1) {
// The username;password@ was not supplied.
jazzUrlAndWorkspace = scmUrl;
} else {
// The username@ or username;password@ was supplied.
jazzUrlAndWorkspace = (lastAtPosition < 0) ? scmUrl : scmUrl.substring(lastAtPosition + 1);
usernameAndPassword = (lastAtPosition < 0) ? null : scmUrl.substring(0, lastAtPosition);
// jazzUrlAndWorkspace should be: http[s]://server_name:port/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
// usernameAndPassword should be: username;password or null
// username and password may not be supplied, and so may remain null.
String username = null;
String password = null;
if (usernameAndPassword != null) {
// Can be:
// username
// username;password
int delimPosition = usernameAndPassword.indexOf(';');
username = delimPosition >= 0 ? usernameAndPassword.substring(0, delimPosition) : usernameAndPassword;
password = delimPosition >= 0 ? usernameAndPassword.substring(delimPosition + 1) : null;
// We will now validate the jazzUrlAndWorkspace for right number of colons.
// This has been observed in the wild, where the contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace was not properly formed
// and this resulted in very strange results in the way in which things were parsed.
int colonsCounted = 0;
int colonIndex = 0;
while (colonIndex != -1) {
colonIndex = jazzUrlAndWorkspace.indexOf(":", colonIndex + 1);
if (colonIndex != -1) {
// havePort may also be true when port is supplied, but otherwise have a malformed URL.
boolean havePort = colonsCounted == 3;
// Look for workspace after the end of the Jazz URL
int repositoryWorkspacePosition = jazzUrlAndWorkspace.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
String repositoryWorkspace = jazzUrlAndWorkspace.substring(repositoryWorkspacePosition + 1);
String jazzUrl = jazzUrlAndWorkspace.substring(0, repositoryWorkspacePosition);
// Validate the protocols.
try {
// Determine if it is a valid URI.
URI jazzUri = URI.create(jazzUrl);
String scheme = jazzUri.getScheme();
getLogger().debug("Scheme - " + scheme);
if (scheme == null || !(scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("http") || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("https"))) {
throw new ScmRepositoryException("Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ScmRepositoryException("Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT);
// At this point, jazzUrl is guaranteed to start with either http:// or https://
// Further process the jazzUrl to extract the server name and port.
String hostname = null;
int port = 0;
if (havePort) {
// jazzUrlAndWorkspace should be: http[s]://server_name:port/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
// jazzUrl should be : http[s]://server_name:port/contextRoot
// The +3 accounts for the "://"
int protocolIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf(":") + 3;
int portIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf(":", protocolIndex + 1);
hostname = jazzUrl.substring(protocolIndex, portIndex);
int pathIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf("/", portIndex + 1);
String portNo = jazzUrl.substring(portIndex + 1, pathIndex);
try {
port = Integer.parseInt(portNo);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new ScmRepositoryException("Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT);
} else {
// jazzUrlAndWorkspace should be: http[s]://server_name/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
// jazzUrl should be : http[s]://server_name/contextRoot
// So we will set port to zero.
// The +3 accounts for the "://"
int protocolIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf(":") + 3;
int pathIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf("/", protocolIndex + 1);
if ((protocolIndex != -1) && (pathIndex != -1)) {
hostname = jazzUrl.substring(protocolIndex, pathIndex);
} else {
throw new ScmRepositoryException("Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT);
getLogger().debug("Creating JazzScmProviderRepository with the following values:");
getLogger().debug("jazzUrl - " + jazzUrl);
getLogger().debug("username - " + username);
getLogger().debug("password - " + password);
getLogger().debug("hostname - " + hostname);
getLogger().debug("port - " + port);
getLogger().debug("repositoryWorkspace - " + repositoryWorkspace);
return new JazzScmProviderRepository(jazzUrl, username, password, hostname, port, repositoryWorkspace);
use of org.apache.maven.scm.provider.jazz.repository.JazzScmProviderRepository in project maven-scm by apache.
the class JazzChangeLogCommand method createListChangesetCommand.
protected JazzScmCommand createListChangesetCommand(ScmProviderRepository repo, ScmFileSet fileSet, List<ChangeSet> changeSets) {
JazzScmProviderRepository jazzRepo = (JazzScmProviderRepository) repo;
JazzScmCommand command = new JazzScmCommand(JazzConstants.CMD_LIST, JazzConstants.CMD_SUB_CHANGESETS, repo, fileSet, getLogger());
for (int i = 0; i < changeSets.size(); i++) {
return command;