use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class NodeClusterCoordinator method getElectedActiveCoordinatorNode.
private NodeIdentifier getElectedActiveCoordinatorNode(final boolean warnOnError) {
final String electedNodeAddress;
try {
electedNodeAddress = getElectedActiveCoordinatorAddress();
} catch (final NoClusterCoordinatorException ncce) {
logger.debug("There is currently no elected active Cluster Coordinator");
return null;
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
if (warnOnError) {
logger.warn("Failed to determine which node is elected active Cluster Coordinator. There may be no coordinator currently: " + ioe);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.warn("", ioe);
return null;
if (electedNodeAddress == null) {
logger.debug("There is currently no elected active Cluster Coordinator");
return null;
final int colonLoc = electedNodeAddress.indexOf(':');
if (colonLoc < 1) {
if (warnOnError) {
logger.warn("Failed to determine which node is elected active Cluster Coordinator: ZooKeeper reports the address as {}, but this is not a valid address", electedNodeAddress);
return null;
final String electedNodeHostname = electedNodeAddress.substring(0, colonLoc);
final String portString = electedNodeAddress.substring(colonLoc + 1);
final int electedNodePort;
try {
electedNodePort = Integer.parseInt(portString);
} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (warnOnError) {
logger.warn("Failed to determine which node is elected active Cluster Coordinator: ZooKeeper reports the address as {}, but this is not a valid address", electedNodeAddress);
return null;
final Set<NodeIdentifier> connectedNodeIds = getNodeIdentifiers();
final NodeIdentifier electedNodeId = -> nodeId.getSocketAddress().equals(electedNodeHostname) && nodeId.getSocketPort() == electedNodePort).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (electedNodeId == null && warnOnError) {
logger.debug("Failed to determine which node is elected active Cluster Coordinator: ZooKeeper reports the address as {}," + "but there is no node with this address. Will attempt to communicate with node to determine its information", electedNodeAddress);
try {
final NodeConnectionStatus connectionStatus = senderListener.requestNodeConnectionStatus(electedNodeHostname, electedNodePort);
logger.debug("Received NodeConnectionStatus {}", connectionStatus);
if (connectionStatus == null) {
return null;
final NodeConnectionStatus existingStatus = this.nodeStatuses.putIfAbsent(connectionStatus.getNodeIdentifier(), connectionStatus);
if (existingStatus == null) {
return connectionStatus.getNodeIdentifier();
} else {
return existingStatus.getNodeIdentifier();
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.warn("Failed to determine which node is elected active Cluster Coordinator: ZooKeeper reports the address as {}, but there is no node with this address. " + "Attempted to determine the node's information but failed to retrieve its information due to {}", electedNodeAddress, e.toString());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.warn("", e);
return electedNodeId;
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class NodeClusterCoordinator method resetNodeStatuses.
public void resetNodeStatuses(final Map<NodeIdentifier, NodeConnectionStatus> statusMap) {"Resetting cluster node statuses from {} to {}", nodeStatuses, statusMap);
// has a larger update id than the current value.
for (final Map.Entry<NodeIdentifier, NodeConnectionStatus> entry : statusMap.entrySet()) {
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = entry.getKey();
final NodeConnectionStatus proposedStatus = entry.getValue();
if (proposedStatus.getState() == NodeConnectionState.REMOVED) {
} else {
nodeStatuses.put(nodeId, proposedStatus);
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class NodeClusterCoordinator method updateNodeStatus.
void updateNodeStatus(final NodeConnectionStatus status, final boolean waitForCoordinator) {
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = status.getNodeIdentifier();
// In this case, we are using nodeStatuses.put() instead of getting the current value and
// comparing that to the new value and using the one with the largest update id. This is because
// this method is called when something occurs that causes this node to change the status of the
// node in question. We only use comparisons against the current value when we receive an update
// about a node status from a different node, since those may be received out-of-order.
final NodeConnectionStatus currentStatus = nodeStatuses.put(nodeId, status);
final NodeConnectionState currentState = currentStatus == null ? null : currentStatus.getState();"Status of {} changed from {} to {}", nodeId, currentStatus, status);
logger.debug("State of cluster nodes is now {}", nodeStatuses);
latestUpdateId.updateAndGet(curVal -> Math.max(curVal, status.getUpdateIdentifier()));
if (currentState == null || currentState != status.getState()) {
final boolean notifyAllNodes = isActiveClusterCoordinator();
if (notifyAllNodes) {
logger.debug("Notifying all nodes that status changed from {} to {}", currentStatus, status);
} else {
logger.debug("Notifying cluster coordinator that node status changed from {} to {}", currentStatus, status);
notifyOthersOfNodeStatusChange(status, notifyAllNodes, waitForCoordinator);
} else {
logger.debug("Not notifying other nodes that status changed because previous state of {} is same as new state of {}", currentState, status.getState());
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class NodeClusterCoordinator method resolveNodeId.
private NodeIdentifier resolveNodeId(final NodeIdentifier proposedIdentifier) {
final NodeConnectionStatus proposedConnectionStatus = new NodeConnectionStatus(proposedIdentifier, DisconnectionCode.NOT_YET_CONNECTED);
final NodeConnectionStatus existingStatus = nodeStatuses.putIfAbsent(proposedIdentifier, proposedConnectionStatus);
NodeIdentifier resolvedNodeId = proposedIdentifier;
if (existingStatus == null) {
// there is no node with that ID
resolvedNodeId = proposedIdentifier;
logger.debug("No existing node with ID {}; resolved node ID is as-proposed", proposedIdentifier.getId());
} else if (existingStatus.getNodeIdentifier().logicallyEquals(proposedIdentifier)) {
// there is a node with that ID but it's the same node.
resolvedNodeId = proposedIdentifier;
logger.debug("No existing node with ID {}; resolved node ID is as-proposed", proposedIdentifier.getId());
} else {
// there is a node with that ID and it's a different node
resolvedNodeId = new NodeIdentifier(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), proposedIdentifier.getApiAddress(), proposedIdentifier.getApiPort(), proposedIdentifier.getSocketAddress(), proposedIdentifier.getSocketPort(), proposedIdentifier.getSiteToSiteAddress(), proposedIdentifier.getSiteToSitePort(), proposedIdentifier.getSiteToSiteHttpApiPort(), proposedIdentifier.isSiteToSiteSecure());
logger.debug("A node already exists with ID {}. Proposed Node Identifier was {}; existing Node Identifier is {}; Resolved Node Identifier is {}", proposedIdentifier.getId(), proposedIdentifier, getNodeIdentifier(proposedIdentifier.getId()), resolvedNodeId);
return resolvedNodeId;
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class NodeClusterCoordinator method handleConnectionRequest.
private ConnectionResponseMessage handleConnectionRequest(final ConnectionRequestMessage requestMessage) {
final NodeIdentifier proposedIdentifier = requestMessage.getConnectionRequest().getProposedNodeIdentifier();
final NodeIdentifier withRequestorDn = addRequestorDn(proposedIdentifier, requestMessage.getRequestorDN());
final DataFlow dataFlow = requestMessage.getConnectionRequest().getDataFlow();
final ConnectionRequest requestWithDn = new ConnectionRequest(withRequestorDn, dataFlow);
// Resolve Node identifier.
final NodeIdentifier resolvedNodeId = resolveNodeId(proposedIdentifier);
if (requireElection) {
final DataFlow electedDataFlow = flowElection.castVote(dataFlow, withRequestorDn);
if (electedDataFlow == null) {"Received Connection Request from {}; responding with Flow Election In Progress message", withRequestorDn);
return createFlowElectionInProgressResponse();
} else {"Received Connection Request from {}; responding with DataFlow that was elected", withRequestorDn);
return createConnectionResponse(requestWithDn, resolvedNodeId, electedDataFlow);
}"Received Connection Request from {}; responding with my DataFlow", withRequestorDn);
return createConnectionResponse(requestWithDn, resolvedNodeId);