use of org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.RequiresInstanceClassLoading in project nifi-minifi by apache.
the class ExtensionManager method createInstanceClassLoader.
* Determines the effective ClassLoader for the instance of the given type.
* @param classType the type of class to lookup the ClassLoader for
* @param instanceIdentifier the identifier of the specific instance of the classType to look up the ClassLoader for
* @param bundle the bundle where the classType exists
* @param additionalUrls additional URLs to add to the instance class loader
* @return the ClassLoader for the given instance of the given type, or null if the type is not a detected extension type
public static InstanceClassLoader createInstanceClassLoader(final String classType, final String instanceIdentifier, final Bundle bundle, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(classType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class-Type is required");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(instanceIdentifier)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance Identifier is required");
if (bundle == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bundle is required");
// If the class is annotated with @RequiresInstanceClassLoading and the registered ClassLoader is a URLClassLoader
// then make a new InstanceClassLoader that is a full copy of the NAR Class Loader, otherwise create an empty
// InstanceClassLoader that has the NAR ClassLoader as a parent
InstanceClassLoader instanceClassLoader;
final ClassLoader bundleClassLoader = bundle.getClassLoader();
final String key = getClassBundleKey(classType, bundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate());
if (requiresInstanceClassLoading.containsKey(key) && bundleClassLoader instanceof NarClassLoader) {
final Class<?> type = requiresInstanceClassLoading.get(key);
final RequiresInstanceClassLoading requiresInstanceClassLoading = type.getAnnotation(RequiresInstanceClassLoading.class);
final NarClassLoader narBundleClassLoader = (NarClassLoader) bundleClassLoader;
logger.debug("Including ClassLoader resources from {} for component {}", new Object[] { bundle.getBundleDetails(), instanceIdentifier });
final Set<URL> instanceUrls = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final URL url : narBundleClassLoader.getURLs()) {
ClassLoader ancestorClassLoader = narBundleClassLoader.getParent();
if (requiresInstanceClassLoading.cloneAncestorResources()) {
final ConfigurableComponent component = getTempComponent(classType, bundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate());
final Set<BundleCoordinate> reachableApiBundles = findReachableApiBundles(component);
while (ancestorClassLoader != null && ancestorClassLoader instanceof NarClassLoader) {
final Bundle ancestorNarBundle = classLoaderBundleLookup.get(ancestorClassLoader);
// stop including ancestor resources when we reach one of the APIs
if (ancestorNarBundle == null || reachableApiBundles.contains(ancestorNarBundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate())) {
final NarClassLoader ancestorNarClassLoader = (NarClassLoader) ancestorClassLoader;
for (final URL url : ancestorNarClassLoader.getURLs()) {
ancestorClassLoader = ancestorNarClassLoader.getParent();
instanceClassLoader = new InstanceClassLoader(instanceIdentifier, classType, instanceUrls, additionalUrls, ancestorClassLoader);
} else {
instanceClassLoader = new InstanceClassLoader(instanceIdentifier, classType, Collections.emptySet(), additionalUrls, bundleClassLoader);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
for (URL url : instanceClassLoader.getURLs()) {
logger.trace("URL resource {} for {}...", new Object[] { url.toExternalForm(), instanceIdentifier });
instanceClassloaderLookup.put(instanceIdentifier, instanceClassLoader);
return instanceClassLoader;
use of org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.RequiresInstanceClassLoading in project nifi by apache.
the class ExtensionManager method createInstanceClassLoader.
* Determines the effective ClassLoader for the instance of the given type.
* @param classType the type of class to lookup the ClassLoader for
* @param instanceIdentifier the identifier of the specific instance of the classType to look up the ClassLoader for
* @param bundle the bundle where the classType exists
* @param additionalUrls additional URLs to add to the instance class loader
* @return the ClassLoader for the given instance of the given type, or null if the type is not a detected extension type
public static InstanceClassLoader createInstanceClassLoader(final String classType, final String instanceIdentifier, final Bundle bundle, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(classType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class-Type is required");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(instanceIdentifier)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance Identifier is required");
if (bundle == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bundle is required");
// If the class is annotated with @RequiresInstanceClassLoading and the registered ClassLoader is a URLClassLoader
// then make a new InstanceClassLoader that is a full copy of the NAR Class Loader, otherwise create an empty
// InstanceClassLoader that has the NAR ClassLoader as a parent
InstanceClassLoader instanceClassLoader;
final ClassLoader bundleClassLoader = bundle.getClassLoader();
final String key = getClassBundleKey(classType, bundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate());
if (requiresInstanceClassLoading.containsKey(key) && bundleClassLoader instanceof NarClassLoader) {
final Class<?> type = requiresInstanceClassLoading.get(key);
final RequiresInstanceClassLoading requiresInstanceClassLoading = type.getAnnotation(RequiresInstanceClassLoading.class);
final NarClassLoader narBundleClassLoader = (NarClassLoader) bundleClassLoader;
logger.debug("Including ClassLoader resources from {} for component {}", new Object[] { bundle.getBundleDetails(), instanceIdentifier });
final Set<URL> instanceUrls = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final URL url : narBundleClassLoader.getURLs()) {
ClassLoader ancestorClassLoader = narBundleClassLoader.getParent();
if (requiresInstanceClassLoading.cloneAncestorResources()) {
final ConfigurableComponent component = getTempComponent(classType, bundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate());
final Set<BundleCoordinate> reachableApiBundles = findReachableApiBundles(component);
while (ancestorClassLoader != null && ancestorClassLoader instanceof NarClassLoader) {
final Bundle ancestorNarBundle = classLoaderBundleLookup.get(ancestorClassLoader);
// stop including ancestor resources when we reach one of the APIs, or when we hit the Jetty NAR
if (ancestorNarBundle == null || reachableApiBundles.contains(ancestorNarBundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate()) || ancestorNarBundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate().getId().equals(NarClassLoaders.JETTY_NAR_ID)) {
final NarClassLoader ancestorNarClassLoader = (NarClassLoader) ancestorClassLoader;
for (final URL url : ancestorNarClassLoader.getURLs()) {
ancestorClassLoader = ancestorNarClassLoader.getParent();
instanceClassLoader = new InstanceClassLoader(instanceIdentifier, classType, instanceUrls, additionalUrls, ancestorClassLoader);
} else {
instanceClassLoader = new InstanceClassLoader(instanceIdentifier, classType, Collections.emptySet(), additionalUrls, bundleClassLoader);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
for (URL url : instanceClassLoader.getURLs()) {
logger.trace("URL resource {} for {}...", new Object[] { url.toExternalForm(), instanceIdentifier });
instanceClassloaderLookup.put(instanceIdentifier, instanceClassLoader);
return instanceClassLoader;