use of org.apache.nifi.provenance.index.SearchFailedException in project nifi by apache.
the class QueryTask method readDocuments.
private Tuple<List<ProvenanceEventRecord>, Integer> readDocuments(final TopDocs topDocs, final IndexReader indexReader) {
// If no topDocs is supplied, just provide a Tuple that has no records and a hit count of 0.
if (topDocs == null || topDocs.totalHits == 0) {
return new Tuple<>(Collections.<ProvenanceEventRecord>emptyList(), 0);
final long start = System.nanoTime();
final List<Long> eventIds = -> scoreDoc.doc).mapToObj(docId -> {
try {
return indexReader.document(docId, LUCENE_FIELDS_TO_LOAD);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new SearchFailedException("Failed to read Provenance Events from Event File", e);
}).map(doc -> doc.getField(SearchableFields.Identifier.getSearchableFieldName()).numericValue().longValue()).collect(Collectors.toList());
final long endConvert = System.nanoTime();
final long ms = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endConvert - start);
logger.debug("Converting documents took {} ms", ms);
List<ProvenanceEventRecord> events;
try {
events = eventStore.getEvents(eventIds, authorizer, transformer);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SearchFailedException("Unable to retrieve events from the Provenance Store", e);
final long fetchEventNanos = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - endConvert);
logger.debug("Fetching {} events from Event Store took {} ms ({} events actually fetched)", eventIds.size(), fetchEventNanos, events.size());
final int totalHits = topDocs.totalHits;
return new Tuple<>(events, totalHits);