use of in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardProcessSession method read.
public void read(FlowFile source, boolean allowSessionStreamManagement, InputStreamCallback reader) {
source = validateRecordState(source, true);
final StandardRepositoryRecord record = records.get(source);
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new FlowFileAccessException("Failed to access ContentClaim for " + source.toString(), e);
try (final InputStream rawIn = getInputStream(source, record.getCurrentClaim(), record.getCurrentClaimOffset(), true);
final InputStream limitedIn = new LimitedInputStream(rawIn, source.getSize());
final InputStream disableOnCloseIn = new DisableOnCloseInputStream(limitedIn);
final ByteCountingInputStream countingStream = new ByteCountingInputStream(disableOnCloseIn, this.bytesRead)) {
// We want to differentiate between IOExceptions thrown by the repository and IOExceptions thrown from
// Processor code. As a result, as have the FlowFileAccessInputStream that catches IOException from the repository
// and translates into either FlowFileAccessException or ContentNotFoundException. We keep track of any
// ContentNotFoundException because if it is thrown, the Processor code may catch it and do something else with it
// but in reality, if it is thrown, we want to know about it and handle it, even if the Processor code catches it.
final FlowFileAccessInputStream ffais = new FlowFileAccessInputStream(countingStream, source, record.getCurrentClaim());
boolean cnfeThrown = false;
try {
// Allow processors to close the file after reading to avoid too many files open or do smart session stream management.
if (this.currentReadClaimStream != null && !allowSessionStreamManagement) {
currentReadClaimStream = null;
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException cnfe) {
cnfeThrown = true;
throw cnfe;
} finally {
bytesRead += countingStream.getBytesRead();
// if cnfeThrown is true, we don't need to re-thrown the Exception; it will propagate.
if (!cnfeThrown && ffais.getContentNotFoundException() != null) {
throw ffais.getContentNotFoundException();
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException nfe) {
handleContentNotFound(nfe, record);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw new ProcessException("IOException thrown from " + connectableDescription + ": " + ex.toString(), ex);
use of in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardProcessSession method getInputStream.
private InputStream getInputStream(final FlowFile flowFile, final ContentClaim claim, final long offset, final boolean allowCachingOfStream) throws ContentNotFoundException {
// that there is no actual content.
if (flowFile.getSize() == 0L) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
try {
// callback for reading FlowFile 1 and if we used the same stream we'd be destroying the ability to read from FlowFile 1.
if (allowCachingOfStream && readRecursionSet.isEmpty() && writeRecursionSet.isEmpty()) {
if (currentReadClaim == claim) {
if (currentReadClaimStream != null && currentReadClaimStream.getBytesConsumed() <= offset) {
final long bytesToSkip = offset - currentReadClaimStream.getBytesConsumed();
if (bytesToSkip > 0) {
StreamUtils.skip(currentReadClaimStream, bytesToSkip);
return new DisableOnCloseInputStream(currentReadClaimStream);
final InputStream rawInStream = context.getContentRepository().read(claim);
if (currentReadClaimStream != null) {
currentReadClaim = claim;
currentReadClaimStream = new ByteCountingInputStream(rawInStream);
StreamUtils.skip(currentReadClaimStream, offset);
// reuse the same InputStream for the next FlowFile
return new DisableOnCloseInputStream(currentReadClaimStream);
} else {
final InputStream rawInStream = context.getContentRepository().read(claim);
try {
StreamUtils.skip(rawInStream, offset);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw ioe;
return rawInStream;
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw cnfe;
} catch (final EOFException eof) {
throw new ContentNotFoundException(claim, eof);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new FlowFileAccessException("Failed to read content of " + flowFile, ioe);
use of in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardProcessSession method write.
public FlowFile write(FlowFile source, final StreamCallback writer) {
source = validateRecordState(source);
final StandardRepositoryRecord record = records.get(source);
final ContentClaim currClaim = record.getCurrentClaim();
long writtenToFlowFile = 0L;
ContentClaim newClaim = null;
try {
newClaim = claimCache.getContentClaim();
claimLog.debug("Creating ContentClaim {} for 'write' for {}", newClaim, source);
if (currClaim != null) {
try (final InputStream is = getInputStream(source, currClaim, record.getCurrentClaimOffset(), true);
final InputStream limitedIn = new LimitedInputStream(is, source.getSize());
final InputStream disableOnCloseIn = new DisableOnCloseInputStream(limitedIn);
final ByteCountingInputStream countingIn = new ByteCountingInputStream(disableOnCloseIn, bytesRead);
final OutputStream os = claimCache.write(newClaim);
final OutputStream disableOnCloseOut = new DisableOnCloseOutputStream(os);
final ByteCountingOutputStream countingOut = new ByteCountingOutputStream(disableOnCloseOut)) {
// We want to differentiate between IOExceptions thrown by the repository and IOExceptions thrown from
// Processor code. As a result, as have the FlowFileAccessInputStream that catches IOException from the repository
// and translates into either FlowFileAccessException or ContentNotFoundException. We keep track of any
// ContentNotFoundException because if it is thrown, the Processor code may catch it and do something else with it
// but in reality, if it is thrown, we want to know about it and handle it, even if the Processor code catches it.
final FlowFileAccessInputStream ffais = new FlowFileAccessInputStream(countingIn, source, currClaim);
final FlowFileAccessOutputStream ffaos = new FlowFileAccessOutputStream(countingOut, source);
boolean cnfeThrown = false;
try {
writer.process(createTaskTerminationStream(ffais), createTaskTerminationStream(ffaos));
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException cnfe) {
cnfeThrown = true;
throw cnfe;
} finally {
writtenToFlowFile = countingOut.getBytesWritten();
this.bytesWritten += writtenToFlowFile;
this.bytesRead += countingIn.getBytesRead();
// if cnfeThrown is true, we don't need to re-thrown the Exception; it will propagate.
if (!cnfeThrown && ffais.getContentNotFoundException() != null) {
throw ffais.getContentNotFoundException();
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException nfe) {
handleContentNotFound(nfe, record);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new ProcessException("IOException thrown from " + connectableDescription + ": " + ioe.toString(), ioe);
} catch (final FlowFileAccessException ffae) {
throw ffae;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw t;
final FlowFileRecord newFile = new StandardFlowFileRecord.Builder().fromFlowFile(record.getCurrent()).contentClaim(newClaim).contentClaimOffset(Math.max(0L, newClaim.getLength() - writtenToFlowFile)).size(writtenToFlowFile).build();
return newFile;
use of in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardProcessSession method exportTo.
public void exportTo(FlowFile source, final OutputStream destination) {
source = validateRecordState(source);
final StandardRepositoryRecord record = records.get(source);
if (record.getCurrentClaim() == null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new FlowFileAccessException("Failed to access ContentClaim for " + source.toString(), e);
try (final InputStream rawIn = getInputStream(source, record.getCurrentClaim(), record.getCurrentClaimOffset(), true);
final InputStream limitedIn = new LimitedInputStream(rawIn, source.getSize());
final InputStream disableOnCloseIn = new DisableOnCloseInputStream(limitedIn);
final ByteCountingInputStream countingStream = new ByteCountingInputStream(disableOnCloseIn, this.bytesRead)) {
// but in reality, if it is thrown, we want to know about it and handle it, even if the Processor code catches it.
try (final FlowFileAccessInputStream ffais = new FlowFileAccessInputStream(countingStream, source, record.getCurrentClaim())) {
boolean cnfeThrown = false;
try {
StreamUtils.copy(ffais, createTaskTerminationStream(destination), source.getSize());
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException cnfe) {
cnfeThrown = true;
throw cnfe;
} finally {
// if cnfeThrown is true, we don't need to re-throw the Exception; it will propagate.
if (!cnfeThrown && ffais.getContentNotFoundException() != null) {
throw ffais.getContentNotFoundException();
} catch (final ContentNotFoundException nfe) {
handleContentNotFound(nfe, record);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw new ProcessException("IOException thrown from " + connectableDescription + ": " + ex.toString(), ex);