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Example 1 with NodeIdentifier

use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.

the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method deleteNode.

public void deleteNode(final String nodeId) {
    final NiFiUser user = NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser();
    if (user == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(new Throwable("Unable to access details for current user."));
    final String userDn = user.getIdentity();
    final NodeIdentifier nodeIdentifier = clusterCoordinator.getNodeIdentifier(nodeId);
    if (nodeIdentifier == null) {
        throw new UnknownNodeException("Cannot remove Node with ID " + nodeId + " because it is not part of the cluster");
    final NodeConnectionStatus nodeConnectionStatus = clusterCoordinator.getConnectionStatus(nodeIdentifier);
    if (!nodeConnectionStatus.getState().equals(NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)) {
        throw new IllegalNodeDeletionException("Cannot remove Node with ID " + nodeId + " because it is not disconnected, current state = " + nodeConnectionStatus.getState());
    clusterCoordinator.removeNode(nodeIdentifier, userDn);
Also used : NiFiUser(org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUser) WebApplicationException( UnknownNodeException(org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.UnknownNodeException) NodeIdentifier(org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier) NodeConnectionStatus(org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.node.NodeConnectionStatus) IllegalNodeDeletionException(org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.IllegalNodeDeletionException)

Example 2 with NodeIdentifier

use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.

the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method updateNode.

public NodeDTO updateNode(final NodeDTO nodeDTO) {
    final NiFiUser user = NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser();
    if (user == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(new Throwable("Unable to access details for current user."));
    final String userDn = user.getIdentity();
    final NodeIdentifier nodeId = clusterCoordinator.getNodeIdentifier(nodeDTO.getNodeId());
    if (nodeId == null) {
        throw new UnknownNodeException("No node exists with ID " + nodeDTO.getNodeId());
    if ( {
        clusterCoordinator.requestNodeConnect(nodeId, userDn);
    } else if ( {
        clusterCoordinator.requestNodeDisconnect(nodeId, DisconnectionCode.USER_DISCONNECTED, "User " + userDn + " requested that node be disconnected from cluster");
    return getNode(nodeId);
Also used : NiFiUser(org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUser) WebApplicationException( UnknownNodeException(org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.UnknownNodeException) NodeIdentifier(org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier)

Example 3 with NodeIdentifier

use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.

the class SiteToSiteResource method getPeers.

 * Returns the available Peers and its status of this NiFi.
 * @return A peersEntity.
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
@ApiOperation(value = "Returns the available Peers and its status of this NiFi", response = PeersEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Read - /site-to-site") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response getPeers(@Context HttpServletRequest req) {
    if (!properties.isSiteToSiteHttpEnabled()) {
        return responseCreator.httpSiteToSiteIsNotEnabledResponse();
    final Integer transportProtocolVersion;
    try {
        transportProtocolVersion = negotiateTransportProtocolVersion(req, transportProtocolVersionNegotiator);
    } catch (BadRequestException e) {
        return responseCreator.badRequestResponse(e);
    final List<PeerDTO> peers = new ArrayList<>();
    if (properties.isNode()) {
        try {
            final Map<NodeIdentifier, NodeWorkload> clusterWorkload = clusterCoordinator.getClusterWorkload();
            clusterWorkload.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
                final PeerDTO peer = new PeerDTO();
                final NodeIdentifier nodeId = entry.getKey();
                final String siteToSiteAddress = nodeId.getSiteToSiteAddress();
                peer.setHostname(siteToSiteAddress == null ? nodeId.getApiAddress() : siteToSiteAddress);
                peer.setPort(nodeId.getSiteToSiteHttpApiPort() == null ? nodeId.getApiPort() : nodeId.getSiteToSiteHttpApiPort());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to retrieve cluster workload due to " + e, e);
    } else {
        // Standalone mode.
        final PeerDTO peer = new PeerDTO();
        // Private IP address or hostname may not be accessible from client in some environments.
        // So, use the value defined in instead when it is defined.
        final String remoteInputHost = properties.getRemoteInputHost();
        String localName;
        try {
            // Get local host name using InetAddress if available, same as RAW socket does.
            localName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Failed to get local host name using InetAddress.", e);
            localName = req.getLocalName();
        peer.setHostname(isEmpty(remoteInputHost) ? localName : remoteInputHost);
        // doesn't matter how many FlowFiles we have, because we're the only host.
    final PeersEntity entity = new PeersEntity();
    return noCache(setCommonHeaders(Response.ok(entity), transportProtocolVersion, transactionManager)).build();
Also used : UnknownHostException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NodeWorkload(org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.node.NodeWorkload) IOException( PeerDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.remote.PeerDTO) PeersEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.PeersEntity) NodeIdentifier(org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier) BadRequestException(org.apache.nifi.remote.exception.BadRequestException) Path( Consumes( Produces( GET( ApiOperation(io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation) ApiResponses(io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)

Example 4 with NodeIdentifier

use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.

the class ApplicationResource method replicateToCoordinator.

protected Response replicateToCoordinator(final String method, final Object entity) {
    try {
        final NodeIdentifier coordinatorNode = getClusterCoordinatorNode();
        final Set<NodeIdentifier> coordinatorNodes = Collections.singleton(coordinatorNode);
        return getRequestReplicator().replicate(coordinatorNodes, method, getAbsolutePath(), entity, getHeaders(), true, false).awaitMergedResponse().getResponse();
    } catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity("Request to " + method + " " + getAbsolutePath() + " was interrupted").type("text/plain").build();
Also used : NodeIdentifier(org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier)

Example 5 with NodeIdentifier

use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.

the class ApplicationResource method replicate.

 * Replicates the request to the given node
 * @param method   the HTTP method
 * @param entity   the Entity to replicate
 * @param nodeUuid the UUID of the node to replicate the request to
 * @return the response from the node
 * @throws UnknownNodeException if the nodeUuid given does not map to any node in the cluster
protected Response replicate(final URI path, final String method, final Object entity, final String nodeUuid, final Map<String, String> headersToOverride) {
    // since we're cluster we must specify the cluster node identifier
    if (nodeUuid == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The cluster node identifier must be specified.");
    final NodeIdentifier nodeId = clusterCoordinator.getNodeIdentifier(nodeUuid);
    if (nodeId == null) {
        throw new UnknownNodeException("Cannot replicate request " + method + " " + getAbsolutePath() + " to node with ID " + nodeUuid + " because the specified node does not exist.");
    try {
        final Map<String, String> headers = headersToOverride == null ? getHeaders() : getHeaders(headersToOverride);
        // and have it replicate the request on our behalf.
        if (getReplicationTarget() == ReplicationTarget.CLUSTER_NODES) {
            // If we are to replicate directly to the nodes, we need to indicate that the replication source is
            // the cluster coordinator so that the node knows to service the request.
            final Set<NodeIdentifier> targetNodes = Collections.singleton(nodeId);
            return requestReplicator.replicate(targetNodes, method, path, entity, headers, true, true).awaitMergedResponse().getResponse();
        } else {
            headers.put(RequestReplicator.REPLICATION_TARGET_NODE_UUID_HEADER, nodeId.getId());
            return requestReplicator.forwardToCoordinator(getClusterCoordinatorNode(), method, path, entity, headers).awaitMergedResponse().getResponse();
    } catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
        return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity("Request to " + method + " " + path + " was interrupted").type("text/plain").build();
Also used : UnknownNodeException(org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.UnknownNodeException) NodeIdentifier(org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier)


NodeIdentifier (org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier)141 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)72 Map (java.util.Map)71 NodeResponse (org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.NodeResponse)42 Test (org.junit.Test)34 Set (java.util.Set)30 URI ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)26 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 List (java.util.List)18 ClusterCoordinator (org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.ClusterCoordinator)15 ProcessorEntity (org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorEntity)15 NodeConnectionStatus (org.apache.nifi.cluster.coordination.node.NodeConnectionStatus)14 NiFiProperties (org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties)11 Collections (java.util.Collections)10 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)10 NiFiUserDetails (org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUserDetails)10 NiFiAuthenticationToken ( Authentication ( Response (