use of org.apache.nifi.processor.SimpleProcessLogger in project nifi by apache.
the class FlowController method reload.
public void reload(final ControllerServiceNode existingNode, final String newType, final BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) throws ControllerServiceInstantiationException {
if (existingNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Existing ControllerServiceNode cannot be null");
final String id = existingNode.getIdentifier();
// ghost components will have a null logger
if (existingNode.getLogger() != null) {
existingNode.getLogger().debug("Reloading component {} to type {} from bundle {}", new Object[] { id, newType, bundleCoordinate });
// createControllerService will create a new instance class loader for the same id so
// save the instance class loader to use it for calling OnRemoved on the existing service
final ClassLoader existingInstanceClassLoader = ExtensionManager.getInstanceClassLoader(id);
// create a new node with firstTimeAdded as true so lifecycle methods get called
// attempt the creation to make sure it works before firing the OnRemoved methods below
final ControllerServiceNode newNode = controllerServiceProvider.createControllerService(newType, id, bundleCoordinate, additionalUrls, true);
// call OnRemoved for the existing service using the previous instance class loader
try (final NarCloseable x = NarCloseable.withComponentNarLoader(existingInstanceClassLoader)) {
final ConfigurationContext configurationContext = new StandardConfigurationContext(existingNode, controllerServiceProvider, null, variableRegistry);
ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnRemoved.class, existingNode.getControllerServiceImplementation(), configurationContext);
} finally {
ExtensionManager.closeURLClassLoader(id, existingInstanceClassLoader);
// take the invocation handler that was created for new proxy and is set to look at the new node,
// and set it to look at the existing node
final ControllerServiceInvocationHandler invocationHandler = newNode.getInvocationHandler();
// create LoggableComponents for the proxy and implementation
final ComponentLog componentLogger = new SimpleProcessLogger(id, newNode.getControllerServiceImplementation());
final TerminationAwareLogger terminationAwareLogger = new TerminationAwareLogger(componentLogger);
final LoggableComponent<ControllerService> loggableProxy = new LoggableComponent<>(newNode.getProxiedControllerService(), bundleCoordinate, terminationAwareLogger);
final LoggableComponent<ControllerService> loggableImplementation = new LoggableComponent<>(newNode.getControllerServiceImplementation(), bundleCoordinate, terminationAwareLogger);
// set the new impl, proxy, and invocation handler into the existing node
existingNode.setControllerServiceAndProxy(loggableImplementation, loggableProxy, invocationHandler);
// need to refresh the properties in case we are changing from ghost component to real component
use of org.apache.nifi.processor.SimpleProcessLogger in project nifi by apache.
the class FlowController method instantiateReportingTask.
private LoggableComponent<ReportingTask> instantiateReportingTask(final String type, final String id, final BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) throws ReportingTaskInstantiationException {
final ClassLoader ctxClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
final Bundle reportingTaskBundle = ExtensionManager.getBundle(bundleCoordinate);
if (reportingTaskBundle == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find bundle for coordinate " + bundleCoordinate.getCoordinate());
final ClassLoader detectedClassLoader = ExtensionManager.createInstanceClassLoader(type, id, reportingTaskBundle, additionalUrls);
final Class<?> rawClass = Class.forName(type, false, detectedClassLoader);
final Class<? extends ReportingTask> reportingTaskClass = rawClass.asSubclass(ReportingTask.class);
final Object reportingTaskObj = reportingTaskClass.newInstance();
final ReportingTask reportingTask = reportingTaskClass.cast(reportingTaskObj);
final ComponentLog componentLog = new SimpleProcessLogger(id, reportingTask);
final TerminationAwareLogger terminationAwareLogger = new TerminationAwareLogger(componentLog);
return new LoggableComponent<>(reportingTask, bundleCoordinate, terminationAwareLogger);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ReportingTaskInstantiationException(type, e);
} finally {
if (ctxClassLoader != null) {
use of org.apache.nifi.processor.SimpleProcessLogger in project nifi by apache.
the class FlowController method instantiateProcessor.
private LoggableComponent<Processor> instantiateProcessor(final String type, final String identifier, final BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) throws ProcessorInstantiationException {
final Bundle processorBundle = ExtensionManager.getBundle(bundleCoordinate);
if (processorBundle == null) {
throw new ProcessorInstantiationException("Unable to find bundle for coordinate " + bundleCoordinate.getCoordinate());
final ClassLoader ctxClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
final ClassLoader detectedClassLoaderForInstance = ExtensionManager.createInstanceClassLoader(type, identifier, processorBundle, additionalUrls);
final Class<?> rawClass = Class.forName(type, true, detectedClassLoaderForInstance);
final Class<? extends Processor> processorClass = rawClass.asSubclass(Processor.class);
final Processor processor = processorClass.newInstance();
final ComponentLog componentLogger = new SimpleProcessLogger(identifier, processor);
final TerminationAwareLogger terminationAwareLogger = new TerminationAwareLogger(componentLogger);
final ProcessorInitializationContext ctx = new StandardProcessorInitializationContext(identifier, terminationAwareLogger, this, this, nifiProperties);
return new LoggableComponent<>(processor, bundleCoordinate, terminationAwareLogger);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new ProcessorInstantiationException(type, t);
} finally {
if (ctxClassLoader != null) {
use of org.apache.nifi.processor.SimpleProcessLogger in project nifi by apache.
the class FlowController method reload.
public void reload(final ReportingTaskNode existingNode, final String newType, final BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate, final Set<URL> additionalUrls) throws ReportingTaskInstantiationException {
if (existingNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Existing ReportingTaskNode cannot be null");
final String id = existingNode.getReportingTask().getIdentifier();
// ghost components will have a null logger
if (existingNode.getLogger() != null) {
existingNode.getLogger().debug("Reloading component {} to type {} from bundle {}", new Object[] { id, newType, bundleCoordinate });
// createReportingTask will create a new instance class loader for the same id so
// save the instance class loader to use it for calling OnRemoved on the existing processor
final ClassLoader existingInstanceClassLoader = ExtensionManager.getInstanceClassLoader(id);
// set firstTimeAdded to true so lifecycle annotations get fired, but don't register this node
// attempt the creation to make sure it works before firing the OnRemoved methods below
final ReportingTaskNode newNode = createReportingTask(newType, id, bundleCoordinate, additionalUrls, true, false);
// call OnRemoved for the existing reporting task using the previous instance class loader
try (final NarCloseable x = NarCloseable.withComponentNarLoader(existingInstanceClassLoader)) {
ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnRemoved.class, existingNode.getReportingTask(), existingNode.getConfigurationContext());
} finally {
ExtensionManager.closeURLClassLoader(id, existingInstanceClassLoader);
// set the new reporting task into the existing node
final ComponentLog componentLogger = new SimpleProcessLogger(id, existingNode.getReportingTask());
final TerminationAwareLogger terminationAwareLogger = new TerminationAwareLogger(componentLogger);
final LoggableComponent<ReportingTask> newReportingTask = new LoggableComponent<>(newNode.getReportingTask(), newNode.getBundleCoordinate(), terminationAwareLogger);
// need to refresh the properties in case we are changing from ghost component to real component
use of org.apache.nifi.processor.SimpleProcessLogger in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardProcessScheduler method schedule.
public void schedule(final ReportingTaskNode taskNode) {
final LifecycleState lifecycleState = getLifecycleState(requireNonNull(taskNode), true);
if (lifecycleState.isScheduled()) {
final int activeThreadCount = lifecycleState.getActiveThreadCount();
if (activeThreadCount > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Reporting Task " + taskNode.getName() + " cannot be started because it has " + activeThreadCount + " threads still running");
if (!taskNode.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Reporting Task " + taskNode.getName() + " is not in a valid state for the following reasons: " + taskNode.getValidationErrors());
final SchedulingAgent agent = getSchedulingAgent(taskNode.getSchedulingStrategy());
final Runnable startReportingTaskRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final long lastStopTime = lifecycleState.getLastStopTime();
final ReportingTask reportingTask = taskNode.getReportingTask();
// Continually attempt to start the Reporting Task, and if we fail sleep for a bit each time.
while (true) {
try {
synchronized (lifecycleState) {
// bail; another thread will be responsible for invoking the @OnScheduled methods.
if (!lifecycleState.isScheduled() || lifecycleState.getLastStopTime() != lastStopTime) {
try (final NarCloseable x = NarCloseable.withComponentNarLoader(reportingTask.getClass(), reportingTask.getIdentifier())) {
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnScheduled.class, reportingTask, taskNode.getConfigurationContext());
agent.schedule(taskNode, lifecycleState);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final Throwable cause = e instanceof InvocationTargetException ? e.getCause() : e;
final ComponentLog componentLog = new SimpleProcessLogger(reportingTask.getIdentifier(), reportingTask);
componentLog.error("Failed to invoke @OnEnabled method due to {}", cause);
LOG.error("Failed to invoke the On-Scheduled Lifecycle methods of {} due to {}; administratively yielding this " + "ReportingTask and will attempt to schedule it again after {}", new Object[] { reportingTask, e.toString(), administrativeYieldDuration }, e);
ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnUnscheduled.class, reportingTask, taskNode.getConfigurationContext());
ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnStopped.class, reportingTask, taskNode.getConfigurationContext());
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {