use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class TestJaxbProtocolUtils method testRoundTripClusterWorkloadResponse.
public void testRoundTripClusterWorkloadResponse() throws JAXBException {
final ClusterWorkloadResponseMessage msg = new ClusterWorkloadResponseMessage();
final Map<NodeIdentifier, NodeWorkload> expectedNodeWorkloads = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(1, 4).forEach(i -> {
final String hostname = "node" + i;
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = new NodeIdentifier(hostname, hostname, 8080, hostname, 8081, hostname, 8082, 8083, false);
final NodeWorkload workload = new NodeWorkload();
workload.setReportedTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000);
workload.setFlowFileCount(i * 10);
workload.setFlowFileBytes(i * 10 * 1024);
expectedNodeWorkloads.put(nodeId, workload);
// Marshall.
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JaxbProtocolUtils.JAXB_CONTEXT.createMarshaller().marshal(msg, baos);
// Un-marshall.
final Object unmarshalled = JaxbProtocolUtils.JAXB_CONTEXT.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
assertTrue(unmarshalled instanceof ClusterWorkloadResponseMessage);
// Assert result.
final ClusterWorkloadResponseMessage response = (ClusterWorkloadResponseMessage) unmarshalled;
assertEquals(expectedNodeWorkloads.size(), response.getNodeWorkloads().size());
response.getNodeWorkloads().entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
final NodeWorkload w = entry.getValue();
NodeWorkload expectedW = expectedNodeWorkloads.get(entry.getKey());
assertEquals(expectedW.getActiveThreadCount(), w.getActiveThreadCount());
assertEquals(expectedW.getReportedTimestamp(), w.getReportedTimestamp());
assertEquals(expectedW.getSystemStartTime(), w.getSystemStartTime());
assertEquals(expectedW.getFlowFileBytes(), w.getFlowFileBytes());
assertEquals(expectedW.getFlowFileCount(), w.getFlowFileCount());
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class AbstractHeartbeatMonitor method processHeartbeat.
private void processHeartbeat(final NodeHeartbeat heartbeat) {
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = heartbeat.getNodeIdentifier();
// Do not process heartbeat if it's blocked by firewall.
if (clusterCoordinator.isBlockedByFirewall(nodeId.getSocketAddress())) {
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.WARNING, "Firewall blocked received heartbeat. Issuing disconnection request.");
// request node to disconnect
clusterCoordinator.requestNodeDisconnect(nodeId, DisconnectionCode.BLOCKED_BY_FIREWALL, "Blocked by Firewall");
final NodeConnectionStatus connectionStatus = clusterCoordinator.getConnectionStatus(nodeId);
if (connectionStatus == null) {
// Unknown node. Issue reconnect request
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.INFO, "Received heartbeat from unknown node. Removing heartbeat and requesting that node connect to cluster.");
clusterCoordinator.requestNodeConnect(nodeId, null);
final NodeConnectionState connectionState = connectionStatus.getState();
if (heartbeat.getConnectionStatus().getState() != NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED && connectionState == NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED) {
// Cluster Coordinator believes that node is connected, but node does not believe so.
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.WARNING, "Received heartbeat from node that thinks it is not yet part of the cluster," + "though the Cluster Coordinator thought it was (node claimed state was " + heartbeat.getConnectionStatus().getState() + "). Marking as Disconnected and requesting that Node reconnect to cluster");
clusterCoordinator.requestNodeConnect(nodeId, null);
if (NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTED == connectionState) {
// ignore heartbeats from nodes disconnected by means other than lack of heartbeat, unless it is
// the only node. We allow it if it is the only node because if we have a one-node cluster, then
// we cannot manually reconnect it.
final DisconnectionCode disconnectionCode = connectionStatus.getDisconnectCode();
// Determine whether or not the node should be allowed to be in the cluster still, depending on its reason for disconnection.
switch(disconnectionCode) {
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.INFO, "Received heartbeat from node previously " + "disconnected due to " + disconnectionCode + ". Issuing reconnection request.");
clusterCoordinator.requestNodeConnect(nodeId, null);
// disconnected nodes should not heartbeat, so we need to issue a disconnection request."Ignoring received heartbeat from disconnected node " + nodeId + ". Issuing disconnection request.");
clusterCoordinator.requestNodeDisconnect(nodeId, disconnectionCode, connectionStatus.getDisconnectReason());
if (NodeConnectionState.DISCONNECTING == connectionStatus.getState()) {
// ignore spurious heartbeat
// first heartbeat causes status change from connecting to connected
if (NodeConnectionState.CONNECTING == connectionState) {
final Long connectionRequestTime = connectionStatus.getConnectionRequestTime();
if (connectionRequestTime != null && heartbeat.getTimestamp() < connectionRequestTime) {
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.INFO, "Received heartbeat but ignoring because it was reported before the node was last asked to reconnect.");
// connection complete
clusterCoordinator.reportEvent(nodeId, Severity.INFO, "Received first heartbeat from connecting node. Node connected.");
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ClusterProtocolHeartbeatMonitor method onStart.
public void onStart() {
// We don't know what the heartbeats look like for the nodes, since we were just elected to monitoring
// them. However, the map may be filled with old heartbeats. So we clear the heartbeats and populate the
// map with new heartbeats set to the current time and using the currently known status. We do this so
// that if we go the required amount of time without receiving a heartbeat, we do know to mark the node
// as disconnected.
for (final NodeIdentifier nodeId : clusterCoordinator.getNodeIdentifiers()) {
final NodeHeartbeat heartbeat = new StandardNodeHeartbeat(nodeId, System.currentTimeMillis(), clusterCoordinator.getConnectionStatus(nodeId), 0, 0L, 0, System.currentTimeMillis());
heartbeatMessages.put(nodeId, heartbeat);
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class ClusterProtocolHeartbeatMonitor method handleHeartbeat.
private ProtocolMessage handleHeartbeat(final HeartbeatMessage msg) {
final HeartbeatMessage heartbeatMsg = msg;
final Heartbeat heartbeat = heartbeatMsg.getHeartbeat();
final NodeIdentifier nodeId = heartbeat.getNodeIdentifier();
final NodeConnectionStatus connectionStatus = heartbeat.getConnectionStatus();
final byte[] payloadBytes = heartbeat.getPayload();
final HeartbeatPayload payload = HeartbeatPayload.unmarshal(payloadBytes);
final int activeThreadCount = payload.getActiveThreadCount();
final int flowFileCount = (int) payload.getTotalFlowFileCount();
final long flowFileBytes = payload.getTotalFlowFileBytes();
final long systemStartTime = payload.getSystemStartTime();
final NodeHeartbeat nodeHeartbeat = new StandardNodeHeartbeat(nodeId, System.currentTimeMillis(), connectionStatus, flowFileCount, flowFileBytes, activeThreadCount, systemStartTime);
heartbeatMessages.put(heartbeat.getNodeIdentifier(), nodeHeartbeat);
logger.debug("Received new heartbeat from {}", nodeId);
// Formulate a List of differences between our view of the cluster topology and the node's view
// and send that back to the node so that it is in-sync with us
List<NodeConnectionStatus> nodeStatusList = payload.getClusterStatus();
if (nodeStatusList == null) {
nodeStatusList = Collections.emptyList();
final List<NodeConnectionStatus> updatedStatuses = getUpdatedStatuses(nodeStatusList);
final HeartbeatResponseMessage responseMessage = new HeartbeatResponseMessage();
if (!getClusterCoordinator().isFlowElectionComplete()) {
return responseMessage;
use of org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.NodeIdentifier in project nifi by apache.
the class AbstractSingleDTOEndpoint method merge.
public final NodeResponse merge(final URI uri, final String method, final Set<NodeResponse> successfulResponses, final Set<NodeResponse> problematicResponses, final NodeResponse clientResponse) {
if (!canHandle(uri, method)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use Endpoint Mapper of type " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " to map responses for URI " + uri + ", HTTP Method " + method);
final EntityType responseEntity = clientResponse.getClientResponse().readEntity(getEntityClass());
final DtoType dto = getDto(responseEntity);
final Map<NodeIdentifier, DtoType> dtoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (final NodeResponse nodeResponse : successfulResponses) {
final EntityType nodeResponseEntity = nodeResponse == clientResponse ? responseEntity : nodeResponse.getClientResponse().readEntity(getEntityClass());
final DtoType nodeDto = getDto(nodeResponseEntity);
dtoMap.put(nodeResponse.getNodeId(), nodeDto);
mergeResponses(dto, dtoMap, successfulResponses, problematicResponses);
return new NodeResponse(clientResponse, responseEntity);