use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.EncryptedSchemaRecordReader in project nifi by apache.
the class RecordReaders method newRecordReader.
* Creates a new Record Reader that is capable of reading Provenance Event Journals
* @param file the Provenance Event Journal to read data from
* @param provenanceLogFiles collection of all provenance journal files
* @param maxAttributeChars the maximum number of characters to retrieve for any one attribute. This allows us to avoid
* issues where a FlowFile has an extremely large attribute and reading events
* for that FlowFile results in loading that attribute into memory many times, exhausting the Java Heap
* @return a Record Reader capable of reading Provenance Event Journals
* @throws IOException if unable to create a Record Reader for the given file
public static RecordReader newRecordReader(File file, final Collection<Path> provenanceLogFiles, final int maxAttributeChars) throws IOException {
final File originalFile = file;
InputStream fis = null;
try {
if (!file.exists()) {
if (provenanceLogFiles != null) {
final String baseName = LuceneUtil.substringBefore(file.getName(), ".") + ".";
for (final Path path : provenanceLogFiles) {
if (path.toFile().getName().startsWith(baseName)) {
file = path.toFile();
if (file.exists()) {
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
fis = null;
String filename = file.getName();
openStream: while (fis == null) {
final File dir = file.getParentFile();
final String baseName = LuceneUtil.substringBefore(file.getName(), ".prov");
// compressing by the time that we are querying the data.
for (final String extension : new String[] { ".prov.gz", ".prov" }) {
file = new File(dir, baseName + extension);
if (file.exists()) {
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
filename = baseName + extension;
break openStream;
} catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// file was modified by a RolloverAction after we verified that it exists but before we could
// create an InputStream for it. Start over.
fis = null;
continue openStream;
if (fis == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to locate file " + originalFile);
final File tocFile = TocUtil.getTocFile(file);
final InputStream bufferedInStream = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
final String serializationName;
try {
final InputStream in = filename.endsWith(".gz") ? new GZIPInputStream(bufferedInStream) : bufferedInStream;
final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in);
serializationName = dis.readUTF();
} catch (final EOFException eof) {
return new EmptyRecordReader();
switch(serializationName) {
case StandardRecordReader.SERIALIZATION_NAME:
if (tocFile.exists()) {
final TocReader tocReader = new StandardTocReader(tocFile);
return new StandardRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, tocReader, maxAttributeChars);
} else {
return new StandardRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, maxAttributeChars);
case ByteArraySchemaRecordWriter.SERIALIZATION_NAME:
if (tocFile.exists()) {
final TocReader tocReader = new StandardTocReader(tocFile);
return new ByteArraySchemaRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, tocReader, maxAttributeChars);
} else {
return new ByteArraySchemaRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, maxAttributeChars);
case EventIdFirstSchemaRecordWriter.SERIALIZATION_NAME:
if (!tocFile.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot create TOC Reader because the file " + tocFile + " does not exist");
final TocReader tocReader = new StandardTocReader(tocFile);
return new EventIdFirstSchemaRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, tocReader, maxAttributeChars);
case EncryptedSchemaRecordReader.SERIALIZATION_NAME:
if (!tocFile.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot create TOC Reader because the file " + tocFile + " does not exist");
if (!isEncryptionAvailable()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot read encrypted repository because this reader is not configured for encryption");
final TocReader tocReader = new StandardTocReader(tocFile);
// Return a reader with no eventEncryptor because this method contract cannot change, then inject the encryptor from the writer in the calling method
return new EncryptedSchemaRecordReader(bufferedInStream, filename, tocReader, maxAttributeChars, null);
throw new IOException("Unable to read data from file " + file + " because the file was written using an unknown Serializer: " + serializationName);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
if (fis != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException inner) {
throw ioe;