use of org.apache.nifi.reporting.GhostReportingTask in project nifi by apache.
the class FlowController method createReportingTask.
public ReportingTaskNode createReportingTask(final String type, final String id, final BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate, final Set<URL> additionalUrls, final boolean firstTimeAdded, final boolean register) throws ReportingTaskInstantiationException {
if (type == null || id == null || bundleCoordinate == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
LoggableComponent<ReportingTask> task = null;
boolean creationSuccessful = true;
try {
task = instantiateReportingTask(type, id, bundleCoordinate, additionalUrls);
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not create Reporting Task of type " + type + " for ID " + id + "; creating \"Ghost\" implementation", e);
final GhostReportingTask ghostTask = new GhostReportingTask();
task = new LoggableComponent<>(ghostTask, bundleCoordinate, null);
creationSuccessful = false;
final ComponentVariableRegistry componentVarRegistry = new StandardComponentVariableRegistry(this.variableRegistry);
final ValidationContextFactory validationContextFactory = new StandardValidationContextFactory(controllerServiceProvider, componentVarRegistry);
final ReportingTaskNode taskNode;
if (creationSuccessful) {
taskNode = new StandardReportingTaskNode(task, id, this, processScheduler, validationContextFactory, componentVarRegistry, this);
} else {
final String simpleClassName = type.contains(".") ? StringUtils.substringAfterLast(type, ".") : type;
final String componentType = "(Missing) " + simpleClassName;
taskNode = new StandardReportingTaskNode(task, id, this, processScheduler, validationContextFactory, componentType, type, componentVarRegistry, this, true);
if (firstTimeAdded) {
final ReportingInitializationContext config = new StandardReportingInitializationContext(id, taskNode.getName(), SchedulingStrategy.TIMER_DRIVEN, "1 min", taskNode.getLogger(), this, nifiProperties, this);
try {
} catch (final InitializationException ie) {
throw new ReportingTaskInstantiationException("Failed to initialize reporting task of type " + type, ie);
try (final NarCloseable x = NarCloseable.withComponentNarLoader(taskNode.getReportingTask().getClass(), taskNode.getReportingTask().getIdentifier())) {
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnAdded.class, taskNode.getReportingTask());
ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnConfigurationRestored.class, taskNode.getReportingTask());
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ComponentLifeCycleException("Failed to invoke On-Added Lifecycle methods of " + taskNode.getReportingTask(), e);
if (register) {
reportingTasks.put(id, taskNode);
// Register log observer to provide bulletins when reporting task logs anything at WARN level or above
final LogRepository logRepository = LogRepositoryFactory.getRepository(id);
logRepository.addObserver(StandardProcessorNode.BULLETIN_OBSERVER_ID, LogLevel.WARN, new ReportingTaskLogObserver(getBulletinRepository(), taskNode));
return taskNode;