use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.RepositoryConfiguration in project nifi by apache.
the class TestEventIndexTask method testIndexWriterCommittedWhenAppropriate.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void testIndexWriterCommittedWhenAppropriate() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final BlockingQueue<StoredDocument> docQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
final RepositoryConfiguration repoConfig = new RepositoryConfiguration();
final File storageDir = new File("target/storage/TestEventIndexTask/1");
repoConfig.addStorageDirectory("1", storageDir);
final AtomicInteger commitCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
// Mock out an IndexWriter and keep track of the number of events that are indexed.
final IndexWriter indexWriter = Mockito.mock(IndexWriter.class);
final EventIndexWriter eventIndexWriter = new LuceneEventIndexWriter(indexWriter, storageDir);
final IndexManager indexManager = Mockito.mock(IndexManager.class);
final IndexDirectoryManager directoryManager = new IndexDirectoryManager(repoConfig);
// Create an EventIndexTask and override the commit(IndexWriter) method so that we can keep track of how
// many times the index writer gets committed.
final EventIndexTask task = new EventIndexTask(docQueue, repoConfig, indexManager, directoryManager, 201, EventReporter.NO_OP) {
protected void commit(EventIndexWriter indexWriter) throws IOException {
// Create 4 threads, each one a daemon thread running the EventIndexTask
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
final Thread t = new Thread(task);
assertEquals(0, commitCount.get());
// Index 100 documents with a storage filename of "0.0.prov"
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final Document document = new Document();
document.add(new LongField(SearchableFields.EventTime.getSearchableFieldName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), Store.NO));
final StorageSummary location = new StorageSummary(1L, "0.0.prov", "1", 0, 1000L, 1000L);
final StoredDocument storedDoc = new StoredDocument(document, location);
assertEquals(0, commitCount.get());
// Index 100 documents
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final Document document = new Document();
document.add(new LongField(SearchableFields.EventTime.getSearchableFieldName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), Store.NO));
final StorageSummary location = new StorageSummary(1L, "0.0.prov", "1", 0, 1000L, 1000L);
final StoredDocument storedDoc = new StoredDocument(document, location);
// Wait until we've indexed all 200 events
while (eventIndexWriter.getEventsIndexed() < 200) {
// Wait a bit and make sure that we still haven't committed the index writer.
assertEquals(0, commitCount.get());
// Add another document.
final Document document = new Document();
document.add(new LongField(SearchableFields.EventTime.getSearchableFieldName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), Store.NO));
final StorageSummary location = new StorageSummary(1L, "0.0.prov", "1", 0, 1000L, 1000L);
StoredDocument storedDoc = new StoredDocument(document, location);
// Wait until index writer is committed.
while (commitCount.get() == 0) {
assertEquals(1, commitCount.get());
// Add a new IndexableDocument with a count of 1 to ensure that the writer is committed again.
storedDoc = new StoredDocument(document, location);
assertEquals(1, commitCount.get());
// Add a new IndexableDocument with a count of 3. Index writer should not be committed again.
storedDoc = new StoredDocument(document, location);
assertEquals(1, commitCount.get());
use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.RepositoryConfiguration in project nifi by apache.
the class TestIndexDirectoryManager method testActiveIndexNotLostWhenSizeExceeded.
public void testActiveIndexNotLostWhenSizeExceeded() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final RepositoryConfiguration config = createConfig(2);
config.setDesiredIndexSize(4096 * 128);
final File storageDir1 = config.getStorageDirectories().get("1");
final File storageDir2 = config.getStorageDirectories().get("2");
final File index1 = new File(storageDir1, "index-1");
final File index2 = new File(storageDir1, "index-2");
final File index3 = new File(storageDir2, "index-3");
final File index4 = new File(storageDir2, "index-4");
final File[] allIndices = new File[] { index1, index2, index3, index4 };
for (final File file : allIndices) {
assertTrue(file.mkdirs() || file.exists());
try {
final IndexDirectoryManager mgr = new IndexDirectoryManager(config);
File indexDir = mgr.getWritableIndexingDirectory(System.currentTimeMillis(), "1");
final File newFile = new File(indexDir, "1.bin");
try (final OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile)) {
final byte[] data = new byte[4096];
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
try {
final File newDir = mgr.getWritableIndexingDirectory(System.currentTimeMillis(), "1");
assertEquals(indexDir, newDir);
} finally {
} finally {
for (final File file : allIndices) {
use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.RepositoryConfiguration in project nifi by apache.
the class TestIndexDirectoryManager method testGetDirectoriesBefore.
public void testGetDirectoriesBefore() throws InterruptedException {
final RepositoryConfiguration config = createConfig(2);
config.setDesiredIndexSize(4096 * 128);
final File storageDir = config.getStorageDirectories().get("1");
final File index1 = new File(storageDir, "index-1");
final File index2 = new File(storageDir, "index-2");
final File[] allIndices = new File[] { index1, index2 };
for (final File file : allIndices) {
if (file.exists()) {
// Wait 1500 millis because some file systems use only second-precision timestamps instead of millisecond-precision timestamps and
// we want to ensure that the two directories have different timestamps. Also using a value of 1500 instead of 1000 because sleep()
// can awake before the given time so we give it a buffer zone.
final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
final IndexDirectoryManager mgr = new IndexDirectoryManager(config);
final List<File> dirsBefore = mgr.getDirectoriesBefore(timestamp);
assertEquals(1, dirsBefore.size());
assertEquals(index1, dirsBefore.get(0));
} finally {
for (final File file : allIndices) {
use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.RepositoryConfiguration in project nifi by apache.
the class TestLuceneEventIndex method testUnauthorizedEventsGetFilteredForQuery.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testUnauthorizedEventsGetFilteredForQuery() throws InterruptedException {
final RepositoryConfiguration repoConfig = createConfig(1);
final IndexManager indexManager = new SimpleIndexManager(repoConfig);
final ArrayListEventStore eventStore = new ArrayListEventStore();
final LuceneEventIndex index = new LuceneEventIndex(repoConfig, indexManager, 3, EventReporter.NO_OP);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
final ProvenanceEventRecord event = createEvent("1234");
final StorageResult storageResult = eventStore.addEvent(event);
final Query query = new Query(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
final EventAuthorizer authorizer = new EventAuthorizer() {
public boolean isAuthorized(ProvenanceEventRecord event) {
return event.getEventId() % 2 == 0;
public void authorize(ProvenanceEventRecord event) throws AccessDeniedException {
throw new AccessDeniedException();
List<ProvenanceEventRecord> events = Collections.emptyList();
while (events.size() < 2) {
final QuerySubmission submission = index.submitQuery(query, authorizer, "unit test");
assertTrue(submission.getResult().awaitCompletion(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
events = submission.getResult().getMatchingEvents();
assertEquals(2, events.size());
use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.RepositoryConfiguration in project nifi by apache.
the class TestLuceneEventIndex method testUnauthorizedEventsGetPlaceholdersForFindParents.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testUnauthorizedEventsGetPlaceholdersForFindParents() throws InterruptedException {
final RepositoryConfiguration repoConfig = createConfig(1);
final IndexManager indexManager = new SimpleIndexManager(repoConfig);
final ArrayListEventStore eventStore = new ArrayListEventStore();
final LuceneEventIndex index = new LuceneEventIndex(repoConfig, indexManager, 3, EventReporter.NO_OP);
final ProvenanceEventRecord firstEvent = createEvent("4444");
final Map<String, String> previousAttributes = new HashMap<>();
previousAttributes.put("uuid", "4444");
final Map<String, String> updatedAttributes = new HashMap<>();
updatedAttributes.put("updated", "true");
final ProvenanceEventRecord join = new StandardProvenanceEventRecord.Builder().setEventType(ProvenanceEventType.JOIN).setAttributes(previousAttributes, updatedAttributes).addParentUuid("4444").addChildFlowFile("1234").setComponentId("component-1").setComponentType("unit test").setEventId(idGenerator.getAndIncrement()).setEventTime(System.currentTimeMillis()).setFlowFileEntryDate(System.currentTimeMillis()).setFlowFileUUID("1234").setLineageStartDate(System.currentTimeMillis()).setCurrentContentClaim("container", "section", "unit-test-id", 0L, 1024L).build();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
final ProvenanceEventRecord event = createEvent("1234");
final StorageResult storageResult = eventStore.addEvent(event);
final NiFiUser user = createUser();
final EventAuthorizer allowJoinEvents = new EventAuthorizer() {
public boolean isAuthorized(ProvenanceEventRecord event) {
return event.getEventType() == ProvenanceEventType.JOIN;
public void authorize(ProvenanceEventRecord event) throws AccessDeniedException {
List<LineageNode> nodes = Collections.emptyList();
while (nodes.size() < 2) {
final ComputeLineageSubmission submission = index.submitExpandParents(1L, user, allowJoinEvents);
assertTrue(submission.getResult().awaitCompletion(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
nodes = submission.getResult().getNodes();
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
final Map<ProvenanceEventType, List<LineageNode>> eventMap = -> n.getNodeType() == LineageNodeType.PROVENANCE_EVENT_NODE).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(n -> ((ProvenanceEventLineageNode) n).getEventType()));
assertEquals(2, eventMap.size());
assertEquals(1, eventMap.get(ProvenanceEventType.JOIN).size());
assertEquals(1, eventMap.get(ProvenanceEventType.UNKNOWN).size());
assertEquals("4444", eventMap.get(ProvenanceEventType.UNKNOWN).get(0).getFlowFileUuid());