use of org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.PartialFunctions.FlowFileGroup in project nifi by apache.
the class PutSQL method onBatchUpdateError.
private ExceptionHandler.OnError<FunctionContext, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> onBatchUpdateError(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session, final RoutingResult result) {
return RollbackOnFailure.createOnError((c, enclosure, r, e) -> {
// If rollbackOnFailure is enabled, the error will be thrown as ProcessException instead.
if (e instanceof BatchUpdateException && !c.isRollbackOnFailure()) {
// If we get a BatchUpdateException, then we want to determine which FlowFile caused the failure,
// and route that FlowFile to failure while routing those that finished processing to success and those
// that have not yet been executed to retry.
// Currently fragmented transaction does not use batch update.
final int[] updateCounts = ((BatchUpdateException) e).getUpdateCounts();
final List<FlowFile> batchFlowFiles = enclosure.getFlowFiles();
// In the presence of a BatchUpdateException, the driver has the option of either stopping when an error
// occurs, or continuing. If it continues, then it must account for all statements in the batch and for
// those that fail return a Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED for the number of rows updated.
// So we will iterate over all of the update counts returned. If any is equal to Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED,
// we will route the corresponding FlowFile to failure. Otherwise, the FlowFile will go to success
// unless it has not yet been processed (its index in the List > updateCounts.length).
int failureCount = 0;
int successCount = 0;
int retryCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) {
final int updateCount = updateCounts[i];
final FlowFile flowFile = batchFlowFiles.get(i);
if (updateCount == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_FAILURE);
} else {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS);
if (failureCount == 0) {
// if no failures found, the driver decided not to execute the statements after the
// failure, so route the last one to failure.
final FlowFile failedFlowFile = batchFlowFiles.get(updateCounts.length);
result.routeTo(failedFlowFile, REL_FAILURE);
if (updateCounts.length < batchFlowFiles.size()) {
final List<FlowFile> unexecuted = batchFlowFiles.subList(updateCounts.length + 1, batchFlowFiles.size());
for (final FlowFile flowFile : unexecuted) {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_RETRY);
getLogger().error("Failed to update database due to a failed batch update, {}. There were a total of {} FlowFiles that failed, {} that succeeded, " + "and {} that were not execute and will be routed to retry; ", new Object[] { e, failureCount, successCount, retryCount }, e);
// Apply default error handling and logging for other Exceptions.
ExceptionHandler.OnError<RollbackOnFailure, FlowFileGroup> onGroupError = ExceptionHandler.createOnGroupError(context, session, result, REL_FAILURE, REL_RETRY);
onGroupError = onGroupError.andThen((cl, il, rl, el) -> {
switch(r.destination()) {
case Failure:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; routing to failure", new Object[] { il.getFlowFiles(), e }, e);
case Retry:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; it is possible that retrying the operation will succeed, so routing to retry", new Object[] { il.getFlowFiles(), e }, e);
onGroupError.apply(c, enclosure, r, e);