use of org.apache.nifi.atlas.NiFiTypes.TYPE_NIFI_QUEUE in project nifi by apache.
the class NiFiAtlasClient method registerDataSetEntities.
* Register DataSet within specified NiFiFlow.
* @return Set of registered Atlas type names and its remaining entities without deleted ones.
private Map<String, List<AtlasEntity>> registerDataSetEntities(final NiFiFlow nifiFlow) throws AtlasServiceException {
final Map<NiFiFlow.EntityChangeType, List<AtlasEntity>> changedEntities = nifiFlow.getChangedDataSetEntities();
if (changedEntities.containsKey(CREATED)) {
final List<AtlasEntity> createdEntities = changedEntities.get(CREATED);
final AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo atlasEntities = new AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo(createdEntities);
final EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = atlasClient.createEntities(atlasEntities);
logger.debug("Created DataSet entities mutation response={}", mutationResponse);
final Map<String, String> guidAssignments = mutationResponse.getGuidAssignments();
for (AtlasEntity entity : createdEntities) {
final String guid = guidAssignments.get(entity.getGuid());
final String qualifiedName = toStr(entity.getAttribute(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(guid)) {
logger.warn("GUID was not assigned for {}::{} for some reason.", entity.getTypeName(), qualifiedName);
final Map<AtlasObjectId, AtlasEntity> entityMap;
switch(entity.getTypeName()) {
entityMap = nifiFlow.getRootInputPortEntities();
entityMap = nifiFlow.getRootOutputPortEntities();
entityMap = nifiFlow.getQueues();
throw new RuntimeException(entity.getTypeName() + " is not expected.");
// In order to replace the id, remove current id which does not have GUID.
findIdByQualifiedName(entityMap.keySet(), qualifiedName).ifPresent(entityMap::remove);
final AtlasObjectId idWithGuid = new AtlasObjectId(guid, entity.getTypeName(), Collections.singletonMap(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, qualifiedName));
entityMap.put(idWithGuid, entity);
if (changedEntities.containsKey(UPDATED)) {
final List<AtlasEntity> updatedEntities = changedEntities.get(UPDATED);
final AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo atlasEntities = new AtlasEntity.AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo(updatedEntities);
final EntityMutationResponse mutationResponse = atlasClient.updateEntities(atlasEntities);
logger.debug("Updated DataSet entities mutation response={}", mutationResponse);
final Set<String> changedTypeNames = changedEntities.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !AS_IS.equals(entry.getKey())).flatMap(entry -> entry.getValue().stream()).map(AtlasEntity::getTypeName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// NOTE: Cascading DELETE will be performed when parent NiFiFlow is updated without removed DataSet entities.
final Map<String, List<AtlasEntity>> remainingEntitiesByType = changedEntities.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !DELETED.equals(entry.getKey())).flatMap(entry -> entry.getValue().stream()).filter(entity -> changedTypeNames.contains(entity.getTypeName())).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(AtlasEntity::getTypeName));
// If all entities are deleted for a type (e.g. nifi_intput_port), then remainingEntitiesByType will not contain such key.
// If the returning map does not contain anything for a type, then the corresponding attribute will not be updated.
// To empty an attribute when all of its elements are deleted, add empty list for a type.
changedTypeNames.forEach(changedTypeName -> remainingEntitiesByType.computeIfAbsent(changedTypeName, k -> Collections.emptyList()));
return remainingEntitiesByType;
use of org.apache.nifi.atlas.NiFiTypes.TYPE_NIFI_QUEUE in project nifi by apache.
the class CompleteFlowPathLineage method createCompleteFlowPath.
* Create a new FlowPath from a LineagePath. FlowPaths created by this method will have a hash in its qualified name.
* <p>This method processes parents first to generate a hash, as parent LineagePath hashes contribute child hash
* in order to distinguish FlowPaths based on the complete path for a given FlowFile.
* For example, even if two lineagePaths have identical componentIds/inputs/outputs,
* if those parents have different inputs, those should be treated as different paths.</p>
* @param nifiFlow A reference to current NiFiFlow
* @param lineagePath LineagePath from which NiFiFlowPath and DataSet refs are created and added to the {@code createdFlowPaths}.
* @param createdFlowPaths A list to buffer created NiFiFlowPaths,
* in order to defer sending notification to Kafka until all parent FlowPath get analyzed.
private void createCompleteFlowPath(NiFiFlow nifiFlow, LineagePath lineagePath, List<Tuple<NiFiFlowPath, DataSetRefs>> createdFlowPaths) {
final List<ProvenanceEventRecord> events = lineagePath.getEvents();
final List<String> componentIds =;
final String firstComponentId = events.get(0).getComponentId();
final DataSetRefs dataSetRefs = lineagePath.getRefs();
// Process parents first.
Referenceable queueBetweenParent = null;
if (!lineagePath.getParents().isEmpty()) {
// Add queue between this lineage path and parent.
queueBetweenParent = new Referenceable(TYPE_NIFI_QUEUE);
// The first event knows why this lineage has parents, e.g. FORK or JOIN.
final String firstEventType = events.get(0).getEventType().name();
queueBetweenParent.set(ATTR_NAME, firstEventType);
for (LineagePath parent : lineagePath.getParents()) {
createCompleteFlowPath(nifiFlow, parent, createdFlowPaths);
// Create a variant path.
// Calculate a hash from component_ids and input and output resource ids.
final Stream<String> ioIds = Stream.concat(dataSetRefs.getInputs().stream(), dataSetRefs.getOutputs().stream()).map(ref -> toTypedQualifiedName(ref.getTypeName(), toStr(ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME))));
final Stream<String> parentHashes = lineagePath.getParents().stream().map(p -> String.valueOf(p.getLineagePathHash()));
final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
crc32.update(Stream.of(, ioIds, parentHashes).reduce(Stream::concat).orElseGet(Stream::empty).sorted().distinct().collect(Collectors.joining(",")).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
final long hash = crc32.getValue();
final NiFiFlowPath flowPath = new NiFiFlowPath(firstComponentId, hash);
// E.g, FF1 and FF2 read from dirA were merged, vs FF3 and FF4 read from dirB were merged then passed here, these two should be different queue.
if (queueBetweenParent != null) {
queueBetweenParent.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, toQualifiedName(nifiFlow.getClusterName(), firstComponentId + "::" + hash));
// If the same components emitted multiple provenance events consecutively, merge it to come up with a simpler name.
String previousComponentId = null;
List<ProvenanceEventRecord> uniqueEventsForName = new ArrayList<>();
for (ProvenanceEventRecord event : events) {
if (!event.getComponentId().equals(previousComponentId)) {
previousComponentId = event.getComponentId();
final String pathName = -> nifiFlow.getProcessComponentName(event.getComponentId(), event::getComponentType)).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
final NiFiFlowPath staticFlowPath = nifiFlow.findPath(firstComponentId);
flowPath.setGroupId(staticFlowPath != null ? staticFlowPath.getGroupId() : nifiFlow.getRootProcessGroupId());
// To defer send notification until entire lineagePath analysis gets finished, just add the instance into a buffer.
createdFlowPaths.add(new Tuple<>(flowPath, dataSetRefs));