use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse in project nifi by apache.
the class TestThreadPoolRequestReplicator method testOneNodeRejectsTwoPhaseCommit.
@Test(timeout = 15000)
public void testOneNodeRejectsTwoPhaseCommit() {
final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>();
nodeIds.add(new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false));
nodeIds.add(new NodeIdentifier("2", "localhost", 8200, "localhost", 8201, "localhost", 8202, 8203, false));
final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = createClusterCoordinator();
final AtomicInteger requestCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
final NiFiProperties props = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null);
final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, 5, 100, ClientBuilder.newClient(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, props) {
protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final Invocation invocation, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders, final StandardAsyncClusterResponse response) {
// the resource builder will not expose its headers to us, so we are using Mockito's Whitebox class to extract them.
final ClientRequest requestContext = (ClientRequest) Whitebox.getInternalState(invocation, "requestContext");
final Object expectsHeader = requestContext.getHeaders().getFirst(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.REQUEST_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER);
final int requestIndex = requestCount.incrementAndGet();
assertEquals(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.NODE_CONTINUE, expectsHeader);
if (requestIndex == 1) {
final Response clientResponse = mock(Response.class);
return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId);
} else {
final IllegalClusterStateException explanation = new IllegalClusterStateException("Intentional Exception for Unit Testing");
return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, explanation);
try {
// set the user
final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken(new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS));
final AsyncClusterResponse clusterResponse = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>(), true, true);
clusterResponse.awaitMergedResponse();"Expected to get an IllegalClusterStateException but did not");
} catch (final IllegalClusterStateException e) {
// Expected
} catch (final Exception e) {;
} finally {
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse in project nifi by apache.
the class TestThreadPoolRequestReplicator method testFailedRequestsAreCleanedUp.
public void testFailedRequestsAreCleanedUp() {
withReplicator(replicator -> {
final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>();
nodeIds.add(new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8000, "localhost", 8001, "localhost", 8002, 8003, false));
final URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/processors/1");
final Entity entity = new ProcessorEntity();
// set the user
final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken(new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS));
final AsyncClusterResponse response = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.GET, uri, entity, new HashMap<>(), true, true);
// We should get back the same response object
assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier()));
assertEquals(HttpMethod.GET, response.getMethod());
assertEquals(nodeIds, response.getNodesInvolved());
assertTrue(response == replicator.getClusterResponse(response.getRequestIdentifier()));
final NodeResponse nodeResponse = response.awaitMergedResponse(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(8000, nodeResponse.getNodeId().getApiPort());
assertEquals(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(), nodeResponse.getStatus());
}, Status.FORBIDDEN, 0L, null);
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse in project nifi by apache.
the class TestThreadPoolRequestReplicator method withReplicator.
private void withReplicator(final WithReplicator function, final Status status, final long delayMillis, final RuntimeException failure, final String expectedRequestChain) {
final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = createClusterCoordinator();
final NiFiProperties nifiProps = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null);
final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, 5, 100, ClientBuilder.newClient(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, nifiProps) {
protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final Invocation invocation, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders, final StandardAsyncClusterResponse response) {
if (delayMillis > 0L) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {"Thread Interrupted during test");
if (failure != null) {
throw failure;
final ClientRequest requestContext = (ClientRequest) Whitebox.getInternalState(invocation, "requestContext");
final Object proxiedEntities = requestContext.getHeaders().getFirst(ProxiedEntitiesUtils.PROXY_ENTITIES_CHAIN);
// ensure the request chain is in the request
Assert.assertEquals(expectedRequestChain, proxiedEntities);
// Return given response from all nodes.
final Response clientResponse = mock(Response.class);
return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId);
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse in project nifi by apache.
the class TestThreadPoolRequestReplicator method testMultipleRequestWithTwoPhaseCommit.
@Test(timeout = 15000)
public void testMultipleRequestWithTwoPhaseCommit() {
final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds = new HashSet<>();
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier("1", "localhost", 8100, "localhost", 8101, "localhost", 8102, 8103, false);
final ClusterCoordinator coordinator = mock(ClusterCoordinator.class);
when(coordinator.getConnectionStatus(Mockito.any(NodeIdentifier.class))).thenReturn(new NodeConnectionStatus(nodeId, NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED));
final AtomicInteger requestCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
final NiFiProperties props = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null, null);
final ThreadPoolRequestReplicator replicator = new ThreadPoolRequestReplicator(2, 5, 100, ClientBuilder.newClient(), coordinator, "1 sec", "1 sec", null, null, props) {
protected NodeResponse replicateRequest(final Invocation invocation, final NodeIdentifier nodeId, final String method, final URI uri, final String requestId, Map<String, String> givenHeaders, final StandardAsyncClusterResponse response) {
// the resource builder will not expose its headers to us, so we are using Mockito's Whitebox class to extract them.
final ClientRequest requestContext = (ClientRequest) Whitebox.getInternalState(invocation, "requestContext");
final Object expectsHeader = requestContext.getHeaders().getFirst(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.REQUEST_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER);
final int statusCode;
if (requestCount.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
assertEquals(ThreadPoolRequestReplicator.NODE_CONTINUE, expectsHeader);
statusCode = 150;
} else {
statusCode = Status.OK.getStatusCode();
// Return given response from all nodes.
final Response clientResponse = mock(Response.class);
return new NodeResponse(nodeId, method, uri, clientResponse, -1L, requestId);
try {
// set the user
final Authentication authentication = new NiFiAuthenticationToken(new NiFiUserDetails(StandardNiFiUser.ANONYMOUS));
final AsyncClusterResponse clusterResponse = replicator.replicate(nodeIds, HttpMethod.POST, new URI("http://localhost:80/processors/1"), new ProcessorEntity(), new HashMap<>(), true, true);
// Ensure that we received two requests - the first should contain the X-NcmExpects header; the second should not.
// These assertions are validated above, in the overridden replicateRequest method.
assertEquals(2, requestCount.get());
} catch (final Exception e) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse in project nifi by apache.
the class AbstractSingleDTOEndpoint method merge.
public final NodeResponse merge(final URI uri, final String method, final Set<NodeResponse> successfulResponses, final Set<NodeResponse> problematicResponses, final NodeResponse clientResponse) {
if (!canHandle(uri, method)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use Endpoint Mapper of type " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " to map responses for URI " + uri + ", HTTP Method " + method);
final EntityType responseEntity = clientResponse.getClientResponse().readEntity(getEntityClass());
final DtoType dto = getDto(responseEntity);
final Map<NodeIdentifier, DtoType> dtoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (final NodeResponse nodeResponse : successfulResponses) {
final EntityType nodeResponseEntity = nodeResponse == clientResponse ? responseEntity : nodeResponse.getClientResponse().readEntity(getEntityClass());
final DtoType nodeDto = getDto(nodeResponseEntity);
dtoMap.put(nodeResponse.getNodeId(), nodeDto);
mergeResponses(dto, dtoMap, successfulResponses, problematicResponses);
return new NodeResponse(clientResponse, responseEntity);